
Examples of

    private Memory readChunkOffsets(DataInput input)
            int chunkCount = input.readInt();
            Memory offsets = Memory.allocate(chunkCount * 8);

            for (int i = 0; i < chunkCount; i++)
                    offsets.setLong(i * 8, input.readLong());
                catch (EOFException e)
                    String msg = String.format("Corrupted Index File %s: read %d but expected %d chunks.",
                                               indexFilePath, i, chunkCount);
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    public static OffHeapBitSet deserialize(DataInput dis) throws IOException
        int byteCount = dis.readInt() * 8;
        Memory memory = RefCountedMemory.allocate(byteCount);
        for (int i = 0; i < byteCount;)
            long v = dis.readLong();
            memory.setByte(i++, (byte) (v >>> 0));
            memory.setByte(i++, (byte) (v >>> 8));
            memory.setByte(i++, (byte) (v >>> 16));
            memory.setByte(i++, (byte) (v >>> 24));
            memory.setByte(i++, (byte) (v >>> 32));
            memory.setByte(i++, (byte) (v >>> 40));
            memory.setByte(i++, (byte) (v >>> 48));
            memory.setByte(i++, (byte) (v >>> 56));
        return new OffHeapBitSet(memory);
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    private Memory readChunkOffsets(DataInput input)
            int chunkCount = input.readInt();
            Memory offsets = Memory.allocate(chunkCount * 8);

            for (int i = 0; i < chunkCount; i++)
                    offsets.setLong(i * 8, input.readLong());
                catch (EOFException e)
                    String msg = String.format("Corrupted Index File %s: read %d but expected %d chunks.",
                                               indexFilePath, i, chunkCount);
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        assert keys.size() > 0;
        assert keys.size() == positions.size();

        // first we write out the position in the *summary* for each key in the summary,
        // then we write out (key, actual index position) pairs
        Memory memory = Memory.allocate(offheapSize + (keys.size() * 4));
        int idxPosition = 0;
        int keyPosition = keys.size() * 4;
        for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++)
            // write the position of the actual entry in the index summary (4 bytes)
            memory.setInt(idxPosition, keyPosition);
            idxPosition += TypeSizes.NATIVE.sizeof(keyPosition);

            // write the key
            byte[] keyBytes = keys.get(i);
            memory.setBytes(keyPosition, keyBytes, 0, keyBytes.length);
            keyPosition += keyBytes.length;

            // write the position in the actual index file
            long actualIndexPosition = positions.get(i);
            memory.setLong(keyPosition, actualIndexPosition);
            keyPosition += TypeSizes.NATIVE.sizeof(actualIndexPosition);
        int sizeAtFullSampling = (int) Math.ceil(keysWritten / (double) minIndexInterval);
        return new IndexSummary(partitioner, memory, keys.size(), sizeAtFullSampling, minIndexInterval, samplingLevel);
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        int newKeyCount = existing.size() - removedKeyCount;

        // Subtract (removedKeyCount * 4) from the new size to account for fewer entries in the first section, which
        // stores the position of the actual entries in the summary.
        Memory memory = Memory.allocate(newOffHeapSize - (removedKeyCount * 4));

        // Copy old entries to our new Memory.
        int idxPosition = 0;
        int keyPosition = newKeyCount * 4;
        for (int oldSummaryIndex = 0; oldSummaryIndex < existing.size(); oldSummaryIndex++)
            // to determine if we can skip this entry, go through the starting points for our downsampling rounds
            // and see if the entry's index is covered by that round
            for (int start : startPoints)
                if ((oldSummaryIndex - start) % currentSamplingLevel == 0)
                    continue outer;

            // write the position of the actual entry in the index summary (4 bytes)
            memory.setInt(idxPosition, keyPosition);
            idxPosition += TypeSizes.NATIVE.sizeof(keyPosition);

            // write the entry itself
            byte[] entry = existing.getEntry(oldSummaryIndex);
            memory.setBytes(keyPosition, entry, 0, entry.length);
            keyPosition += entry.length;
        return new IndexSummary(partitioner, memory, newKeyCount, existing.getMaxNumberOfEntries(),
                                minIndexInterval, newSamplingLevel);
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                throw new IOException(String.format("Rebuilding index summary because the effective index interval (%d) is higher than" +
                                                    " the current max index interval (%d)", effectiveIndexInterval, maxIndexInterval));

            Memory memory = Memory.allocate(offheapSize);
            FBUtilities.copy(in, new MemoryOutputStream(memory), offheapSize);
            return new IndexSummary(partitioner, memory, summarySize, fullSamplingSummarySize, minIndexInterval, samplingLevel);
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    private Memory readChunkOffsets(DataInput input)
            int chunkCount = input.readInt();
            Memory offsets = Memory.allocate(chunkCount * 8);

            for (int i = 0; i < chunkCount; i++)
                    offsets.setLong(i * 8, input.readLong());
                catch (EOFException e)
                    String msg = String.format("Corrupted Index File %s: read %d but expected %d chunks.",
                                               indexFilePath, i, chunkCount);
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    public IndexSummary build(IPartitioner partitioner)
        assert keys != null && keys.size() > 0;
        assert keys.size() == positions.size();

        Memory memory = Memory.allocate(offheapSize + (keys.size() * 4));
        int idxPosition = 0;
        int keyPosition = keys.size() * 4;
        for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++)
            memory.setInt(idxPosition, keyPosition);
            idxPosition += TypeSizes.NATIVE.sizeof(keyPosition);

            byte[] temp = keys.get(i);
            memory.setBytes(keyPosition, temp, 0, temp.length);
            keyPosition += temp.length;
            long tempPosition = positions.get(i);
            memory.setLong(keyPosition, tempPosition);
            keyPosition += TypeSizes.NATIVE.sizeof(tempPosition);
        return new IndexSummary(partitioner, memory, keys.size(), indexInterval);
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        public IndexSummary deserialize(DataInputStream in, IPartitioner partitioner) throws IOException
            int indexInterval = in.readInt();
            int summary_size = in.readInt();
            long offheap_size = in.readLong();
            Memory memory = Memory.allocate(offheap_size);
            FBUtilities.copy(in, new MemoryOutputStream(memory), offheap_size);
            return new IndexSummary(partitioner, memory, summary_size, indexInterval);
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    private Memory readChunkOffsets(DataInput input)
            int chunkCount = input.readInt();
            Memory offsets = Memory.allocate(chunkCount * 8);

            for (int i = 0; i < chunkCount; i++)
                    offsets.setLong(i * 8, input.readLong());
                catch (EOFException e)
                    String msg = String.format("Corrupted Index File %s: read %d but expected %d chunks.",
                                               indexFilePath, i, chunkCount);
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