Package org.apache.cassandra.cql.common

Examples of org.apache.cassandra.cql.common.ColumnMapExpr

            throw new SemanticException(CompilerErrorMsg.INVALID_TYPE.getMsg(ast));
        int size = ast.getChildCount();
        ColumnMapExpr result = new ColumnMapExpr();
        for (int idx = 0; idx < size; idx++)
            CommonTree entryNode = (CommonTree)(ast.getChild(idx));
            OperandDef columnKey   = getSimpleExpr((CommonTree)(entryNode.getChild(0)));
            OperandDef columnValue = getSimpleExpr((CommonTree)(entryNode.getChild(1)));           

            Pair<OperandDef, OperandDef> entry = new Pair<OperandDef, OperandDef>(columnKey, columnValue);
        return result;
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        SuperColumnMapExpr result = new SuperColumnMapExpr();
        for (int idx = 0; idx < size; idx++)
            CommonTree entryNode = (CommonTree)(ast.getChild(idx));
            OperandDef    superColumnKey = getSimpleExpr((CommonTree)(entryNode.getChild(0)));
            ColumnMapExpr columnMapExpr  = getColumnMapExpr((CommonTree)(entryNode.getChild(1)));           

            Pair<OperandDef, ColumnMapExpr> entry = new Pair<OperandDef, ColumnMapExpr>(superColumnKey, columnMapExpr);
        return result;
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                plan = new SetUniqueKey(cfMetaData, rowKey, superColumnKey, columnKey, value);
            else if (dimensionCnt == 1)
                // Case: set table.super_cf['key']['supercolumn'] = <column_map>;
                ColumnMapExpr columnMapExpr = getColumnMapExpr(valueNode);               
                ConstantOperand superColumnKey = new ConstantOperand(getColumn(columnFamilySpec, 0));
                plan = new SetColumnMap(cfMetaData, rowKey, superColumnKey, columnMapExpr);
                // Case: set table.super_cf['key'] = <super_column_map>;
                logger_.assertLog(dimensionCnt == 0, "invalid dimensionCnt: " + dimensionCnt);
                SuperColumnMapExpr superColumnMapExpr = getSuperColumnMapExpr(valueNode);               
                plan = new SetSuperColumnMap(cfMetaData, rowKey, superColumnMapExpr);
        else  // Standard column family
            if (dimensionCnt == 1)
                // Case: set table.standard_cf['key']['column'] = 'value'
                OperandDef value = getSimpleExpr(valueNode);               
                ConstantOperand columnKey = new ConstantOperand(getColumn(columnFamilySpec, 0));
                plan = new SetUniqueKey(cfMetaData, rowKey, columnKey, value);
                // Case: set table.standard_cf['key'] = <column_map>;
                logger_.assertLog(dimensionCnt == 0, "invalid dimensionCnt: " + dimensionCnt);
                ColumnMapExpr columnMapExpr = getColumnMapExpr(valueNode);               
                plan = new SetColumnMap(cfMetaData, rowKey, columnMapExpr);
        return plan;
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Related Classes of org.apache.cassandra.cql.common.ColumnMapExpr

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