A special implementation of the {@code BeanDeclaration} interface whichallows combining multiple {@code BeanDeclaration} objects.
An instance of this class can be used if a bean is defined using multiple sources. For instance, there can be one definition with default values and one with actual values; if actual values are provided, they are used; otherwise, the default values apply.
When constructing an instance an arbitrary number of child {@code BeanDeclaration} objects can be specified. The implementations of the{@code BeanDeclaration} methods implement a logical combination of the datareturned by these child declarations. The order in which child declarations are added is relevant; first entries take precedence over later ones. The comments of the single methods explain in which way a combination of the child declarations is built.
@version $Id: CombinedBeanDeclaration.java 1624601 2014-09-12 18:04:36Z oheger $
@since 2.0