cmd.getCommandName().substring(0, cmd.getCommandName().length() - 8));
//check access on the resource this field points to
try {
final ACL checkAccess = field.getAnnotation(ACL.class);
final CommandType fieldType = parameterAnnotation.type();
if (checkAccess != null) {
// Verify that caller can perform actions in behalf of vm
// owner acumulate all Controlled Entities together.
// parse the array of resource types and in case of map
// check access on key or value or both as specified in @acl
// implement external dao for classes that need findByName
// for maps, specify access to be checkd on key or value.
// Find the controlled entity DBid by uuid
if (parameterAnnotation.entityType() != null && parameterAnnotation.entityType().length > 0
&& parameterAnnotation.entityType()[0].getAnnotation(EntityReference.class) != null) {
final Class<?>[] entityList = parameterAnnotation.entityType()[0].getAnnotation(EntityReference.class).value();
// Check if the parameter type is a single
// Id or list of id's/name's
switch (fieldType) {
case LIST:
final CommandType listType = parameterAnnotation.collectionType();
switch (listType) {
case LONG:
case UUID:
final List<Long> listParam = (List<Long>) field.get(cmd);
for (final Long entityId : listParam) {
for (final Class entity : entityList) {
final Object entityObj = _entityMgr.findById(entity, entityId);
if(entityObj != null){
entitiesToAccess.put(entityObj, checkAccess.accessType());
* case STRING: List<String> listParam = new
* ArrayList<String>(); listParam =
* (List)field.get(cmd); for(String entityName:
* listParam){ ControlledEntity entityObj =
* (ControlledEntity )daoClassInstance(entityId);
* entitiesToAccess.add(entityObj); } break;
case LONG:
case UUID:
for (final Class entity : entityList) {
final Object entityObj = _entityMgr.findById(entity, (Long) field.get(cmd));
if(entityObj != null){
entitiesToAccess.put(entityObj, checkAccess.accessType());