A specialized implementation of {@code ListDelimiterHandler} which simulatesthe list delimiter handling as it was used by {@code PropertiesConfiguration}in Commons Configuration 1.x.
This class mainly exists for compatibility reasons. It is intended to be used by applications which have to deal with properties files created by an older version of this library.
In the 1.x series of Commons Configuration list handling was not fully consistent. The escaping of property values was done in a different way if they contained a list delimiter or not. From version 2.0 on, escaping is more stringent which might cause slightly different results when parsing properties files created by or for Configuration 1.x. If you encounter such problems, you can switch to this {@code ListDelimiterHandler} implementationrather than the default one. In other cases, this class should not be used!
Implementation note: An instance of this class can safely be shared between multiple {@code Configuration} instances.
@version $Id: LegacyListDelimiterHandler.java 1624601 2014-09-12 18:04:36Z oheger $
@since 2.0