Package org.apache.avro

Examples of org.apache.avro.AvroTypeException

        Schema schema = Schema.createMap(createSchema(params[1], names));
        Class key = (Class)params[0];
        if (isStringable(key)) {                             // Stringable key
          schema.addProp(KEY_CLASS_PROP, key.getName());
        } else if (key != String.class) {
          throw new AvroTypeException("Map key class not String: "+key);
        return schema;
      } else if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(raw)) {   // Collection
        if (params.length != 1)
          throw new AvroTypeException("No array type specified.");
        Schema schema = Schema.createArray(createSchema(params[0], names));
        schema.addProp(CLASS_PROP, raw.getName());
        return schema;
    } else if ((type == Byte.class) || (type == Byte.TYPE)) {
      Schema result = Schema.create(Schema.Type.INT);
      result.addProp(CLASS_PROP, Byte.class.getName());
      return result;
    } else if ((type == Short.class) || (type == Short.TYPE)) {
      Schema result = Schema.create(Schema.Type.INT);
      result.addProp(CLASS_PROP, Short.class.getName());
      return result;
    } else if ((type == Character.class) || (type == Character.TYPE)) {
        Schema result = Schema.create(Schema.Type.INT);
        result.addProp(CLASS_PROP, Character.class.getName());
        return result;
    } else if (type instanceof Class) {                      // Class
      Class<?> c = (Class<?>)type;
      if (c.isPrimitive() ||                                 // primitives
          c == Void.class || c == Boolean.class ||
          c == Integer.class || c == Long.class ||
          c == Float.class || c == Double.class ||
          c == Byte.class || c == Short.class ||
          c == Character.class)
        return super.createSchema(type, names);
      if (c.isArray()) {                                     // array
        Class component = c.getComponentType();
        if (component == Byte.TYPE) {                        // byte array
          Schema result = Schema.create(Schema.Type.BYTES);
          result.addProp(CLASS_PROP, c.getName());
          return result;
        Schema result = Schema.createArray(createSchema(component, names));
        result.addProp(CLASS_PROP, c.getName());
        setElement(result, component);
        return result;
      AvroSchema explicit = c.getAnnotation(AvroSchema.class);
      if (explicit != null)                                  // explicit schema
        return Schema.parse(explicit.value());
      if (CharSequence.class.isAssignableFrom(c))            // String
        return Schema.create(Schema.Type.STRING);
      if (ByteBuffer.class.isAssignableFrom(c))              // bytes
        return Schema.create(Schema.Type.BYTES);
      if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(c))              // array
        throw new AvroRuntimeException("Can't find element type of Collection");
      String fullName = c.getName();
      Schema schema = names.get(fullName);
      if (schema == null) {
        String name = c.getSimpleName();
        String space = c.getPackage() == null ? "" : c.getPackage().getName();
        if (c.getEnclosingClass() != null)                   // nested class
          space = c.getEnclosingClass().getName() + "$";
        Union union = c.getAnnotation(Union.class);
        if (union != null) {                                 // union annotated
          return getAnnotatedUnion(union, names);
        } else if (isStringable(c)) {                        // Stringable
          Schema result = Schema.create(Schema.Type.STRING);
          result.addProp(CLASS_PROP, c.getName());
          return result;
        } else if (c.isEnum()) {                             // Enum
          List<String> symbols = new ArrayList<String>();
          Enum[] constants = (Enum[])c.getEnumConstants();
          for (int i = 0; i < constants.length; i++)
          schema = Schema.createEnum(name, null /* doc */, space, symbols);
          consumeAvroAliasAnnotation(c, schema);
        } else if (GenericFixed.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) { // fixed
          int size = c.getAnnotation(FixedSize.class).value();
          schema = Schema.createFixed(name, null /* doc */, space, size);
          consumeAvroAliasAnnotation(c, schema);
        } else if (IndexedRecord.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) { // specific
          return super.createSchema(type, names);
        } else {                                             // record
          List<Schema.Field> fields = new ArrayList<Schema.Field>();
          boolean error = Throwable.class.isAssignableFrom(c);
          schema = Schema.createRecord(name, null /* doc */, space, error);
          consumeAvroAliasAnnotation(c, schema);
          names.put(c.getName(), schema);
          for (Field field : getCachedFields(c))
            if ((field.getModifiers()&(Modifier.TRANSIENT|Modifier.STATIC))==0
                && !field.isAnnotationPresent(AvroIgnore.class)) {
              Schema fieldSchema = createFieldSchema(field, names);
              AvroDefault defaultAnnotation
                = field.getAnnotation(AvroDefault.class);
              JsonNode defaultValue = (defaultAnnotation == null)
                ? null
                : Schema.parseJson(defaultAnnotation.value());
              if (defaultValue == null
                  && fieldSchema.getType() == Schema.Type.UNION) {
                Schema defaultType = fieldSchema.getTypes().get(0);
                if (defaultType.getType() == Schema.Type.NULL) {
                  defaultValue = NullNode.getInstance();
              AvroName annotatedName = field.getAnnotation(AvroName.class);       // Rename fields
              String fieldName = (annotatedName != null)           
                ? annotatedName.value()
                : field.getName();
              Schema.Field recordField
                = new Schema.Field(fieldName, fieldSchema, null, defaultValue);
              AvroMeta meta = field.getAnnotation(AvroMeta.class);              // add metadata
              if (meta != null)
                recordField.addProp(meta.key(), meta.value())
              for(Schema.Field f : fields) {                               
                if (
                  throw new AvroTypeException("double field entry: "+ fieldName);
          if (error)                              // add Throwable message
            fields.add(new Schema.Field("detailMessage", THROWABLE_MESSAGE,
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          && c.getPackage().getName().startsWith("java."))
        break;                                   // skip java built-in classes
      for (Field field : c.getDeclaredFields())
        if ((field.getModifiers() & (Modifier.TRANSIENT|Modifier.STATIC)) == 0)
          if (fields.put(field.getName(), field) != null)
            throw new AvroTypeException(c+" contains two fields named: "+field);
      c = c.getSuperclass();
    } while (c != null);
    fieldsList = fields.values().toArray(new Field[0]);
    return fieldsList;
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    Map<String,Message> messages = protocol.getMessages();
    for (Method method : iface.getMethods())
      if ((method.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC) == 0) {
        String name = method.getName();
        if (messages.containsKey(name))
          throw new AvroTypeException("Two methods with same name: "+name);
        messages.put(name, getMessage(method, protocol, names));

    // reverse types, since they were defined in reference order
    List<Schema> types = new ArrayList<Schema>();
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  private Schema getSchema(Type type, Map<String,Schema> names) {
    try {
      return createSchema(type, names);
    } catch (AvroTypeException e) {               // friendly exception
      throw new AvroTypeException("Error getting schema for "+type+": "
                                  +e.getMessage(), e);
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      Schema elementType = null;
      for (Object element : (Collection<?>)datum) {
        if (elementType == null) {
          elementType = induce(element);
        } else if (!elementType.equals(induce(element))) {
          throw new AvroTypeException("No mixed type arrays.");
      if (elementType == null) {
        throw new AvroTypeException("Empty array: "+datum);
      return Schema.createArray(elementType);

    } else if (isMap(datum)) {
      Map<Object,Object> map = (Map<Object,Object>)datum;
      Schema value = null;
      for (Map.Entry<Object,Object> entry : map.entrySet()) {
        if (value == null) {
          value = induce(entry.getValue());
        } else if (!value.equals(induce(entry.getValue()))) {
          throw new AvroTypeException("No mixed type map values.");
      if (value == null) {
        throw new AvroTypeException("Empty map: "+datum);
      return Schema.createMap(value);
    } else if (datum instanceof GenericFixed) {
      return Schema.createFixed(null, null, null,
    else if (isString(datum)) return Schema.create(Type.STRING);
    else if (isBytes(datum)) return Schema.create(Type.BYTES);
    else if (isInteger(datum))    return Schema.create(Type.INT);
    else if (isLong(datum))       return Schema.create(Type.LONG);
    else if (isFloat(datum))      return Schema.create(Type.FLOAT);
    else if (isDouble(datum))     return Schema.create(Type.DOUBLE);
    else if (isBoolean(datum))    return Schema.create(Type.BOOLEAN);
    else if (datum == null)               return Schema.create(Type.NULL);

    else throw new AvroTypeException("Can't create schema for: "+datum);
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      case RECORD:
        return resolveRecords(writer, reader, seen);
      case UNION:
        return resolveUnion(writer, reader, seen);
        throw new AvroTypeException("Unkown type for schema: " + writerType);
    } else // writer and reader are of different types
      if (writerType == Schema.Type.UNION) {
        return resolveUnion(writer, reader, seen);
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        JsonNode v = n.get(name);
        if (v == null) {
          v = f.defaultValue();
        if (v == null) {
          throw new AvroTypeException("No default value for: " + name);
        encode(e, f.schema(), v);
    case ENUM:
    case ARRAY:
      Schema i = s.getElementType();
      for (JsonNode node : n) {
        encode(e, i, node);
    case MAP:
      Schema v = s.getValueType();
      for (Iterator<String> it = n.getFieldNames(); it.hasNext();) {
        String key =;
        encode(e, v, n.get(key));
    case UNION:
      encode(e, s.getTypes().get(0), n);
    case FIXED:
      if (!n.isTextual())
        throw new AvroTypeException("Non-string default value for fixed: "+n);
      byte[] bb = n.getTextValue().getBytes("ISO-8859-1");
      if (bb.length != s.getFixedSize()) {
        bb = Arrays.copyOf(bb, s.getFixedSize());
    case STRING:
      if (!n.isTextual())
        throw new AvroTypeException("Non-string default value for string: "+n);
    case BYTES:
      if (!n.isTextual())
        throw new AvroTypeException("Non-string default value for bytes: "+n);
    case INT:
      if (!n.isNumber())
        throw new AvroTypeException("Non-numeric default value for int: "+n);
    case LONG:
      if (!n.isNumber())
        throw new AvroTypeException("Non-numeric default value for long: "+n);
    case FLOAT:
      if (!n.isNumber())
        throw new AvroTypeException("Non-numeric default value for float: "+n);
      e.writeFloat((float) n.getDoubleValue());
    case DOUBLE:
      if (!n.isNumber())
        throw new AvroTypeException("Non-numeric default value for double: "+n);
    case BOOLEAN:
      if (!n.isBoolean())
        throw new AvroTypeException("Non-boolean default for boolean: "+n);
    case NULL:
      if (!n.isNull())
        throw new AvroTypeException("Non-null default value for null type: "+n);
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  private void checkFixed(int size) throws IOException {
    Symbol.IntCheckAction top = (Symbol.IntCheckAction) parser.popSymbol();
    if (size != top.size) {
      throw new AvroTypeException(
        "Incorrect length for fixed binary: expected " +
        top.size + " but received " + size + " bytes.");
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    if (in.getCurrentToken() == JsonToken.VALUE_STRING) {
      byte[] result = readByteArray();
      if (result.length != len) {
        throw new AvroTypeException("Expected fixed length " + len
            + ", but got" + result.length);
      System.arraycopy(result, 0, bytes, start, len);
    } else {
      throw error("fixed");
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  private void doSkipFixed(int length) throws IOException {
    if (in.getCurrentToken() == JsonToken.VALUE_STRING) {
      byte[] result = readByteArray();
      if (result.length != length) {
        throw new AvroTypeException("Expected fixed length " + length
            + ", but got" + result.length);
    } else {
      throw error("fixed");
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Related Classes of org.apache.avro.AvroTypeException

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