if (hasNewACI)
TextNode tn = (TextNode)node;
TextPaintInfo pi, oldPI;
if ( cssProceedElement == e ){
pi = new TextPaintInfo();
setBaseTextPaintInfo(pi, e, node, ctx);
setDecorationTextPaintInfo(pi, e);
oldPI = (TextPaintInfo)elemTPI.get(e);
} else {
//if a child CSS property has changed, then
//retrieve the parent text decoration
//and only update the section of the AtrtibutedString of
//the child
TextPaintInfo parentPI;
parentPI = getParentTextPaintInfo
(tn.getAttributedCharacterIterator(), cssProceedElement);
pi = getTextPaintInfo(cssProceedElement, tn, parentPI, ctx);
oldPI = (TextPaintInfo)elemTPI.get(cssProceedElement);