A specialized {@code ConfigurationBuilderProvider} implementation forintegrating {@link MultiFileConfigurationBuilder} with{@code CombinedConfigurationBuilder}.
When using a configuration source managed by {@code MultiFileConfigurationBuilder} it is not sufficient to store theconfiguration once obtained from the builder in the resulting combined configuration. Rather, it has to be ensured that each access to this configuration queries the builder anew so that it can evaluate its file pattern and return a different configuration if necessary. Therefore, this class returns a specialized wrapper over a {@code MultiFileConfigurationBuilder} which returns a configuration wrappingthe builder; so accessing the configuration's properties actually calls back to the builder. This constellation is compatible with the way {@code DynamicCombinedConfiguration} manages its data.
@version $Id: MultiFileConfigurationBuilderProvider.java 1624631 2014-09-12 19:56:57Z oheger $ @since 2.0