Package org.apache.axis.soap

Examples of org.apache.axis.soap.SOAPConstants

            } else if (responseMessage == null) {
            try {
                SOAPConstants soapConstants = messageContext.getSOAPConstants();
                String contentType1 = responseMessage.getContentType(soapConstants);
                // Transfer MIME headers to HTTP headers for response message.
                MimeHeaders responseMimeHeaders = responseMessage.getMimeHeaders();
                for (Iterator i = responseMimeHeaders.getAllHeaders(); i.hasNext();) {
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            } else if (responseMessage == null) {
            try {
                SOAPConstants soapConstants = messageContext.getSOAPConstants();
                String contentType1 = responseMessage.getContentType(soapConstants);
                // Transfer MIME headers to HTTP headers for response message.
                MimeHeaders responseMimeHeaders = responseMessage.getMimeHeaders();
                for (Iterator i = responseMimeHeaders.getAllHeaders(); i.hasNext();) {
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            } else if (responseMessage == null) {
            try {
                SOAPConstants soapConstants = messageContext.getSOAPConstants();
                String contentType1 = responseMessage.getContentType(soapConstants);
                // Transfer MIME headers to HTTP headers for response message.
                MimeHeaders responseMimeHeaders = responseMessage.getMimeHeaders();
                for (Iterator i = responseMimeHeaders.getAllHeaders(); i.hasNext();) {
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        if (value == null)
            throw new IOException(Messages.getMessage("cantDoNullArray00"));

        MessageContext msgContext = context.getMessageContext();
        SchemaVersion schema = SchemaVersion.SCHEMA_2001;
        SOAPConstants soap = SOAPConstants.SOAP11_CONSTANTS;
        if(msgContext != null) {
            schema = msgContext.getSchemaVersion();
            soap = msgContext.getSOAPConstants();

        Class cls = value.getClass();
        Collection list = null;

        if (!cls.isArray()) {
            if (!(value instanceof Collection)) {
                throw new IOException(
                        Messages.getMessage("cantSerialize00", cls.getName()));
            list = (Collection)value;

        // Get the componentType of the array/list
        Class componentType;
        if (list == null) {
            componentType = cls.getComponentType();
        } else {
            componentType = Object.class;

        // Check to see if componentType is also an array.
        // If so, set the componentType to the most nested non-array
        // componentType.  Increase the dims string by "[]"
        // each time through the loop.
        // Note from Rich Scheuerle:
        //    This won't handle Lists of Lists or
        //    arrays of Lists....only arrays of arrays.
        String dims = "";
        while (componentType.isArray()) {
            componentType = componentType.getComponentType();
            dims += "[]";

        // Get the QName of the componentType.
        // If not found, look at the super classes
        QName componentQName = context.getQNameForClass(componentType);
        if (componentQName == null) {
            Class searchCls = componentType;
            while(searchCls != null && componentQName == null) {
                searchCls = searchCls.getSuperclass();
                componentQName = context.getQNameForClass(searchCls);
            if (componentQName != null) {
                componentType = searchCls;

        if (componentQName == null) {
            throw new IOException(
                    Messages.getMessage("noType00", componentType.getName()));

        String prefix = context.getPrefixForURI(componentQName.getNamespaceURI());
        String compType = prefix + ":" + componentQName.getLocalPart();
        int len = (list == null) ? Array.getLength(value) : list.size();

        String arrayType = compType + dims + "[" + len + "]";

        // Discover whether array can be serialized directly as a two-dimensional
        // array (i.e. arrayType=int[2,3]) versus an array of arrays.
        // Benefits:
        //   - Less text passed on the wire.
        //   - Easier to read wire format
        //   - Tests the deserialization of multi-dimensional arrays.
        // Drawbacks:
        //   - Is not safe!  It is possible that the arrays are multiply
        //     referenced.  Transforming into a 2-dim array will cause the
        //     multi-referenced information to be lost.  Plus there is no
        //     way to determine whether the arrays are multi-referenced.
        //     Thus the code is currently disabled (see enable2Dim below).
        // Currently the support is ENABLED because it is necessary for
        // interoperability (echo2DStringArray).  It is 'safe' for now
        // because Axis treats arrays as non multi-ref (see the note
        // in SerializationContextImpl.isPrimitive(...) )
        // More complicated processing is necessary for 3-dim arrays, etc.
        int dim2Len = -1;
        boolean enable2Dim = true// Enabled 2-Dim processing
        if (enable2Dim && !dims.equals("")) {
            if (cls.isArray() && len > 0) {
                boolean okay = true;
                // Make sure all of the component arrays are the same size
                for (int i=0; i < len && okay; i++) {

                    Object elementValue = Array.get(value, i);
                    if (elementValue == null)
                        okay = false;
                    else if (dim2Len < 0) {
                        dim2Len = Array.getLength(elementValue);
                        if (dim2Len <= 0) {
                            okay = false;
                    } else if (dim2Len != Array.getLength(elementValue)) {
                        okay = false;
                // Update the arrayType to use mult-dim array encoding
                if (okay) {
                    dims = dims.substring(0, dims.length()-2);
                    arrayType = compType + dims + "[" + len + "," + dim2Len + "]";
                } else {
                    dim2Len = -1;

        // Need to distinguish if this is array processing for an
        // actual schema array or for a maxOccurs usage.
        // For the maxOccurs case, the currentXMLType of the context is
        // the same as the componentQName.
        boolean maxOccursUsage = (msgContext != null && !msgContext.isEncoded()) &&

        if (!maxOccursUsage) {
            AttributesImpl attrs;
            if (attributes == null) {
                attrs = new AttributesImpl();
            } else if (attributes instanceof AttributesImpl) {
                attrs = (AttributesImpl)attributes;
            } else {
                attrs = new AttributesImpl(attributes);

            if (attrs.getIndex(soap.getEncodingURI(),
                               Constants.ATTR_ARRAY_TYPE) == -1) {
                String encprefix =
                                   encprefix + ":arrayType",
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     * Get all the headers targeted at a list of actors.
    Vector getHeadersByActor(ArrayList actors) {
        Vector results = new Vector();
        Iterator i = headers.iterator();
        SOAPConstants soapVer = getEnvelope().getSOAPConstants();
        boolean isSOAP12 = soapVer == SOAPConstants.SOAP12_CONSTANTS;
        String nextActor = soapVer.getNextRoleURI();
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            SOAPHeaderElement header = (SOAPHeaderElement);
            // Always process NEXT's, and then anything else in our list
            // For now, also always process ultimateReceiver role if SOAP 1.2
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     * When we're sure we have everything, this gets called.
    private void createFault() {
        AxisFault f = null;
        SOAPConstants soapConstants = context.getMessageContext().getSOAPConstants();

        if (faultClass != null) {
            // Custom fault handling
            try {
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                                    DeserializationContext context)
        throws SAXException
        SOAPHandler retHandler = null;

        SOAPConstants soapConstants = context.getMessageContext().getSOAPConstants();
        QName qName = null;
        // If we found the type for this field, get the deserializer
        // otherwise, if this is the details element, use the special
        // SOAPFaultDetailsBuilder handler to take care of custom fault data
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    public MessageElement makeNewElement(String namespace, String localName,
                                         String prefix, Attributes attributes,
                                         DeserializationContext context) {
        SOAPConstants soapConstants = context.getMessageContext() == null ?
                                        SOAPConstants.SOAP11_CONSTANTS :
        return new SOAPBody(namespace,
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        SOAPConstants soapConstants = context.getMessageContext() == null ?
                                        SOAPConstants.SOAP11_CONSTANTS :
        if (element == null) {
            if ((style == Style.RPC) &&
                soapConstants == SOAPConstants.SOAP12_CONSTANTS) {
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        if (value == null)
            throw new IOException(Messages.getMessage("cantDoNullArray00"));

        MessageContext msgContext = context.getMessageContext();
        SchemaVersion schema = msgContext.getSchemaVersion();
        SOAPConstants soap = msgContext.getSOAPConstants();

        Class cls = value.getClass();
        Collection list = null;

        if (!cls.isArray()) {
            if (!(value instanceof Collection)) {
                throw new IOException(
                        Messages.getMessage("cantSerialize00", cls.getName()));
            list = (Collection)value;

        // Get the componentType of the array/list
        Class componentType;
        if (list == null) {
            componentType = cls.getComponentType();
        } else {
            componentType = Object.class;

        // Check to see if componentType is also an array.
        // If so, set the componentType to the most nested non-array
        // componentType.  Increase the dims string by "[]"
        // each time through the loop.
        // Note from Rich Scheuerle:
        //    This won't handle Lists of Lists or
        //    arrays of Lists....only arrays of arrays.
        String dims = "";
        while (componentType.isArray()) {
            componentType = componentType.getComponentType();
            dims += "[]";

        // Get the QName of the componentType. 
        // If not found, look at the super classes
        QName componentQName = context.getQNameForClass(componentType);
        if (componentQName == null) {
            Class searchCls = componentType;
            while(searchCls != null && componentQName == null) {
                searchCls = searchCls.getSuperclass();
                componentQName = context.getQNameForClass(searchCls);
            if (componentQName != null) {
                componentType = searchCls;

        if (componentQName == null) {
            throw new IOException(
                    Messages.getMessage("noType00", componentType.getName()));

        String prefix = context.getPrefixForURI(componentQName.getNamespaceURI());
        String compType = prefix + ":" + componentQName.getLocalPart();
        int len = (list == null) ? Array.getLength(value) : list.size();

        String arrayType = compType + dims + "[" + len + "]";

        // Discover whether array can be serialized directly as a two-dimensional
        // array (i.e. arrayType=int[2,3]) versus an array of arrays.
        // Benefits:
        //   - Less text passed on the wire.
        //   - Easier to read wire format
        //   - Tests the deserialization of multi-dimensional arrays.
        // Drawbacks:
        //   - Is not safe!  It is possible that the arrays are multiply
        //     referenced.  Transforming into a 2-dim array will cause the
        //     multi-referenced information to be lost.  Plus there is no
        //     way to determine whether the arrays are multi-referenced.
        //     Thus the code is currently disabled (see enable2Dim below).
        // Currently the support is ENABLED because it is necessary for
        // interoperability (echo2DStringArray).  It is 'safe' for now
        // because Axis treats arrays as non multi-ref (see the note
        // in SerializationContextImpl.isPrimitive(...) )
        // More complicated processing is necessary for 3-dim arrays, etc.
        int dim2Len = -1;
        boolean enable2Dim = true// Enabled 2-Dim processing
        if (enable2Dim && !dims.equals("")) {
            if (cls.isArray() && len > 0) {
                boolean okay = true;
                // Make sure all of the component arrays are the same size
                for (int i=0; i < len && okay; i++) {

                    Object elementValue = Array.get(value, i);
                    if (elementValue == null)
                        okay = false;
                    else if (dim2Len < 0) {
                        dim2Len = Array.getLength(elementValue);
                        if (dim2Len <= 0) {
                            okay = false;
                    } else if (dim2Len != Array.getLength(elementValue)) {
                        okay = false;
                // Update the arrayType to use mult-dim array encoding
                if (okay) {
                    dims = dims.substring(0, dims.length()-2);
                    arrayType = compType + dims + "[" + len + "," + dim2Len + "]";
                } else {
                    dim2Len = -1;

        // Need to distinguish if this is array processing for an
        // actual schema array or for a maxOccurs usage.
        // For the maxOccurs case, the currentXMLType of the context is
        // the same as the componentQName.
        boolean maxOccursUsage = componentQName.equals(context.getCurrentXMLType());

        // Are we encoded?
        boolean isEncoded = context.getMessageContext().isEncoded();

        if (isEncoded && !maxOccursUsage) {
            AttributesImpl attrs;
            if (attributes == null) {
                attrs = new AttributesImpl();
            } else if (attributes instanceof AttributesImpl) {
                attrs = (AttributesImpl)attributes;
            } else {
                attrs = new AttributesImpl(attributes);

            if (attrs.getIndex(soap.getEncodingURI(),
                               Constants.ATTR_ARRAY_TYPE) == -1) {
                String encprefix =
                                   encprefix + ":arrayType",
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Related Classes of org.apache.axis.soap.SOAPConstants

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