A specialized {@code ConfigurationBuilder} implementation which can handleconfigurations read from a {@link FileHandler}.
This class extends its base class by the support of a {@link FileBasedBuilderParametersImpl} object, and especially of the{@link FileHandler} contained in this object. When the builder creates a newobject the resulting {@code Configuration} instance is associated with the{@code FileHandler}. If the {@code FileHandler} has a location set, the{@code Configuration} is directly loaded from this location.
The {@code FileHandler} is kept by this builder and can be queried later on.It can be used for instance to save the current {@code Configuration} afterit was modified. Some care has to be taken when changing the location of the {@code FileHandler}: The new location is recorded and also survives an invocation of the {@code resetResult()} method. However, when the builder'sinitialization parameters are reset by calling {@code resetParameters()} thelocation is reset, too.
@version $Id: FileBasedConfigurationBuilder.java 1612688 2014-07-22 20:11:23Z oheger $ @since 2.0 @param < T> the concrete type of {@code Configuration} objects created by thisbuilder