if (level == 0)
Set<SSTableReader> compactingL0 = ImmutableSet.copyOf(Iterables.filter(getLevel(0), Predicates.in(compacting)));
RowPosition lastCompactingKey = null;
RowPosition firstCompactingKey = null;
for (SSTableReader candidate : compactingL0)
if (firstCompactingKey == null || candidate.first.compareTo(firstCompactingKey) < 0)
firstCompactingKey = candidate.first;
if (lastCompactingKey == null || candidate.last.compareTo(lastCompactingKey) > 0)
lastCompactingKey = candidate.last;
// L0 is the dumping ground for new sstables which thus may overlap each other.
// We treat L0 compactions specially:
// 1a. add sstables to the candidate set until we have at least maxSSTableSizeInMB
// 1b. prefer choosing older sstables as candidates, to newer ones
// 1c. any L0 sstables that overlap a candidate, will also become candidates
// 2. At most MAX_COMPACTING_L0 sstables from L0 will be compacted at once
// 3. If total candidate size is less than maxSSTableSizeInMB, we won't bother compacting with L1,
// and the result of the compaction will stay in L0 instead of being promoted (see promote())
// Note that we ignore suspect-ness of L1 sstables here, since if an L1 sstable is suspect we're
// basically screwed, since we expect all or most L0 sstables to overlap with each L1 sstable.
// So if an L1 sstable is suspect we can't do much besides try anyway and hope for the best.
Set<SSTableReader> candidates = new HashSet<>();
Set<SSTableReader> remaining = new HashSet<>();
Iterables.addAll(remaining, Iterables.filter(getLevel(0), Predicates.not(suspectP)));
for (SSTableReader sstable : ageSortedSSTables(remaining))
if (candidates.contains(sstable))
Sets.SetView<SSTableReader> overlappedL0 = Sets.union(Collections.singleton(sstable), overlapping(sstable, remaining));
if (!Sets.intersection(overlappedL0, compactingL0).isEmpty())
for (SSTableReader newCandidate : overlappedL0)
if (firstCompactingKey == null || lastCompactingKey == null || overlapping(firstCompactingKey.getToken(), lastCompactingKey.getToken(), Arrays.asList(newCandidate)).size() == 0)
if (candidates.size() > MAX_COMPACTING_L0)