public void testManageConsumerCache() throws Exception {
// always register services in JMX so we can enlist our consumer template/cache
ConsumerCache cache = new ConsumerCache(this, context);
template.sendBody("seda:a", "Hello World");
Exchange out = cache.getConsumer(context.getEndpoint("seda:a")).receive(3000);
assertNotNull("Should got an exchange", out);
assertEquals("Hello World", out.getIn().getBody());
// get the stats for the route
MBeanServer mbeanServer = getMBeanServer();
Set<ObjectName> set = mbeanServer.queryNames(new ObjectName("*:type=services,*"), null);
List<ObjectName> list = new ArrayList<ObjectName>(set);
ObjectName on = null;
for (ObjectName name : list) {
if (name.getCanonicalName().contains("ConsumerCache")) {
on = name;
assertNotNull("Should have found ConsumerCache", on);
Integer max = (Integer) mbeanServer.getAttribute(on, "MaximumCacheSize");
assertEquals(1000, max.intValue());
Integer current = (Integer) mbeanServer.getAttribute(on, "Size");
assertEquals(1, current.intValue());
// since we only send 1 message we should have 0 hits and 1 miss
Long hits = (Long) mbeanServer.getAttribute(on, "Hits");
assertEquals(0, hits.longValue());
Long misses = (Long) mbeanServer.getAttribute(on, "Misses");
assertEquals(1, misses.longValue());
// send more
// ---------
template.sendBody("seda:b", "Hello World");
template.sendBody("seda:c", "Hello World");
out = cache.getConsumer(context.getEndpoint("seda:b")).receive(3000);
out = cache.getConsumer(context.getEndpoint("seda:c")).receive(3000);
// we have only consumed from 3 different endpoints so all is misses
hits = (Long) mbeanServer.getAttribute(on, "Hits");
assertEquals(0, hits.longValue());
misses = (Long) mbeanServer.getAttribute(on, "Misses");
assertEquals(3, misses.longValue());
// send to same endpoints
// ----------------------
template.sendBody("seda:a", "Bye World");
template.sendBody("seda:b", "Bye World");
out = cache.getConsumer(context.getEndpoint("seda:a")).receive(3000);
out = cache.getConsumer(context.getEndpoint("seda:b")).receive(3000);
// we should have hits now
hits = (Long) mbeanServer.getAttribute(on, "Hits");
assertEquals(2, hits.longValue());