Package org.apache.camel

Examples of org.apache.camel.Expression

     * Creates a tokenize expression.
    public Expression createExpression() {
        ObjectHelper.notNull(path, "path");

        Expression answer = ExpressionBuilder.tokenizeXMLAwareExpression(path, mode);
        return answer;
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    public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
        String script = null;

        // is there a custom expression in the header?
        Expression exp = exchange.getIn().getHeader(Exchange.LANGUAGE_SCRIPT, Expression.class);
        if (exp == null) {
            script = exchange.getIn().getHeader(Exchange.LANGUAGE_SCRIPT, String.class);
            if (script != null) {
                // the script may be a file: so resolve it before using
                script = getEndpoint().resolveScript(script);
                exp = getEndpoint().getLanguage().createExpression(script);
        // if not fallback to use expression from endpoint
        if (exp == null && getEndpoint().isCacheScript()) {
            exp = getEndpoint().getExpression();

        // the script can be a resource from the endpoint,
        // or refer to a resource itself
        // or just be a plain string
        InputStream is = null;

        // fallback and use resource uri from endpoint
        if (exp == null) {
            script = getEndpoint().getScript();

            if (script == null && getEndpoint().getResourceUri() == null) {
                // no script to execute
                throw new CamelExchangeException("No script to evaluate", exchange);

            if (script == null) {
                is = getEndpoint().getResourceAsInputStream();
            } else if (ResourceHelper.hasScheme(script)) {
                is = ResourceHelper.resolveMandatoryResourceAsInputStream(getEndpoint().getCamelContext().getClassResolver(), script);

            if (is != null && !getEndpoint().isBinary()) {
                try {
                    script = getEndpoint().getCamelContext().getTypeConverter().convertTo(String.class, exchange, is);
                } finally {

        // if we have a text based script then use and evaluate it
        if (script != null) {
            // create the expression from the script
            exp = getEndpoint().getLanguage().createExpression(script);
            // expression was resolved from resource
            // if we cache then set this as expression on endpoint so we don't re-create it again
            if (getEndpoint().isCacheScript()) {

        // the result is either the result of the expression or the input stream as-is because its binary content
        Object result;
        if (exp != null) {
            try {
                result = exp.evaluate(exchange, Object.class);
                log.debug("Evaluated expression as: {} with: {}", result, exchange);
            } finally {
                if (!getEndpoint().isCacheScript()) {
                    // some languages add themselves as a service which we then need to remove if we are not cached
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        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            Class<?> parameterType = parameterTypes[i];
            Annotation[] parameterAnnotations = parametersAnnotations[i].toArray(new Annotation[parametersAnnotations[i].size()]);
            Expression expression = createParameterUnmarshalExpression(clazz, method, parameterType, parameterAnnotations);
            hasCustomAnnotation |= expression != null;

            ParameterInfo parameterInfo = new ParameterInfo(i, parameterType, parameterAnnotations, expression);
            LOG.trace("Parameter #{}: {}", i, parameterInfo);
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    private Expression createParameterUnmarshalExpression(Class<?> clazz, Method method,
            Class<?> parameterType, Annotation[] parameterAnnotation) {

        // look for a parameter annotation that converts into an expression
        for (Annotation annotation : parameterAnnotation) {
            Expression answer = createParameterUnmarshalExpressionForAnnotation(clazz, method, parameterType, annotation);
            if (answer != null) {
                return answer;
        // no annotations then try the default parameter mappings
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                if (dynamicRouter != null) {
                    if (!dynamicRouter.isStarted()) {
                    // use a expression which invokes the method to be used by dynamic router
                    Expression expression = new DynamicRouterExpression(pojo);
                    return dynamicRouter.doRoutingSlip(exchange, expression, callback);

                // invoke pojo
                if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
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        final int size = parameters.size();
        LOG.trace("Creating parameters expression for {} parameters", size);

        final Expression[] expressions = new Expression[size];
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            Expression parameterExpression = parameters.get(i).getExpression();
            expressions[i] = parameterExpression;
            LOG.trace("Parameter #{} has expression: {}", i, parameterExpression);
        return new Expression() {
            public <T> T evaluate(Exchange exchange, Class<T> type) {
                Object[] answer = new Object[size];
                Object body = exchange.getIn().getBody();
                boolean multiParameterArray = false;
                if (exchange.getIn().getHeader(Exchange.BEAN_MULTI_PARAMETER_ARRAY) != null) {
                    multiParameterArray = exchange.getIn().getHeader(Exchange.BEAN_MULTI_PARAMETER_ARRAY, Boolean.class);

                // if there was an explicit method name to invoke, then we should support using
                // any provided parameter values in the method name
                String methodName = exchange.getIn().getHeader(Exchange.BEAN_METHOD_NAME, "", String.class);
                // the parameter values is between the parenthesis
                String methodParameters = ObjectHelper.between(methodName, "(", ")");
                // use an iterator to walk the parameter values
                Iterator<?> it = null;
                if (methodParameters != null) {
                    // split the parameters safely separated by comma, but beware that we can have
                    // quoted parameters which contains comma as well, so do a safe quote split
                    String[] parameters = StringQuoteHelper.splitSafeQuote(methodParameters, ',', true);
                    it = ObjectHelper.createIterator(parameters, ",", true);

                // remove headers as they should not be propagated
                // we need to do this before the expressions gets evaluated as it may contain
                // a @Bean expression which would by mistake read these headers. So the headers
                // must be removed at this point of time

                for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                    // grab the parameter value for the given index
                    Object parameterValue = it != null && it.hasNext() ? : null;
                    // and the expected parameter type
                    Class<?> parameterType = parameters.get(i).getType();
                    // the value for the parameter to use
                    Object value = null;

                    if (multiParameterArray) {
                        // get the value from the array
                        value = ((Object[])body)[i];
                    } else {
                        // prefer to use parameter value if given, as they override any bean parameter binding
                        // we should skip * as its a type placeholder to indicate any type
                        if (parameterValue != null && !parameterValue.equals("*")) {
                            // evaluate the parameter value binding
                            value = evaluateParameterValue(exchange, i, parameterValue, parameterType);

                        // use bean parameter binding, if still no value
                        Expression expression = expressions[i];
                        if (value == null && expression != null) {
                            value = evaluateParameterBinding(exchange, expression, i, parameterType);

                    // remember the value to use
                    if (value != Void.TYPE) {
                        answer[i] = value;

                return (T) answer;

             * Evaluate using parameter values where the values can be provided in the method name syntax.
             * <p/>
             * This methods returns accordingly:
             * <ul>
             *     <li><tt>null</tt> - if not a parameter value</li>
             *     <li><tt>Void.TYPE</tt> - if an explicit null, forcing Camel to pass in <tt>null</tt> for that given parameter</li>
             *     <li>a non <tt>null</tt> value - if the parameter was a parameter value, and to be used</li>
             * </ul>
             * @since 2.9
            private Object evaluateParameterValue(Exchange exchange, int index, Object parameterValue, Class<?> parameterType) {
                Object answer = null;

                // convert the parameter value to a String
                String exp = exchange.getContext().getTypeConverter().convertTo(String.class, exchange, parameterValue);
                if (exp != null) {
                    // check if its a valid parameter value
                    boolean valid = BeanHelper.isValidParameterValue(exp);

                    if (!valid) {
                        // it may be a parameter type instead, and if so, then we should return null,
                        // as this method is only for evaluating parameter values
                        Boolean isClass = BeanHelper.isAssignableToExpectedType(exchange.getContext().getClassResolver(), exp, parameterType);
                        // the method will return a non null value if exp is a class
                        if (isClass != null) {
                            return null;

                    // use simple language to evaluate the expression, as it may use the simple language to refer to message body, headers etc.
                    Expression expression = null;
                    try {
                        expression = exchange.getContext().resolveLanguage("simple").createExpression(exp);
                        parameterValue = expression.evaluate(exchange, Object.class);
                        // use "null" to indicate the expression returned a null value which is a valid response we need to honor
                        if (parameterValue == null) {
                            parameterValue = "null";
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        throw new ExpressionEvaluationException(expression, "Cannot create/evaluate simple expression: " + exp
                                + " to be bound to parameter at index: " + index + " on method: " + getMethod(), exchange, e);

                    // special for explicit null parameter values (as end users can explicit indicate they want null as parameter)
                    // see method javadoc for details
                    if ("null".equals(parameterValue)) {
                        return Void.TYPE;

                    // the parameter value was not already valid, but since the simple language have evaluated the expression
                    // which may change the parameterValue, so we have to check it again to see if its now valid
                    exp = exchange.getContext().getTypeConverter().convertTo(String.class, parameterValue);
                    // String values from the simple language is always valid
                    if (!valid) {
                        // re validate if the parameter was not valid the first time (String values should be accepted)
                        valid = parameterValue instanceof String || BeanHelper.isValidParameterValue(exp);

                    if (valid) {
                        // we need to unquote String parameters, as the enclosing quotes is there to denote a parameter value
                        if (parameterValue instanceof String) {
                            parameterValue = StringHelper.removeLeadingAndEndingQuotes((String) parameterValue);
                        try {
                            // its a valid parameter value, so convert it to the expected type of the parameter
                            answer = exchange.getContext().getTypeConverter().mandatoryConvertTo(parameterType, parameterValue);
                            if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
                                LOG.trace("Parameter #{} evaluated as: {} type: ", new Object[]{index, answer, ObjectHelper.type(answer)});
                        } catch (NoTypeConversionAvailableException e) {
                            throw ObjectHelper.wrapCamelExecutionException(exchange, e);

                return answer;

             * Evaluate using classic parameter binding using the pre compute expression
            private Object evaluateParameterBinding(Exchange exchange, Expression expression, int index, Class<?> parameterType) {
                Object answer = null;

                // use object first to avoid type conversion so we know if there is a value or not
                Object result = expression.evaluate(exchange, Object.class);
                if (result != null) {
                    // we got a value now try to convert it to the expected type
                    try {
                        answer = exchange.getContext().getTypeConverter().mandatoryConvertTo(parameterType, result);
                        if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
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        predicate = SimpleLanguage.predicate("${} == 124");

        Expression expression = SimpleLanguage.expression("${body}");
        assertEquals("<hello id='m123'>world!</hello>", expression.evaluate(exchange, String.class));

        expression = SimpleLanguage.simple("${body}");
        assertEquals("<hello id='m123'>world!</hello>", expression.evaluate(exchange, String.class));
        expression = SimpleLanguage.simple("${body}", String.class);
        assertEquals("<hello id='m123'>world!</hello>", expression.evaluate(exchange, String.class));

        expression = SimpleLanguage.simple("${} == 123", boolean.class);
        assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, expression.evaluate(exchange, Object.class));
        expression = SimpleLanguage.simple("${} == 124", boolean.class);
        assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, expression.evaluate(exchange, Object.class));
        expression = SimpleLanguage.simple("${} == 123", Boolean.class);
        assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, expression.evaluate(exchange, Object.class));
        expression = SimpleLanguage.simple("${} == 124", Boolean.class);
        assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, expression.evaluate(exchange, Object.class));
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            assertEquals("expression must be specified", e.getMessage());

    public void testBodyExpression() throws Exception {
        Expression exp = SimpleLanguage.simple("${body}");
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        Expression exp = SimpleLanguage.simple("${body}");

    public void testBodyExpressionUsingAlternativeStartToken() throws Exception {
        Expression exp = SimpleLanguage.simple("$simple{body}");
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    public void testBodyExpressionNotStringType() throws Exception {
        Expression exp = SimpleLanguage.simple("${body}");
        Object val = exp.evaluate(exchange, Object.class);
        assertIsInstanceOf(Integer.class, val);
        assertEquals(123, val);
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Related Classes of org.apache.camel.Expression

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