String id = httpSess.getId();
if(_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
_logger.finest("SESSION_ID=" + id);
Manager mgr = this.getContainer().getManager();
PersistentManagerBase pmb = (PersistentManagerBase)mgr;
Session sess = null;
try {
//if failover occurred - cached session will be removed
//and session retrieved from store (if it exists)
if(forLock) {
//for lock if failover, purge cache and force re-load
sess = pmb.findSession(id, hasFailoverOccurred(request));
resetSession((HttpServletRequest)servletReq, sess);
} else {
//for unlock do not purge cache and force re-load
sess = pmb.findSession(id, false);
} catch ( ex) {}
if(_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
_logger.finest("RETRIEVED_SESSION=" + sess);