Package org.apache.beehive.netui.compiler.model.validation

Examples of org.apache.beehive.netui.compiler.model.validation.ValidatorRule

    private void addFieldRuleFromAnnotation( RuleInfo ruleInfo, AnnotationInstance annotation, Locale locale,
                                             boolean applyToAllLocales )
        ValidatorRule rule = getFieldRule( ruleInfo.getEntityName(), ruleInfo.getFieldName(), annotation );
        if ( rule != null )
            if ( applyToAllLocales )
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    private static ValidatorRule getFieldRule( String entityName, String propertyName, AnnotationInstance ruleAnnotation )
        ValidatorRule rule = VALIDATOR_RULE_FACTORY.getFieldRule( entityName, propertyName, ruleAnnotation );
        if ( rule != null )
            // message/message-key
            rule.setMessage( CompilerUtils.getString( ruleAnnotation, MESSAGE_ATTR, true ) );
            rule.setMessageKey( CompilerUtils.getString( ruleAnnotation, MESSAGE_KEY_ATTR, true ) );
            rule.setBundle( CompilerUtils.getString( ruleAnnotation, BUNDLE_NAME_ATTR, true ) );
            if ( rule.getMessage() != null ) assert rule.getMessageKey() == null;   // TODO: checker should enforce
            // args
            addMessageArgs( rule, ruleAnnotation );
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        VALIDATE_TYPE_RULES.put( PrimitiveType.Kind.SHORT, RULENAME_SHORT );
    public ValidatorRule getFieldRule( String entityName, String propertyName, AnnotationInstance ruleAnnotation )
        ValidatorRule rule = null;
        String annName = CompilerUtils.getSimpleName( ruleAnnotation );
        if ( annName.equals( VALIDATE_REQUIRED_TAG_NAME ) ) rule = new ValidatorRule( RULENAME_REQUIRED );
        else if ( annName.equals( VALIDATE_CREDIT_CARD_TAG_NAME ) ) rule = new ValidatorRule( RULENAME_CREDIT_CARD );
        else if ( annName.equals( VALIDATE_EMAIL_TAG_NAME ) ) rule = new ValidatorRule( RULENAME_EMAIL );
        else if ( annName.equals( VALIDATE_RANGE_TAG_NAME ) )
            Double minFloat = CompilerUtils.getDouble( ruleAnnotation, MIN_FLOAT_ATTR, true );
            if ( minFloat != null )
                Double maxFloat = CompilerUtils.getDouble( ruleAnnotation, MAX_FLOAT_ATTR, true );
                assert maxFloat != null// checker should catch this
                rule = new ValidatorRuleRange( minFloat, maxFloat );
                Long minLong = CompilerUtils.getLong( ruleAnnotation, MIN_INT_ATTR, true );
                Long maxLong = CompilerUtils.getLong( ruleAnnotation, MAX_INT_ATTR, true );
                assert minLong != null// checker should catch this
                assert maxLong != null// checker should catch this
                rule = new ValidatorRuleRange( minLong, maxLong );
        else if ( annName.equals( VALIDATE_MIN_LENGTH_TAG_NAME ) )
            Integer nChars = CompilerUtils.getInteger( ruleAnnotation, CHARS_ATTR, true );
            assert nChars != null;
            rule = new ValidatorRule( RULENAME_MINLENGTH );
            rule.setVar( VARNAME_MINLENGTH, nChars.toString() );
        else if ( annName.equals( VALIDATE_MAX_LENGTH_TAG_NAME ) )
            Integer nChars = CompilerUtils.getInteger( ruleAnnotation, CHARS_ATTR, true );
            assert nChars != null;
            rule = new ValidatorRule( RULENAME_MAXLENGTH );
            rule.setVar( VARNAME_MAXLENGTH, nChars.toString() );
        else if ( annName.equals( VALIDATE_MASK_TAG_NAME ) )
            String regex = CompilerUtils.getString( ruleAnnotation, REGEX_ATTR, true );
            assert regex != null;
            rule = new ValidatorRule( RULENAME_MASK );
            rule.setVar( VARNAME_MASK, regex );
        else if ( annName.equals( VALIDATE_DATE_TAG_NAME ) )
            boolean strict = CompilerUtils.getBoolean( ruleAnnotation, STRICT_ATTR, false ).booleanValue();
            String pattern = CompilerUtils.getString( ruleAnnotation, PATTERN_ATTR, true );
            assert pattern != null;
            rule = new ValidatorRule( RULENAME_DATE );
            rule.setVar( strict ? VARNAME_DATE_PATTERN_STRICT : VARNAME_DATE_PATTERN, pattern );
        else if ( annName.equals( VALIDATE_TYPE_TAG_NAME ) )
            AnnotationValue annotationValue = CompilerUtils.getAnnotationValue( ruleAnnotation, TYPE_ATTR, true );
            assert annotationValue != null;
            Object value = annotationValue.getValue();
            assert value instanceof PrimitiveType : value.getClass().getName()// TODO: checker enforces this
            String typeName = ( String ) VALIDATE_TYPE_RULES.get( ( ( PrimitiveType ) value ).getKind() );
            assert typeName != null : ( ( PrimitiveType ) value ).getKind().toString()// TODO: checker enforces this
            rule = new ValidatorRule( typeName );
        else if ( annName.equals( VALIDATE_VALID_WHEN_TAG_NAME ) )
            rule = new ValidatorRule( RULENAME_VALID_WHEN );
            rule.setVar( VARNAME_VALID_WHEN, CompilerUtils.getString( ruleAnnotation, CONDITION_ATTR, true ) );
        else if ( annName.equals( VALIDATE_CUSTOM_RULE_TAG_NAME ) )
            String ruleName = CompilerUtils.getString( ruleAnnotation, RULE_ATTR, false );
            rule = new ValidatorRule( ruleName );
            List ruleVars = CompilerUtils.getAnnotationArray( ruleAnnotation, VARIABLES_ATTR, false );
            for ( Iterator ii = ruleVars.iterator(); ii.hasNext();
                AnnotationInstance ruleVar = ( AnnotationInstance );
                rule.setVar( CompilerUtils.getString( ruleVar, NAME_ATTR, false ),
                             CompilerUtils.getString( ruleVar, VALUE_ATTR, false ) );
        return rule;
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    private void addFieldRuleFromAnnotation( RuleInfo ruleInfo, AnnotationInstance annotation, Locale locale,
                                             boolean applyToAllLocales )
        ValidatorRule rule = getFieldRule( ruleInfo.getEntityName(), ruleInfo.getFieldName(), annotation );
        if ( rule != null )
            if ( applyToAllLocales )
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    private static ValidatorRule getFieldRule( String entityName, String propertyName, AnnotationInstance ruleAnnotation )
        ValidatorRule rule = VALIDATOR_RULE_FACTORY.getFieldRule( entityName, propertyName, ruleAnnotation );
        if ( rule != null )
            // message/message-key
            rule.setMessage( CompilerUtils.getString( ruleAnnotation, MESSAGE_ATTR, true ) );
            rule.setMessageKey( CompilerUtils.getString( ruleAnnotation, MESSAGE_KEY_ATTR, true ) );
            rule.setBundle( CompilerUtils.getString( ruleAnnotation, BUNDLE_NAME_ATTR, true ) );
            if ( rule.getMessage() != null ) assert rule.getMessageKey() == null;   // TODO: checker should enforce
            // args
            addMessageArgs( rule, ruleAnnotation );
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        VALIDATE_TYPE_RULES.put( PrimitiveType.Kind.SHORT, RULENAME_SHORT );
    public ValidatorRule getFieldRule( String entityName, String propertyName, AnnotationInstance ruleAnnotation )
        ValidatorRule rule = null;
        String annName = CompilerUtils.getSimpleName( ruleAnnotation );
        if ( annName.equals( VALIDATE_REQUIRED_TAG_NAME ) ) rule = new ValidatorRule( RULENAME_REQUIRED );
        else if ( annName.equals( VALIDATE_CREDIT_CARD_TAG_NAME ) ) rule = new ValidatorRule( RULENAME_CREDIT_CARD );
        else if ( annName.equals( VALIDATE_EMAIL_TAG_NAME ) ) rule = new ValidatorRule( RULENAME_EMAIL );
        else if ( annName.equals( VALIDATE_RANGE_TAG_NAME ) )
            Double minFloat = CompilerUtils.getDouble( ruleAnnotation, MIN_FLOAT_ATTR, true );
            if ( minFloat != null )
                Double maxFloat = CompilerUtils.getDouble( ruleAnnotation, MAX_FLOAT_ATTR, true );
                assert maxFloat != null// checker should catch this
                rule = new ValidatorRuleRange( minFloat, maxFloat );
                Long minLong = CompilerUtils.getLong( ruleAnnotation, MIN_INT_ATTR, true );
                Long maxLong = CompilerUtils.getLong( ruleAnnotation, MAX_INT_ATTR, true );
                assert minLong != null// checker should catch this
                assert maxLong != null// checker should catch this
                rule = new ValidatorRuleRange( minLong, maxLong );
        else if ( annName.equals( VALIDATE_MIN_LENGTH_TAG_NAME ) )
            Integer nChars = CompilerUtils.getInteger( ruleAnnotation, CHARS_ATTR, true );
            assert nChars != null;
            rule = new ValidatorRule( RULENAME_MINLENGTH );
            rule.setVar( VARNAME_MINLENGTH, nChars.toString() );
        else if ( annName.equals( VALIDATE_MAX_LENGTH_TAG_NAME ) )
            Integer nChars = CompilerUtils.getInteger( ruleAnnotation, CHARS_ATTR, true );
            assert nChars != null;
            rule = new ValidatorRule( RULENAME_MAXLENGTH );
            rule.setVar( VARNAME_MAXLENGTH, nChars.toString() );
        else if ( annName.equals( VALIDATE_MASK_TAG_NAME ) )
            String regex = CompilerUtils.getString( ruleAnnotation, REGEX_ATTR, true );
            assert regex != null;
            rule = new ValidatorRule( RULENAME_MASK );
            rule.setVar( VARNAME_MASK, regex );
        else if ( annName.equals( VALIDATE_DATE_TAG_NAME ) )
            boolean strict = CompilerUtils.getBoolean( ruleAnnotation, STRICT_ATTR, false ).booleanValue();
            String pattern = CompilerUtils.getString( ruleAnnotation, PATTERN_ATTR, true );
            assert pattern != null;
            rule = new ValidatorRule( RULENAME_DATE );
            rule.setVar( strict ? VARNAME_DATE_PATTERN_STRICT : VARNAME_DATE_PATTERN, pattern );
        else if ( annName.equals( VALIDATE_TYPE_TAG_NAME ) )
            AnnotationValue annotationValue = CompilerUtils.getAnnotationValue( ruleAnnotation, TYPE_ATTR, true );
            assert annotationValue != null;
            Object value = annotationValue.getValue();
            assert value instanceof PrimitiveType : value.getClass().getName()// TODO: checker enforces this
            String typeName = ( String ) VALIDATE_TYPE_RULES.get( ( ( PrimitiveType ) value ).getKind() );
            assert typeName != null : ( ( PrimitiveType ) value ).getKind().toString()// TODO: checker enforces this
            rule = new ValidatorRule( typeName );
        else if ( annName.equals( VALIDATE_VALID_WHEN_TAG_NAME ) )
            rule = new ValidatorRule( RULENAME_VALID_WHEN );
            rule.setVar( VARNAME_VALID_WHEN, CompilerUtils.getString( ruleAnnotation, CONDITION_ATTR, true ) );
        else if (annName.equals(VALIDATE_URL_TAG_NAME))
            Boolean allowAllSchemes = CompilerUtils.getBoolean(ruleAnnotation, ALLOW_ALL_SCHEMES_ATTR, true);
            Boolean allowTwoSlashes = CompilerUtils.getBoolean(ruleAnnotation, ALLOW_TWO_SLASHES_ATTR, true);
            Boolean disallowFragments = CompilerUtils.getBoolean(ruleAnnotation, DISALLOW_FRAGMENTS, true);
            List schemes = CompilerUtils.getStringArray(ruleAnnotation, SCHEMES_ATTR, true);
            rule = new ValidatorRule(RULENAME_URL);
            if (allowAllSchemes != null) {
                rule.setVar(VARNAME_ALLOW_ALL_SCHEMES, allowAllSchemes.toString());
            if (allowTwoSlashes != null) {
                rule.setVar(VARNAME_ALLOW_TWO_SLASHES, allowTwoSlashes.toString());
            if (disallowFragments != null) {
                rule.setVar(VARNAME_DISALLOW_FRAGMENTS, disallowFragments.toString());
            if (schemes != null) {
                Iterator it = schemes.iterator();
                StringBuffer schemesStr = new StringBuffer((String);
                while (it.hasNext()) {
                rule.setVar(VARNAME_SCHEMES, schemesStr.toString());
        else if ( annName.equals( VALIDATE_CUSTOM_RULE_TAG_NAME ) )
            String ruleName = CompilerUtils.getString( ruleAnnotation, RULE_ATTR, false );
            rule = new ValidatorRule( ruleName );
            List ruleVars = CompilerUtils.getAnnotationArray( ruleAnnotation, VARIABLES_ATTR, false );
            for ( Iterator ii = ruleVars.iterator(); ii.hasNext();
                AnnotationInstance ruleVar = ( AnnotationInstance );
                rule.setVar( CompilerUtils.getString( ruleVar, NAME_ATTR, false ),
                             CompilerUtils.getString( ruleVar, VALUE_ATTR, false ) );
        return rule;
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    private void addFieldRuleFromAnnotation( RuleInfo ruleInfo, AnnotationInstance annotation, Locale locale,
                                             boolean applyToAllLocales )
        ValidatorRule rule = getFieldRule( ruleInfo.getEntityName(), ruleInfo.getFieldName(), annotation );
        if ( rule != null )
            if ( applyToAllLocales )
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    private static ValidatorRule getFieldRule( String entityName, String propertyName, AnnotationInstance ruleAnnotation )
        ValidatorRule rule = VALIDATOR_RULE_FACTORY.getFieldRule( entityName, propertyName, ruleAnnotation );
        if ( rule != null )
            // message/message-key
            rule.setMessage( CompilerUtils.getString( ruleAnnotation, MESSAGE_ATTR, true ) );
            rule.setMessageKey( CompilerUtils.getString( ruleAnnotation, MESSAGE_KEY_ATTR, true ) );
            rule.setBundle( CompilerUtils.getString( ruleAnnotation, BUNDLE_NAME_ATTR, true ) );
            if ( rule.getMessage() != null ) assert rule.getMessageKey() == null;   // TODO: checker should enforce
            // args
            addMessageArgs( rule, ruleAnnotation );
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        VALIDATE_TYPE_RULES.put( PrimitiveType.Kind.SHORT, RULENAME_SHORT );
    public ValidatorRule getFieldRule( String entityName, String propertyName, AnnotationInstance ruleAnnotation )
        ValidatorRule rule = null;
        String annName = CompilerUtils.getSimpleName( ruleAnnotation );
        if ( annName.equals( VALIDATE_REQUIRED_TAG_NAME ) ) rule = new ValidatorRule( RULENAME_REQUIRED );
        else if ( annName.equals( VALIDATE_CREDIT_CARD_TAG_NAME ) ) rule = new ValidatorRule( RULENAME_CREDIT_CARD );
        else if ( annName.equals( VALIDATE_EMAIL_TAG_NAME ) ) rule = new ValidatorRule( RULENAME_EMAIL );
        else if ( annName.equals( VALIDATE_RANGE_TAG_NAME ) )
            Double minFloat = CompilerUtils.getDouble( ruleAnnotation, MIN_FLOAT_ATTR, true );
            if ( minFloat != null )
                Double maxFloat = CompilerUtils.getDouble( ruleAnnotation, MAX_FLOAT_ATTR, true );
                assert maxFloat != null// checker should catch this
                rule = new ValidatorRuleRange( minFloat, maxFloat );
                Long minLong = CompilerUtils.getLong( ruleAnnotation, MIN_INT_ATTR, true );
                Long maxLong = CompilerUtils.getLong( ruleAnnotation, MAX_INT_ATTR, true );
                assert minLong != null// checker should catch this
                assert maxLong != null// checker should catch this
                rule = new ValidatorRuleRange( minLong, maxLong );
        else if ( annName.equals( VALIDATE_MIN_LENGTH_TAG_NAME ) )
            Integer nChars = CompilerUtils.getInteger( ruleAnnotation, CHARS_ATTR, true );
            assert nChars != null;
            rule = new ValidatorRule( RULENAME_MINLENGTH );
            rule.setVar( VARNAME_MINLENGTH, nChars.toString() );
        else if ( annName.equals( VALIDATE_MAX_LENGTH_TAG_NAME ) )
            Integer nChars = CompilerUtils.getInteger( ruleAnnotation, CHARS_ATTR, true );
            assert nChars != null;
            rule = new ValidatorRule( RULENAME_MAXLENGTH );
            rule.setVar( VARNAME_MAXLENGTH, nChars.toString() );
        else if ( annName.equals( VALIDATE_MASK_TAG_NAME ) )
            String regex = CompilerUtils.getString( ruleAnnotation, REGEX_ATTR, true );
            assert regex != null;
            rule = new ValidatorRule( RULENAME_MASK );
            rule.setVar( VARNAME_MASK, regex );
        else if ( annName.equals( VALIDATE_DATE_TAG_NAME ) )
            boolean strict = CompilerUtils.getBoolean( ruleAnnotation, STRICT_ATTR, false ).booleanValue();
            String pattern = CompilerUtils.getString( ruleAnnotation, PATTERN_ATTR, true );
            assert pattern != null;
            rule = new ValidatorRule( RULENAME_DATE );
            rule.setVar( strict ? VARNAME_DATE_PATTERN_STRICT : VARNAME_DATE_PATTERN, pattern );
        else if ( annName.equals( VALIDATE_TYPE_TAG_NAME ) )
            AnnotationValue annotationValue = CompilerUtils.getAnnotationValue( ruleAnnotation, TYPE_ATTR, true );
            assert annotationValue != null;
            Object value = annotationValue.getValue();
            assert value instanceof PrimitiveType : value.getClass().getName()// TODO: checker enforces this
            String typeName = ( String ) VALIDATE_TYPE_RULES.get( ( ( PrimitiveType ) value ).getKind() );
            assert typeName != null : ( ( PrimitiveType ) value ).getKind().toString()// TODO: checker enforces this
            rule = new ValidatorRule( typeName );
        else if ( annName.equals( VALIDATE_VALID_WHEN_TAG_NAME ) )
            rule = new ValidatorRule( RULENAME_VALID_WHEN );
            rule.setVar( VARNAME_VALID_WHEN, CompilerUtils.getString( ruleAnnotation, CONDITION_ATTR, true ) );
        else if (annName.equals(VALIDATE_URL_TAG_NAME))
            Boolean allowAllSchemes = CompilerUtils.getBoolean(ruleAnnotation, ALLOW_ALL_SCHEMES_ATTR, true);
            Boolean allowTwoSlashes = CompilerUtils.getBoolean(ruleAnnotation, ALLOW_TWO_SLASHES_ATTR, true);
            Boolean disallowFragments = CompilerUtils.getBoolean(ruleAnnotation, DISALLOW_FRAGMENTS, true);
            List schemes = CompilerUtils.getStringArray(ruleAnnotation, SCHEMES_ATTR, true);
            rule = new ValidatorRule(RULENAME_URL);
            if (allowAllSchemes != null) {
                rule.setVar(VARNAME_ALLOW_ALL_SCHEMES, allowAllSchemes.toString());
            if (allowTwoSlashes != null) {
                rule.setVar(VARNAME_ALLOW_TWO_SLASHES, allowTwoSlashes.toString());
            if (disallowFragments != null) {
                rule.setVar(VARNAME_DISALLOW_FRAGMENTS, disallowFragments.toString());
            if (schemes != null) {
                Iterator it = schemes.iterator();
                StringBuffer schemesStr = new StringBuffer((String);
                while (it.hasNext()) {
                rule.setVar(VARNAME_SCHEMES, schemesStr.toString());
        else if ( annName.equals( VALIDATE_CUSTOM_RULE_TAG_NAME ) )
            String ruleName = CompilerUtils.getString( ruleAnnotation, RULE_ATTR, false );
            rule = new ValidatorRule( ruleName );
            List ruleVars = CompilerUtils.getAnnotationArray( ruleAnnotation, VARIABLES_ATTR, false );
            for ( Iterator ii = ruleVars.iterator(); ii.hasNext();
                AnnotationInstance ruleVar = ( AnnotationInstance );
                rule.setVar( CompilerUtils.getString( ruleVar, NAME_ATTR, false ),
                             CompilerUtils.getString( ruleVar, VALUE_ATTR, false ) );
        return rule;
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    private void addFieldRuleFromAnnotation( RuleInfo ruleInfo, AnnotationInstance annotation, Locale locale,
                                             boolean applyToAllLocales )

        ValidatorRule rule = getFieldRule( ruleInfo.getEntityName(), ruleInfo.getFieldName(), annotation );

        if ( rule != null )
            if ( applyToAllLocales )
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Related Classes of org.apache.beehive.netui.compiler.model.validation.ValidatorRule

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