ant to add the PostCode "state" as an extra parameter // to the action link link.setParameter("state", ((PostCode) row).getState()); // You can manipulate the link parameters as needed, and // even remove the default idProperty parameter. // Object currentValue = link.getParameters().remove(this.idProperty); // NB we invoke the super implementation here for default rendering to continue super.renderActionLink(buffer, link, context, row, value); } } action.setDecorator(decorator); table.addColumn(action); }; public void onRender() { table.setRowList(getPostCodeService().getPostCodes()); } } In the above example the LinkDecorator will extract the idProperty value ("state") for each object in the table. The PageLinks will render as follows:
<a href="/mycorp/address-page.htm?postCode=6089&state=NSW>Select</a>
This class was inspired by Richardo Lecheta's
ViewDecorator design pattern.