Package org.apache.camel

Examples of org.apache.camel.RuntimeExchangeException

                } else {
                    // get the reply to destination to be used from the reply manager
                    replyTo = replyManager.getReplyTo();
                if (replyTo == null) {
                    throw new RuntimeExchangeException("Failed to resolve replyTo destination", exchange);
                JmsMessageHelper.setJMSReplyTo(answer, replyTo);
                replyManager.setReplyToSelectorHeader(in, answer);

                String correlationId = determineCorrelationId(answer, provisionalCorrelationId);
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                                return null;
                            // the key is expected to exist, if not report so end user can see this
                            boolean contains = headerMap != null && headerMap.containsKey(key);
                            if (!contains) {
                                throw new RuntimeExchangeException("Cannot find key [" + key + "] in message body or headers to use when setting named parameter in query [" + query + "]", exchange);
                            next = headerMap.get(key);
                        preFetched = false;
                        return next;
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    protected Object invoke(Method mth, Object pojo, Object[] arguments, Exchange exchange) throws InvocationTargetException {
        try {
            return mth.invoke(pojo, arguments);
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            throw new RuntimeExchangeException("IllegalAccessException occurred invoking method: " + mth + " using arguments: " + Arrays.asList(arguments), exchange, e);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            throw new RuntimeExchangeException("IllegalArgumentException occurred invoking method: " + mth + " using arguments: " + Arrays.asList(arguments), exchange, e);
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                        boolean contains = bodyMap != null && bodyMap.containsKey(nextParam);
                        contains |= headerMap != null && headerMap.containsKey(nextParam);
                        if (!contains) {
                            throw new RuntimeExchangeException("Cannot find key [" + nextParam + "] in message body or headers to use when setting named parameter in query [" + query + "]", exchange);

                        // get from body before header
                        Object next = bodyMap != null ? bodyMap.get(nextParam) : null;
                        if (next == null) {
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                Message answer = endpoint.getBinding().makeJmsMessage(exchange, in, session, null);

                // get the reply to destination to be used from the reply manager
                Destination replyTo = replyManager.getReplyTo();
                if (replyTo == null) {
                    throw new RuntimeExchangeException("Failed to resolve replyTo destination", exchange);
                LOG.debug("Using JMSReplyTo destination: {}", replyTo);
                JmsMessageHelper.setJMSReplyTo(answer, replyTo);
                replyManager.setReplyToSelectorHeader(in, answer);
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                Message answer = endpoint.getBinding().makeJmsMessage(exchange, in, session, null);

                // get the reply to destination to be used from the reply manager
                Destination replyTo = replyManager.getReplyTo();
                if (replyTo == null) {
                    throw new RuntimeExchangeException("Failed to resolve replyTo destination", exchange);
                LOG.debug("Using JMSReplyTo destination: {}", replyTo);
                JmsMessageHelper.setJMSReplyTo(answer, replyTo);
                replyManager.setReplyToSelectorHeader(in, answer);
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        // resolve placeholders in uri
        try {
            uri = exchange.getContext().resolvePropertyPlaceholders(uri);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeExchangeException("Cannot resolve property placeholders with uri: " + uri, exchange, e);

        // ensure uri is encoded to be valid
        uri = UnsafeUriCharactersEncoder.encode(uri);
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    protected Object invoke(Method mth, Object pojo, Object[] arguments, Exchange exchange) throws InvocationTargetException {
        try {
            return mth.invoke(pojo, arguments);
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            throw new RuntimeExchangeException("IllegalAccessException occurred invoking method: " + mth + " using arguments: " + Arrays.asList(arguments), exchange, e);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            throw new RuntimeExchangeException("IllegalArgumentException occurred invoking method: " + mth + " using arguments: " + Arrays.asList(arguments), exchange, e);
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        // resolve placeholders in uri
        try {
            uri = exchange.getContext().resolvePropertyPlaceholders(uri);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeExchangeException("Cannot resolve property placeholders with uri: " + uri, exchange, e);

        // append HTTP_PATH to HTTP_URI if it is provided in the header
        String path = exchange.getIn().getHeader(Exchange.HTTP_PATH, String.class);
        // NOW the HTTP_PATH is just related path, we don't need to trim it
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        // resolve placeholders in uri
        try {
            uri = exchange.getContext().resolvePropertyPlaceholders(uri);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeExchangeException("Cannot resolve property placeholders with uri: " + uri, exchange, e);

        // append HTTP_PATH to HTTP_URI if it is provided in the header
        String path = exchange.getIn().getHeader(Exchange.HTTP_PATH, String.class);
        if (path != null) {
            if (path.startsWith("/")) {
                URI baseURI;
                String baseURIString = exchange.getIn().getHeader(Exchange.HTTP_BASE_URI, String.class);
                try {
                    if (baseURIString == null) {
                        if (exchange.getFromEndpoint() != null) {
                            baseURIString = exchange.getFromEndpoint().getEndpointUri();
                        } else {
                            // will set a default one for it
                            baseURIString = "/";
                    baseURI = new URI(baseURIString);
                    String basePath = baseURI.getPath();
                    if (path.startsWith(basePath)) {
                        path = path.substring(basePath.length());
                        if (path.startsWith("/")) {
                            path = path.substring(1);
                    } else {
                        throw new RuntimeExchangeException("Cannot analyze the Exchange.HTTP_PATH header, due to: cannot find the right HTTP_BASE_URI", exchange);
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    throw new RuntimeExchangeException("Cannot analyze the Exchange.HTTP_PATH header, due to: " + t.getMessage(), exchange, t);
            if (path.length() > 0) {
                // make sure that there is exactly one "/" between HTTP_URI and
                // HTTP_PATH
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Related Classes of org.apache.camel.RuntimeExchangeException

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