? BatchStatement.Type.LOGGED
: BatchStatement.Type.valueOf(insert.remove("batchtype"));
if (!insert.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognised insert option(s): " + insert);
Distribution visits = settings.insert.visits.get();
// these min/max are not absolutely accurate if selectchance < 1, but they're close enough to
// guarantee the vast majority of actions occur in these bounds
double minBatchSize = selectchance.get().min() * partitions.get().minValue() * generator.minRowCount * (1d / visits.maxValue());
double maxBatchSize = selectchance.get().max() * partitions.get().maxValue() * generator.maxRowCount * (1d / visits.minValue());
System.out.printf("Generating batches with [%d..%d] partitions and [%.0f..%.0f] rows (of [%.0f..%.0f] total rows in the partitions)%n",
partitions.get().minValue(), partitions.get().maxValue(),
minBatchSize, maxBatchSize,
partitions.get().minValue() * generator.minRowCount,
partitions.get().maxValue() * generator.maxRowCount);