A special {@code NodeHandler} implementation for tracked nodes.
While basic access to a tracked node works in the same way as for usual immutable nodes, there are differences for other operations. For instance, the root node of the hierarchy is always the tracked node itself. Also the parent mapping requires some special attention: as long as the node is not detached, the parent mapping of the model to which the node belongs can be used.
This class inherits the major part of the {@code NodeHandler} implementationfrom its base class. In order to implement the parent mapping, an underlying {@code NodeHandler} object has to be passed at construction time whichcontains this information; requests for a node's parent are delegated to this handler. Further, the root node has to be provided explicitly.
@version $Id: TrackedNodeHandler.java 1624601 2014-09-12 18:04:36Z oheger $
@since 2.0