Package org.apache.commons.imaging.formats.jpeg.segments

Examples of org.apache.commons.imaging.formats.jpeg.segments.App14Segment

                if (marker == JpegConstants.JPEG_APP13_MARKER) {
                    // Debug.debug("app 13 segment data", segmentData.length);
                    result.add(new App13Segment(parser, marker, segmentData));
                } else if (marker == JpegConstants.JPEG_APP14_MARKER) {
                    result.add(new App14Segment(marker, segmentData));
                } else if (marker == JpegConstants.JPEG_APP2_MARKER) {
                    result.add(new App2Segment(marker, segmentData));
                } else if (marker == JpegConstants.JFIF_MARKER) {
                    result.add(new JfifSegment(marker, segmentData));
                } else if (Arrays.binarySearch(sofnSegments, marker) >= 0) {
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        if ((jfifSegments != null) && (!jfifSegments.isEmpty())) {
            jfifSegment = (JfifSegment) jfifSegments.get(0);

        final List<Segment> app14Segments = readSegments(byteSource, new int[] { JpegConstants.JPEG_APP14_MARKER}, true);
        App14Segment app14Segment = null;
        if (app14Segments != null && !app14Segments.isEmpty()) {
            app14Segment = (App14Segment) app14Segments.get(0);
        // JfifSegment fTheJFIFSegment = (JfifSegment) findSegment(segments,
        // kJFIFMarker);

        double xDensity = -1.0;
        double yDensity = -1.0;
        double unitsPerInch = -1.0;
        // int JFIF_major_version;
        // int JFIF_minor_version;
        String formatDetails;

        if (jfifSegment != null) {
            xDensity = jfifSegment.xDensity;
            yDensity = jfifSegment.yDensity;
            final int densityUnits = jfifSegment.densityUnits;
            // JFIF_major_version = fTheJFIFSegment.JFIF_major_version;
            // JFIF_minor_version = fTheJFIFSegment.JFIF_minor_version;

            formatDetails = "Jpeg/JFIF v." + jfifSegment.jfifMajorVersion + "."
                    + jfifSegment.jfifMinorVersion;

            switch (densityUnits) {
            case 0:
            case 1: // inches
                unitsPerInch = 1.0;
            case 2: // cms
                unitsPerInch = 2.54;
        } else {
            final JpegImageMetadata metadata = (JpegImageMetadata) getMetadata(
                    byteSource, params);

            if (metadata != null) {
                    final TiffField field = metadata
                    if (field != null) {
                        xDensity = ((Number) field.getValue()).doubleValue();
                    final TiffField field = metadata
                    if (field != null) {
                        yDensity = ((Number) field.getValue()).doubleValue();
                    final TiffField field = metadata
                    if (field != null) {
                        final int densityUnits = ((Number) field.getValue()).intValue();

                        switch (densityUnits) {
                        case 1:
                        case 2: // inches
                            unitsPerInch = 1.0;
                        case 3: // cms
                            unitsPerInch = 2.54;


            formatDetails = "Jpeg/DCM";


        int physicalHeightDpi = -1;
        float physicalHeightInch = -1;
        int physicalWidthDpi = -1;
        float physicalWidthInch = -1;

        if (unitsPerInch > 0) {
            physicalWidthDpi = (int) Math.round(xDensity * unitsPerInch);
            physicalWidthInch = (float) (width / (xDensity * unitsPerInch));
            physicalHeightDpi = (int) Math.round(yDensity * unitsPerInch);
            physicalHeightInch = (float) (height / (yDensity * unitsPerInch));

        final List<String> comments = new ArrayList<String>();
        final List<Segment> commentSegments = readSegments(byteSource,
                new int[] { JpegConstants.COM_MARKER}, false);
        for (Segment commentSegment : commentSegments) {
            final ComSegment comSegment = (ComSegment) commentSegment;
            String comment = "";
            try {
                comment = new String(comSegment.getComment(), "UTF-8");
            } catch (final UnsupportedEncodingException cannotHappen) { // NOPMD - can't happen

        final int numberOfComponents = fSOFNSegment.numberOfComponents;
        final int precision = fSOFNSegment.precision;

        final int bitsPerPixel = numberOfComponents * precision;
        final ImageFormat format = ImageFormats.JPEG;
        final String formatName = "JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) Format";
        final String mimeType = "image/jpeg";
        // we ought to count images, but don't yet.
        final int numberOfImages = 1;
        // not accurate ... only reflects first
        final boolean progressive = fSOFNSegment.marker == JpegConstants.SOF2_MARKER;

        boolean transparent = false;
        final boolean usesPalette = false; // TODO: inaccurate.
        // See
        int colorType = ImageInfo.COLOR_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
        // Some images have both JFIF/APP0 and APP14.
        // JFIF is meant to win but in them APP14 is clearly right, so make it win.
        if (app14Segment != null && app14Segment.isAdobeJpegSegment()) {
            final int colorTransform = app14Segment.getAdobeColorTransform();
            if (colorTransform == App14Segment.ADOBE_COLOR_TRANSFORM_UNKNOWN) {
                if (numberOfComponents == 3) {
                    colorType = ImageInfo.COLOR_TYPE_RGB;
                } else if (numberOfComponents == 4) {
                    colorType = ImageInfo.COLOR_TYPE_CMYK;
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Related Classes of org.apache.commons.imaging.formats.jpeg.segments.App14Segment

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