data.retryWhilePredicate = exceptionPolicy.getRetryWhilePolicy();
data.useOriginalInMessage = exceptionPolicy.isUseOriginalMessage();
// route specific failure handler?
Processor processor = null;
UnitOfWork uow = exchange.getUnitOfWork();
if (uow != null && uow.getRouteContext() != null) {
String routeId = uow.getRouteContext().getRoute().getId();
processor = exceptionPolicy.getErrorHandler(routeId);
} else if (!exceptionPolicy.getErrorHandlers().isEmpty()) {
// note this should really not happen, but we have this code as a fail safe
// to be backwards compatible with the old behavior
log.warn("Cannot determine current route from Exchange with id: {}, will fallback and use first error handler.", exchange.getExchangeId());