getLogger().debug(".act(): Absolute XSL Root Directory: " + sitemapPath + xslRoot);
getLogger().debug(".act(): Absolute XSD Root Directory: " + sitemapPath + xsdRoot);
getLogger().debug(".act(): Absolute Temp Root Directory: " + sitemapPath + tempRoot);
// Get request object
HttpRequest httpReq = (HttpRequest) objectModel.get(ObjectModelHelper.REQUEST_OBJECT);
if (httpReq == null) {
getLogger().error("Could not get HTTP_REQUEST_OBJECT from objectModel");
return null;
int length = httpReq.getContentLength();
PostInputStream reqContent = new PostInputStream(httpReq.getInputStream(), length);
// construct DOM document from the request contents
DOMParser parser = (DOMParser) this.manager.lookup(DOMParser.ROLE);
InputSource saxSource = new InputSource(reqContent);
Document requestDoc = parser.parseDocument(saxSource);
// get the root element (should be "request") and its attributes ---> FixMe: Add error handling
Element root = requestDoc.getDocumentElement();
getLogger().debug(".act(): Root element (should be 'request'): " + root.getTagName());
String reqId = root.getAttribute("id");
getLogger().debug(".act(): Request ID: " + reqId);
String reqType = root.getAttribute("type");
getLogger().debug(".act(): Request Type: " + reqType);
// get the first child element for root element (should be "data") and its attributes ---> FixMe: Add error handling
Element data = (Element) root.getFirstChild();
getLogger().debug(".act(): first child element (should be 'data'): " + data.getTagName());
String reqFile = data.getAttribute("id");
getLogger().debug(".act(): Requested File: " + reqFile);
String fileType = data.getAttribute("type");
getLogger().debug(".act(): Requested File's Type: " + fileType);
// close the input stream
// Define Files
File tempFileDir =
new File(sitemapPath + relRootDirs.get("temp") + "/" + relRootDirs.get(fileType));
if (!(tempFileDir.exists())) {
File tempFile = IOUtils.createFile(tempFileDir, reqFile);
File permFile = new File(sitemapPath + relRootDirs.get(fileType) + "/" + reqFile);
if (!permFile.exists()) {
getLogger().error(".act(): No such file: " + permFile.getAbsolutePath());
".act(): No such file: "
+ sitemapPath
+ "::"
+ relRootDirs.get(fileType)
+ "::"
+ reqFile);
return null;
// make a temporary copy of the file to be edited
if ("xml".equals(fileType) && "open".equals(reqType)) {
FileUtil.copyFile(permFile, tempFile);
getLogger().debug(".act(): PERMANENT FILE: " + permFile.getAbsolutePath());
getLogger().debug(".act(): TEMPORARY FILE: " + tempFile.getAbsolutePath());
// set sitemap params for response routing
Map sitemapParams = new HashMap();
sitemapParams.put("reqId", reqId);
sitemapParams.put("reqType", reqType);
sitemapParams.put("reqFile", reqFile);
sitemapParams.put("fileType", fileType);
if ("xml".equals(fileType) && ("open".equals(reqType) || "save".equals(reqType))) {
(String) relRootDirs.get("temp")
+ "/"
+ (String) relRootDirs.get(fileType)
+ "/"
+ reqFile);
".act(): File to be edited (in temp dir): " + sitemapParams.get("reqFilePath"));
} else {
sitemapParams.put("reqFilePath", (String) relRootDirs.get(fileType) + "/" + reqFile);
// The xopus sitemap will return the XML
if ("open".equals(reqType)) {
return sitemapParams;
// save to temporary file, if needed
if ("save".equals(reqType) || "checkin".equals(reqType)) {
getLogger().debug(".act(): Write to temp file: " + tempFile);
try {
Element contentNode = (Element) data.getFirstChild();
DOMParserFactory dpf = new DOMParserFactory();
// Create a new document, where the actual content starts at the root element, which is the inner part of requestDoc
Document contentDocument = dpf.getDocument();
(Element) dpf.cloneNode(contentDocument, contentNode, true));
new DOMWriter(new FileOutputStream(tempFile)).printWithoutFormatting(
} catch (Exception e) {
getLogger().error(".act(): Exception during writing to temp file", e);
// save to permanent file, if needed
if ("checkin".equals(reqType)) {
getLogger().debug(".act(): Save to permanent file: " + permFile);
RevisionController rc =
new RevisionController(
sitemapPath + rcmlDirectory,
sitemapPath + backupDirectory,
try {
Session session = httpReq.getSession(false);
if (session == null) {
throw new Exception("No session");