public class RequiredTranAttributeTest extends AbstractIntegrationTest {
public void testRequired() throws Exception {
TestBean bean = getOsgiService(TestBean.class, "(tranAttribute=Required)", DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
UserTransaction tran = getOsgiService(UserTransaction.class);
//Test with client transaction - the user transaction is used to insert a row
int initialRows = bean.countRows();
bean.insertRow("testWithClientTran", 1);
int finalRows = bean.countRows();
assertTrue("Initial rows: " + initialRows + ", Final rows: " + finalRows, finalRows - initialRows == 1);
//Test with client transaction and application exception - the user transaction is not rolled back
initialRows = bean.countRows();
bean.insertRow("testWithClientTranAndWithAppException", 1);
try {
bean.insertRow("testWithClientTranAndWithAppException", 2, new SQLException());
} catch (SQLException e) {
finalRows = bean.countRows();
assertTrue("Initial rows: " + initialRows + ", Final rows: " + finalRows, finalRows - initialRows == 2);
//Test with client transaction and runtime exception - the user transaction is rolled back
initialRows = bean.countRows();
bean.insertRow("testWithClientTranAndWithRuntimeException", 1);
try {
bean.insertRow("testWithClientTranAndWithRuntimeException", 2, new RuntimeException());
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
try {
fail("RollbackException not thrown");
} catch (RollbackException e) {
finalRows = bean.countRows();
assertTrue("Initial rows: " + initialRows + ", Final rows: " + finalRows, finalRows - initialRows == 0);
//Test without client exception - a container transaction is used to insert the row
initialRows = bean.countRows();
bean.insertRow("testWithoutClientTran", 1);
finalRows = bean.countRows();
assertTrue("Initial rows: " + initialRows + ", Final rows: " + finalRows, finalRows - initialRows == 1);
//Test without client exception and with application exception - the container transaction is not rolled back
initialRows = bean.countRows();
try {
bean.insertRow("testWithoutClientTranAndWithAppException", 1, new SQLException("Dummy exception"));
} catch (Exception e) {
finalRows = bean.countRows();
assertTrue("Initial rows: " + initialRows + ", Final rows: " + finalRows, finalRows - initialRows == 1);
//Test without client transaction and with runtime exception - the container transaction is rolled back
initialRows = bean.countRows();
try {
bean.insertRow("testWithoutClientTranAndWithRuntimeException", 1, new RuntimeException("Dummy exception"));
} catch (Exception e) {
finalRows = bean.countRows();
assertTrue("Initial rows: " + initialRows + ", Final rows: " + finalRows, finalRows - initialRows == 0);