public static PaxosState loadPaxosState(ByteBuffer key, CFMetaData metadata)
String req = "SELECT * FROM system.%s WHERE row_key = 0x%s AND cf_id = %s";
UntypedResultSet results = processInternal(String.format(req, PAXOS_CF, ByteBufferUtil.bytesToHex(key), metadata.cfId));
if (results.isEmpty())
return new PaxosState(key, metadata);
UntypedResultSet.Row row =;
Commit promised = row.has("in_progress_ballot")
? new Commit(key, row.getUUID("in_progress_ballot"), ArrayBackedSortedColumns.factory.create(metadata))
: Commit.emptyCommit(key, metadata);
// either we have both a recently accepted ballot and update or we have neither
Commit accepted = row.has("proposal")
? new Commit(key, row.getUUID("proposal_ballot"), ColumnFamily.fromBytes(row.getBytes("proposal")))
: Commit.emptyCommit(key, metadata);
// either most_recent_commit and most_recent_commit_at will both be set, or neither
Commit mostRecent = row.has("most_recent_commit")
? new Commit(key, row.getUUID("most_recent_commit_at"), ColumnFamily.fromBytes(row.getBytes("most_recent_commit")))
: Commit.emptyCommit(key, metadata);
return new PaxosState(promised, accepted, mostRecent);