Package org.apache.cloudstack.api.BaseCmd

Examples of org.apache.cloudstack.api.BaseCmd.CommandType


            //check access on the resource this field points to
            try {
                ACL checkAccess = field.getAnnotation(ACL.class);
                CommandType fieldType = parameterAnnotation.type();

                if (checkAccess != null) {
                    // Verify that caller can perform actions in behalf of vm owner
                    //acumulate all Controlled Entities together.

                    //parse the array of resource types and in case of map check access on key or value or both as specified in @acl
                    //implement external dao for classes that need findByName
                    //for maps, specify access to be checkd on key or value.

                    // find the controlled entity DBid by uuid
                    if (parameterAnnotation.entityType() != null) {
                        Class<?>[] entityList = parameterAnnotation.entityType()[0].getAnnotation(EntityReference.class).value();

                        for (Class entity : entityList) {
                            // Check if the parameter type is a single
                            // Id or list of id's/name's
                            switch (fieldType) {
                            case LIST:
                                CommandType listType = parameterAnnotation.collectionType();
                                switch (listType) {
                                case LONG:
                                case UUID:
                                    List<Long> listParam = (List<Long>) field.get(cmd);
                                    for (Long entityId : listParam) {
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    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
    private static void setFieldValue(Field field, BaseCmd cmdObj, Object paramObj, Parameter annotation) throws IllegalArgumentException, ParseException {
        try {
            CommandType fieldType = annotation.type();
            switch (fieldType) {
            case BOOLEAN:
                field.set(cmdObj, Boolean.valueOf(paramObj.toString()));
            case DATE:
                // This piece of code is for maintaining backward compatibility
                // and support both the date formats(Bug 9724)
                // Do the date messaging for ListEventsCmd only
                if (cmdObj instanceof ListEventsCmd || cmdObj instanceof DeleteEventsCmd
                        || cmdObj instanceof ArchiveEventsCmd
                        || cmdObj instanceof ArchiveAlertsCmd
                        || cmdObj instanceof DeleteAlertsCmd
                        ) {
                    boolean isObjInNewDateFormat = isObjInNewDateFormat(paramObj.toString());
                    if (isObjInNewDateFormat) {
                        DateFormat newFormat = BaseCmd.NEW_INPUT_FORMAT;
                        synchronized (newFormat) {
                            field.set(cmdObj, newFormat.parse(paramObj.toString()));
                    } else {
                        DateFormat format = BaseCmd.INPUT_FORMAT;
                        synchronized (format) {
                            Date date = format.parse(paramObj.toString());
                            if (field.getName().equals("startDate")) {
                                date = messageDate(date, 0, 0, 0);
                            } else if (field.getName().equals("endDate")) {
                                date = messageDate(date, 23, 59, 59);
                            field.set(cmdObj, date);
                } else {
                    DateFormat format = BaseCmd.INPUT_FORMAT;
                    synchronized (format) {
                        field.set(cmdObj, format.parse(paramObj.toString()));
            case FLOAT:
                // Assuming that the parameters have been checked for required before now,
                // we ignore blank or null values and defer to the command to set a default
                // value for optional parameters ...
                if (paramObj != null && isNotBlank(paramObj.toString())) {
                    field.set(cmdObj, Float.valueOf(paramObj.toString()));
            case INTEGER:
                // Assuming that the parameters have been checked for required before now,
                // we ignore blank or null values and defer to the command to set a default
                // value for optional parameters ...
                if (paramObj != null && isNotBlank(paramObj.toString())) {
                    field.set(cmdObj, Integer.valueOf(paramObj.toString()));
            case LIST:
                List listParam = new ArrayList();
                StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(paramObj.toString(), ",");
                while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
                    String token = st.nextToken();
                    CommandType listType = annotation.collectionType();
                    switch (listType) {
                    case INTEGER:
                    case UUID:
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            //check access on the resource this field points to
            try {
                final ACL checkAccess = field.getAnnotation(ACL.class);
                final CommandType fieldType = parameterAnnotation.type();

                if (checkAccess != null) {
                    // Verify that caller can perform actions in behalf of vm
                    // owner acumulate all Controlled Entities together.
                    // parse the array of resource types and in case of map
                    // check access on key or value or both as specified in @acl
                    // implement external dao for classes that need findByName
                    // for maps, specify access to be checkd on key or value.
                    // Find the controlled entity DBid by uuid

                    if (parameterAnnotation.entityType() != null && parameterAnnotation.entityType().length > 0
                            && parameterAnnotation.entityType()[0].getAnnotation(EntityReference.class) != null) {
                        final Class<?>[] entityList = parameterAnnotation.entityType()[0].getAnnotation(EntityReference.class).value();

                        // Check if the parameter type is a single
                        // Id or list of id's/name's
                        switch (fieldType) {
                            case LIST:
                                final CommandType listType = parameterAnnotation.collectionType();
                                switch (listType) {
                                    case LONG:
                                    case UUID:
                                        final List<Long> listParam = (List<Long>) field.get(cmd);
                                        for (final Long entityId : listParam) {
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    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
    private void setFieldValue(final Field field, final BaseCmd cmdObj, final Object paramObj, final Parameter annotation) throws IllegalArgumentException, ParseException {
        try {
            final CommandType fieldType = annotation.type();
            switch (fieldType) {
                case BOOLEAN:
                    field.set(cmdObj, Boolean.valueOf(paramObj.toString()));
                case DATE:
                    // This piece of code is for maintaining backward compatibility
                    // and support both the date formats(Bug 9724)
                    // Do the date messaging for ListEventsCmd only
                    if (cmdObj instanceof ListEventsCmd || cmdObj instanceof DeleteEventsCmd || cmdObj instanceof ArchiveEventsCmd ||
                        cmdObj instanceof ArchiveAlertsCmd || cmdObj instanceof DeleteAlertsCmd) {
                        final boolean isObjInNewDateFormat = isObjInNewDateFormat(paramObj.toString());
                        if (isObjInNewDateFormat) {
                            final DateFormat newFormat = BaseCmd.NEW_INPUT_FORMAT;
                            synchronized (newFormat) {
                                field.set(cmdObj, newFormat.parse(paramObj.toString()));
                        } else {
                            final DateFormat format = BaseCmd.INPUT_FORMAT;
                            synchronized (format) {
                                Date date = format.parse(paramObj.toString());
                                if (field.getName().equals("startDate")) {
                                    date = messageDate(date, 0, 0, 0);
                                } else if (field.getName().equals("endDate")) {
                                    date = messageDate(date, 23, 59, 59);
                                field.set(cmdObj, date);
                    } else {
                        final DateFormat format = BaseCmd.INPUT_FORMAT;
                        synchronized (format) {
                            field.set(cmdObj, format.parse(paramObj.toString()));
                case FLOAT:
                    // Assuming that the parameters have been checked for required before now,
                    // we ignore blank or null values and defer to the command to set a default
                    // value for optional parameters ...
                    if (paramObj != null && isNotBlank(paramObj.toString())) {
                        field.set(cmdObj, Float.valueOf(paramObj.toString()));
                case INTEGER:
                    // Assuming that the parameters have been checked for required before now,
                    // we ignore blank or null values and defer to the command to set a default
                    // value for optional parameters ...
                    if (paramObj != null && isNotBlank(paramObj.toString())) {
                        field.set(cmdObj, Integer.valueOf(paramObj.toString()));
                case LIST:
                    final List listParam = new ArrayList();
                    final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(paramObj.toString(), ",");
                    while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
                        final String token = st.nextToken();
                        final CommandType listType = annotation.collectionType();
                        switch (listType) {
                            case INTEGER:
                            case UUID:
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            //check access on the resource this field points to
            try {
                ACL checkAccess = field.getAnnotation(ACL.class);
                CommandType fieldType = parameterAnnotation.type();

                if (checkAccess != null) {
                    // Verify that caller can perform actions in behalf of vm owner
                    //acumulate all Controlled Entities together.

                    //parse the array of resource types and in case of map check access on key or value or both as specified in @acl
                    //implement external dao for classes that need findByName
                    //for maps, specify access to be checkd on key or value.

                    // find the controlled entity DBid by uuid
                    if (parameterAnnotation.entityType() != null) {
                        Class<?>[] entityList = parameterAnnotation.entityType()[0].getAnnotation(EntityReference.class).value();

                        for (Class entity : entityList) {
                            // Check if the parameter type is a single
                            // Id or list of id's/name's
                            switch (fieldType) {
                            case LIST:
                                CommandType listType = parameterAnnotation.collectionType();
                                switch (listType) {
                                case LONG:
                                case UUID:
                                    List<Long> listParam = (List<Long>) field.get(cmd);
                                    for (Long entityId : listParam) {
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    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
    private static void setFieldValue(Field field, BaseCmd cmdObj, Object paramObj, Parameter annotation) throws IllegalArgumentException, ParseException {
        try {
            CommandType fieldType = annotation.type();
            switch (fieldType) {
            case BOOLEAN:
                field.set(cmdObj, Boolean.valueOf(paramObj.toString()));
            case DATE:
                // This piece of code is for maintaining backward compatibility
                // and support both the date formats(Bug 9724)
                // Do the date messaging for ListEventsCmd only
                if (cmdObj instanceof ListEventsCmd) {
                    boolean isObjInNewDateFormat = isObjInNewDateFormat(paramObj.toString());
                    if (isObjInNewDateFormat) {
                        DateFormat newFormat = BaseCmd.NEW_INPUT_FORMAT;
                        synchronized (newFormat) {
                            field.set(cmdObj, newFormat.parse(paramObj.toString()));
                    } else {
                        DateFormat format = BaseCmd.INPUT_FORMAT;
                        synchronized (format) {
                            Date date = format.parse(paramObj.toString());
                            if (field.getName().equals("startDate")) {
                                date = messageDate(date, 0, 0, 0);
                            } else if (field.getName().equals("endDate")) {
                                date = messageDate(date, 23, 59, 59);
                            field.set(cmdObj, date);
                } else {
                    DateFormat format = BaseCmd.INPUT_FORMAT;
                    synchronized (format) {
                        field.set(cmdObj, format.parse(paramObj.toString()));
            case FLOAT:
                // Assuming that the parameters have been checked for required before now,
                // we ignore blank or null values and defer to the command to set a default
                // value for optional parameters ...
                if (paramObj != null && isNotBlank(paramObj.toString())) {
                    field.set(cmdObj, Float.valueOf(paramObj.toString()));
            case INTEGER:
                // Assuming that the parameters have been checked for required before now,
                // we ignore blank or null values and defer to the command to set a default
                // value for optional parameters ...
                if (paramObj != null && isNotBlank(paramObj.toString())) {
                    field.set(cmdObj, Integer.valueOf(paramObj.toString()));
            case LIST:
                List listParam = new ArrayList();
                StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(paramObj.toString(), ",");
                while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
                    String token = st.nextToken();
                    CommandType listType = annotation.collectionType();
                    switch (listType) {
                    case INTEGER:
                    case UUID:
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            //check access on the resource this field points to
            try {
                ACL checkAccess = field.getAnnotation(ACL.class);
                CommandType fieldType = parameterAnnotation.type();

                if (checkAccess != null) {
                    // Verify that caller can perform actions in behalf of vm owner
                    //acumulate all Controlled Entities together.

                    //parse the array of resource types and in case of map check access on key or value or both as specified in @acl
                    //implement external dao for classes that need findByName
                    //for maps, specify access to be checkd on key or value.

                    // find the controlled entity DBid by uuid
                    if (parameterAnnotation.entityType() != null) {
                        Class<?>[] entityList = parameterAnnotation.entityType()[0].getAnnotation(EntityReference.class).value();

                        for (Class entity : entityList) {
                            // Check if the parameter type is a single
                            // Id or list of id's/name's
                            switch (fieldType) {
                            case LIST:
                                CommandType listType = parameterAnnotation.collectionType();
                                switch (listType) {
                                case LONG:
                                case UUID:
                                    List<Long> listParam = (List<Long>)field.get(cmd);
                                    for (Long entityId : listParam) {
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    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
    private static void setFieldValue(Field field, BaseCmd cmdObj, Object paramObj, Parameter annotation) throws IllegalArgumentException, ParseException {
        try {
            CommandType fieldType = annotation.type();
            switch (fieldType) {
            case BOOLEAN:
                field.set(cmdObj, Boolean.valueOf(paramObj.toString()));
            case DATE:
                // This piece of code is for maintaining backward compatibility
                // and support both the date formats(Bug 9724)
                // Do the date messaging for ListEventsCmd only
                if (cmdObj instanceof ListEventsCmd || cmdObj instanceof DeleteEventsCmd
                        || cmdObj instanceof ArchiveEventsCmd
                        || cmdObj instanceof ArchiveAlertsCmd
                        || cmdObj instanceof DeleteAlertsCmd) {
                    boolean isObjInNewDateFormat = isObjInNewDateFormat(paramObj.toString());
                    if (isObjInNewDateFormat) {
                        DateFormat newFormat = BaseCmd.NEW_INPUT_FORMAT;
                        synchronized (newFormat) {
                            field.set(cmdObj, newFormat.parse(paramObj.toString()));
                    } else {
                        DateFormat format = BaseCmd.INPUT_FORMAT;
                        synchronized (format) {
                            Date date = format.parse(paramObj.toString());
                            if (field.getName().equals("startDate")) {
                                date = messageDate(date, 0, 0, 0);
                            } else if (field.getName().equals("endDate")) {
                                date = messageDate(date, 23, 59, 59);
                            field.set(cmdObj, date);
                } else {
                    final DateFormat format = BaseCmd.INPUT_FORMAT;
                    synchronized (format) {
                        field.set(cmdObj, format.parse(paramObj.toString()));
            case FLOAT:
                // Assuming that the parameters have been checked for required before now,
                // we ignore blank or null values and defer to the command to set a default
                // value for optional parameters ...
                if (paramObj != null && isNotBlank(paramObj.toString())) {
                    field.set(cmdObj, Float.valueOf(paramObj.toString()));
            case INTEGER:
                // Assuming that the parameters have been checked for required before now,
                // we ignore blank or null values and defer to the command to set a default
                // value for optional parameters ...
                if (paramObj != null && isNotBlank(paramObj.toString())) {
                    field.set(cmdObj, Integer.valueOf(paramObj.toString()));
            case LIST:
                List listParam = new ArrayList();
                StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(paramObj.toString(), ",");
                while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
                    String token = st.nextToken();
                    CommandType listType = annotation.collectionType();
                    switch (listType) {
                    case INTEGER:
                    case UUID:
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Related Classes of org.apache.cloudstack.api.BaseCmd.CommandType

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