public Value read(Value scm, Value senv, Value sargs)
throws Exception
SchemeSitemap sitemap = schemeSitemap(scm);
StreamPipeline pipeline = sitemap.getStreamPipeline();
EventPipeline eventPipeline = pipeline.getEventPipeline();
// Obtain the 'src' attribute
Value ssrc = assq(sargs, Symbol.get("src"));
if (ssrc.eq(FALSE))
throw new RuntimeException("No 'src' attribute specified for 'read'!");
String src = string(pair(ssrc).cdr);
// Obtain the 'mime-type' attribute
Value smimeType = assq(sargs, Symbol.get("mime-type"));
String mimeType = null;
if (!smimeType.eq(FALSE))
mimeType = string(pair(smimeType).cdr);
// Obtain the 'type' attribute
Value stype = assq(sargs, Symbol.get("type"));
String type;
if (!stype.eq(FALSE))
type = string(pair(stype).cdr);
type = sitemap.getDefaultReaderType();
// Obtain the parameters
Value sparams = assq(sargs, Symbol.get("params"));
Parameters params = getParameters(sparams);
pipeline.setReader(type, src, params, mimeType);
return new J2S.JavaObject(pipeline);