In the enveloping XML signature case, the generated XML signature has the following structure:
{@codeIn the enveloping XML signature case, also message bodies containing plain text are supported. This must be indicated via the header {@link XmlSignatureConstants#HEADER_MESSAGE_IS_PLAIN_TEXT} or via theconfiguration {@link XmlSignerConfiguration#getPlainText()}.} ( () )? ( )?
Detached signatures where the signature element is a sibling element to the signed element are supported. Those elements can be signed which have ID attributes. The elements to be signed must be specified via xpath expressions (see {@link XmlSignerConfiguration#setXpathsToIdAttributes(List)}) and the XML schema must be provided via the schema resource URI (see method {@link XmlSignerConfiguration#setSchemaResourceUri(String)}. Elements with deeper hierarchy level are signed first. This procedure can result in nested signatures.
In all cases, the digest algorithm is either read from the configuration method {@link XmlSignerConfiguration#getDigestAlgorithm()} or calculated fromthe signature algorithm ( {@link XmlSignerConfiguration#getSignatureAlgorithm()}. The optional transforms are read from {@link XmlSignerConfiguration#getTransformMethods()}.
In all cases, you can add additional references and objects which contain properties for the XML signature, see {@link XmlSignerConfiguration#setProperties(XmlSignatureProperties)}.