Package org.apache.axis.wsdl.symbolTable

Examples of org.apache.axis.wsdl.symbolTable.Parameters

            Binding binding, BindingEntry bEntry) throws IOException {
        Iterator ops = portType.getOperations().iterator();
        while (ops.hasNext()) {
            Operation op = (Operation);
            OperationType type = op.getStyle();
            Parameters params = bEntry.getParameters(op);
            // did we emit a constructor that throws?
            BooleanHolder bThrow = new BooleanHolder(false);

            // These operation types are not supported.  The signature
            // will be a string stating that fact.
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        Service service = this.getService();
        SymbolTable symbolTable = service.getWSDLParser().getSymbolTable();
        BindingEntry bEntry = symbolTable.getBindingEntry(binding.getQName());
        Parameters parameters = bEntry.getParameters(bop.getOperation());

        // loop over paramters and set up in/out params
        for (int j = 0; j < parameters.list.size(); ++j) {
            Parameter p = (Parameter) parameters.list.get(j);
            // Get the QName representing the parameter type
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        List operations = binding.getBindingOperations();
        for (int i = 0; i < operations.size(); ++i) {
            BindingOperation operation = (BindingOperation) operations.get(i);
            Operation ptOperation = operation.getOperation();
            OperationType type = ptOperation.getStyle();
            Parameters parameters =

            // These operation types are not supported.  The signature
            // will be a string stating that fact.
            if (type == OperationType.NOTIFICATION
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            if (type == OperationType.NOTIFICATION
                    || type == OperationType.SOLICIT_RESPONSE) {
            Parameters parameters =

            if (parameters != null) {
                // The invoked java name of the bindingOper is stored.
                String opName = bindingOper.getOperation().getName();
                String javaOpName = Utils.xmlNameToJava(opName);
                pw.println("        _params = new org.apache.axis.description.ParameterDesc [] {");

                for (int j=0; j < parameters.list.size(); j++) {
                    Parameter p = (Parameter) parameters.list.get(j);
                    String modeStr;
                    switch (p.getMode()) {
                        case Parameter.IN:
                            modeStr = "org.apache.axis.description.ParameterDesc.IN";
                        case Parameter.OUT:
                            modeStr = "org.apache.axis.description.ParameterDesc.OUT";
                        case Parameter.INOUT:
                            modeStr = "org.apache.axis.description.ParameterDesc.INOUT";
                            throw new IOException(
                                        (new Byte(p.getMode())).toString()));

                    // Get the QNames representing the parameter name and type
                    QName paramName = p.getQName();
                    QName paramType = Utils.getXSIType(p);

                    // Is this parameter a header?
                    String inHeader = p.isInHeader() ? "true" : "false";
                    String outHeader = p.isOutHeader() ? "true" : "false";
                    pw.println("            " +
                        "new org.apache.axis.description.ParameterDesc(" +
                        Utils.getNewQName(paramName) +
                        ", " + modeStr +
                        ", " + Utils.getNewQName(paramType) +
                        ", " + Utils.getParameterTypeName(p) + ".class" +
                        ", " + inHeader +
                        ", " + outHeader + "), ");

                pw.println("        };");

                // Get the return name QName and type
                QName retName = null;
                QName retType = null;
                if (parameters.returnParam != null) {
                    retName = parameters.returnParam.getQName();
                    retType = Utils.getXSIType(parameters.returnParam);

                String returnStr;
                if (retName != null) {
                    returnStr = Utils.getNewQName(retName);
                } else {
                    returnStr = "null";
                pw.println("        _oper = new org.apache.axis.description.OperationDesc(\"" +
                           javaOpName + "\", _params, " + returnStr + ");");

                if (retType != null) {
                    pw.println("        _oper.setReturnType(" +
                               Utils.getNewQName(retType) + ");");
                    if (parameters.returnParam != null &&
                        parameters.returnParam.isOutHeader()) {
                        pw.println("        _oper.setReturnHeader(true);");

                // If we need to know the QName (if we have a namespace or
                // the actual method name doesn't match the XML we expect),
                // record it in the OperationDesc
                QName elementQName =
                    Utils.getOperationQName(bindingOper, bEntry, symbolTable);
                if (elementQName != null) {
                    pw.println("        _oper.setElementQName(" +
                            Utils.getNewQName(elementQName) + ");");

                // Find the SOAPAction.
                List elems = bindingOper.getExtensibilityElements();
                Iterator it = elems.iterator();
                boolean found = false;
                while (!found && it.hasNext()) {
                    ExtensibilityElement elem = (ExtensibilityElement);
                    if (elem instanceof SOAPOperation) {
                        SOAPOperation soapOp = (SOAPOperation) elem;
                        String action = soapOp.getSoapActionURI();
                        if (action != null) {
                            pw.println("        _oper.setSoapAction(\"" + action + "\");");
                            found = true;

                pw.println("        _myOperationsList.add(_oper);");
                pw.println("        if (_myOperations.get(\"" + javaOpName + "\") == null) {");
                pw.println("            _myOperations.put(\"" + javaOpName + "\", new java.util.ArrayList());");
                pw.println("        }");
                pw.println("        ((java.util.List)_myOperations.get(\"" + javaOpName + "\")).add(_oper);");

            // Now generate FaultDesc
            if (bEntry.getFaults() != null) {
                ArrayList faults = (ArrayList) bEntry.getFaults().get(bindingOper);
                if (faults != null) {

                    // Operation was not created if there were no parameters
                    if (parameters == null) {
                        String opName = bindingOper.getOperation().getName();
                        String javaOpName = Utils.xmlNameToJava(opName);
                        pw.println("        _oper = " +
                                   "new org.apache.axis.description.OperationDesc();");
                        pw.println("        _oper.setName(\"" +
                                   javaOpName + "\");");
                    // Create FaultDesc items for each fault
                    Iterator it = faults.iterator();
                    while (it.hasNext()) {
                        FaultInfo faultInfo = (FaultInfo);
                        QName faultQName = faultInfo.getQName();
                        QName faultXMLType = faultInfo.getXMLType();
                        String faultName = faultInfo.getName();
                        String className =
                               faultInfo.getMessage(), symbolTable);
                        pw.println("        _fault = " +
                                   "new org.apache.axis.description.FaultDesc();");
                        if (faultName != null) {
                            pw.println("        _fault.setName(\"" +
                                       faultName + "\");");
                        if (faultQName != null) {
                            pw.println("        _fault.setQName(" +
                                       Utils.getNewQName(faultQName+ ");");
                        if (className != null) {
                            pw.println("        _fault.setClassName(\"" +
                                       className + "\");");
                        if (faultXMLType != null) {
                            pw.println("        _fault.setXmlType(" +
                                       Utils.getNewQName(faultXMLType+ ");");
                        pw.println("        _oper.addFault(_fault);");
        pw.println("    }");

        // Skeleton constructors
        pw.println("    public " + className + "() {");
        pw.println("        this.impl = new " + bEntry.getName() + "Impl();");
        pw.println("    }");
        pw.println("    public " + className + "(" + implType + ") {");
        pw.println("        this.impl = impl;");
        pw.println("    }");

        // Now write each of the operation methods
        for (int i = 0; i < operations.size(); ++i) {
            BindingOperation operation = (BindingOperation) operations.get(i);
            Parameters parameters =

            // Get the soapAction from the <soap:operation>
            String soapAction = "";
            Iterator operationExtensibilityIterator = operation.getExtensibilityElements().iterator();
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                    Iterator operations = portType.getOperations().iterator();
                    while(operations.hasNext()) {
                        Operation operation = (Operation);
                        OperationType type = operation.getStyle();
                        String name = operation.getName();
                        Parameters parameters = bEntry.getParameters(operation);
                        if (type == OperationType.SOLICIT_RESPONSE) {
                            parameters.signature = "    // " + Messages.getMessage(
                                    "invalidSolResp00", name);
                                    "invalidSolResp00", name));
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//                    PortTypeEntry ptEntry =
//                            symbolTable.getPortTypeEntry(bEntry.getBinding().getPortType().getQName());
                    Iterator operations =
                    while (operations.hasNext()) {
                        Parameters parms = (Parameters);
                        for (int j = 0; j < parms.list.size(); ++j) {
                            Parameter p =
                            // If the given parameter is an inout or out parameter, then
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                methodList = methodList + " " + javaOperName;

                // We pass "" as the namespace argument because we're just
                // interested in the return type for now.
                Parameters params =
                        symbolTable.getOperationParameters(operation, "", bEntry);
                if (params != null) {
                    // Get the operation QName
                    QName elementQName =
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     * This method generates the interface signatures for the given operation.
    protected void writeOperation(PrintWriter pw, Operation operation) throws IOException {
        writeComment(pw, operation.getDocumentationElement());
        Parameters parms = bEntry.getParameters(operation);
        pw.println(parms.signature + ";");
    } // writeOperation
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            if (type == OperationType.NOTIFICATION
                    || type == OperationType.SOLICIT_RESPONSE) {
            Parameters parameters =

            if (parameters != null) {
                // The invoked java name of the bindingOper is stored.
                String opName = bindingOper.getOperation().getName();
                String javaOpName = Utils.xmlNameToJava(opName);
                pw.println("        _params = new org.apache.axis.description.ParameterDesc [] {");

                for (int j=0; j < parameters.list.size(); j++) {
                    Parameter p = (Parameter) parameters.list.get(j);
                    String modeStr;
                    switch (p.getMode()) {
                        case Parameter.IN:
                            modeStr = "org.apache.axis.description.ParameterDesc.IN";
                        case Parameter.OUT:
                            modeStr = "org.apache.axis.description.ParameterDesc.OUT";
                        case Parameter.INOUT:
                            modeStr = "org.apache.axis.description.ParameterDesc.INOUT";
                            throw new IOException(
                                        (new Byte(p.getMode())).toString()));

                    // Get the QNames representing the parameter name and type
                    QName paramName = p.getQName();
                    QName paramType = Utils.getXSIType(p);
                    pw.println("            " +
                        "new org.apache.axis.description.ParameterDesc(" +
                        Utils.getNewQName(paramName) +
                        ", " + modeStr +
                        ", " + Utils.getNewQName(paramType) +
                        ", " + Utils.getParameterTypeName(p) + ".class), ");

                pw.println("        };");

                // Get the return name QName and type
                QName retName = null;
                QName retType = null;
                if (parameters.returnParam != null) {
                    retName = parameters.returnParam.getQName();
                    retType = Utils.getXSIType(parameters.returnParam);

                String returnStr;
                if (retName != null) {
                    returnStr = Utils.getNewQName(retName);
                } else {
                    returnStr = "null";
                pw.println("        _oper = new org.apache.axis.description.OperationDesc(\"" +
                           javaOpName + "\", _params, " + returnStr + ");");

                if (retType != null) {
                    pw.println("        _oper.setReturnType(" +
                               Utils.getNewQName(retType) + ");");           

                // If we need to know the QName (if we have a namespace or
                // the actual method name doesn't match the XML we expect),
                // record it in the OperationDesc
                QName elementQName = Utils.getOperationQName(bindingOper);
                if (elementQName != null) {
                    pw.println("        _oper.setElementQName(" +
                            Utils.getNewQName(elementQName) + ");");

                // Find the SOAPAction.
                List elems = bindingOper.getExtensibilityElements();
                Iterator it = elems.iterator();
                boolean found = false;
                while (!found && it.hasNext()) {
                    ExtensibilityElement elem = (ExtensibilityElement);
                    if (elem instanceof SOAPOperation) {
                        SOAPOperation soapOp = (SOAPOperation) elem;
                        String action = soapOp.getSoapActionURI();
                        if (action != null) {
                            pw.println("        _oper.setSoapAction(\"" + action + "\");");
                            found = true;

                pw.println("        _myOperationsList.add(_oper);");
                pw.println("        if (_myOperations.get(\"" + javaOpName + "\") == null) {");
                pw.println("            _myOperations.put(\"" + javaOpName + "\", new java.util.ArrayList());");
                pw.println("        }");
                pw.println("        ((java.util.List)_myOperations.get(\"" + javaOpName + "\")).add(_oper);");
        pw.println("    }");

        // Skeleton constructors
        pw.println("    public " + className + "() {");
        pw.println("        this.impl = new " + bEntry.getName() + "Impl();");
        pw.println("    }");
        pw.println("    public " + className + "(" + implType + ") {");
        pw.println("        this.impl = impl;");
        pw.println("    }");

        // Now write each of the operation methods
        for (int i = 0; i < operations.size(); ++i) {
            BindingOperation operation = (BindingOperation) operations.get(i);
            Parameters parameters =

            // Get the soapAction from the <soap:operation>
            String soapAction = "";
            Iterator operationExtensibilityIterator = operation.getExtensibilityElements().iterator();
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            Binding binding, BindingEntry bEntry) throws IOException {
        Iterator ops = portType.getOperations().iterator();
        while (ops.hasNext()) {
            Operation op = (Operation);
            OperationType type = op.getStyle();
            Parameters params = bEntry.getParameters(op);
            // did we emit a constructor that throws?
            BooleanHolder bThrow = new BooleanHolder(false);

            // These operation types are not supported.  The signature
            // will be a string stating that fact.
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Related Classes of org.apache.axis.wsdl.symbolTable.Parameters

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