Metadata value = parseArgumentOrPropertyValue(element, enclosingComponent);
return new BeanArgumentImpl(value, type, index);
private ComponentMetadata parseService(Element element, boolean topElement) {
ServiceMetadataImpl service = new ServiceMetadataImpl();
boolean hasInterfaceNameAttribute = false;
if (topElement) {
} else {
if (element.hasAttribute(INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTE)) {
hasInterfaceNameAttribute = true;
if (element.hasAttribute(REF_ATTRIBUTE)) {
service.setServiceComponent(new RefMetadataImpl(element.getAttribute(REF_ATTRIBUTE)));
if (element.hasAttribute(DEPENDS_ON_ATTRIBUTE)) {
String autoExport = element.hasAttribute(AUTO_EXPORT_ATTRIBUTE) ? element.getAttribute(AUTO_EXPORT_ATTRIBUTE) : AUTO_EXPORT_DEFAULT;
if (AUTO_EXPORT_DISABLED.equals(autoExport)) {
} else if (AUTO_EXPORT_INTERFACES.equals(autoExport)) {
} else if (AUTO_EXPORT_CLASS_HIERARCHY.equals(autoExport)) {
} else if (AUTO_EXPORT_ALL.equals(autoExport)) {
} else {
throw new ComponentDefinitionException("Illegal value (" + autoExport + ") for " + AUTO_EXPORT_ATTRIBUTE + " attribute");
String ranking = element.hasAttribute(RANKING_ATTRIBUTE) ? element.getAttribute(RANKING_ATTRIBUTE) : RANKING_DEFAULT;
try {
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new ComponentDefinitionException("Attribute " + RANKING_ATTRIBUTE + " must be a valid integer (was: " + ranking + ")");
// Parse elements
NodeList nl = element.getChildNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) {
Node node = nl.item(i);
if (node instanceof Element) {
Element e = (Element) node;
if (isBlueprintNamespace(e.getNamespaceURI())) {
if (nodeNameEquals(e, INTERFACES_ELEMENT)) {
if (hasInterfaceNameAttribute) {
throw new ComponentDefinitionException("Only one of " + INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTE + " attribute or " + INTERFACES_ELEMENT + " element must be used");
} else if (nodeNameEquals(e, SERVICE_PROPERTIES_ELEMENT)) {
List<MapEntry> entries = parseServiceProperties(e, service).getEntries();
} else if (nodeNameEquals(e, REGISTRATION_LISTENER_ELEMENT)) {
service.addRegistrationListener(parseRegistrationListener(e, service));
} else if (nodeNameEquals(e, BEAN_ELEMENT)) {
if (service.getServiceComponent() != null) {
throw new ComponentDefinitionException("Only one of " + REF_ATTRIBUTE + " attribute, " + BEAN_ELEMENT + " element, " + REFERENCE_ELEMENT + " element or " + REF_ELEMENT + " element can be set");
service.setServiceComponent((Target) parseBeanMetadata(e, false));
} else if (nodeNameEquals(e, REF_ELEMENT)) {
if (service.getServiceComponent() != null) {
throw new ComponentDefinitionException("Only one of " + REF_ATTRIBUTE + " attribute, " + BEAN_ELEMENT + " element, " + REFERENCE_ELEMENT + " element or " + REF_ELEMENT + " element can be set");
String component = e.getAttribute(COMPONENT_ID_ATTRIBUTE);
if (component == null || component.length() == 0) {
throw new ComponentDefinitionException("Element " + REF_ELEMENT + " must have a valid " + COMPONENT_ID_ATTRIBUTE + " attribute");
service.setServiceComponent(new RefMetadataImpl(component));
} else if (nodeNameEquals(e, REFERENCE_ELEMENT)) {
if (service.getServiceComponent() != null) {
throw new ComponentDefinitionException("Only one of " + REF_ATTRIBUTE + " attribute, " + BEAN_ELEMENT + " element, " + REFERENCE_ELEMENT + " element or " + REF_ELEMENT + " element can be set");
service.setServiceComponent((Target) parseReference(e, false));
// Check service
if (service.getServiceComponent() == null) {
throw new ComponentDefinitionException("One of " + REF_ATTRIBUTE + " attribute, " + BEAN_ELEMENT + " element, " + REFERENCE_ELEMENT + " element or " + REF_ELEMENT + " element must be set");
// Check interface
if (service.getAutoExport() == ServiceMetadata.AUTO_EXPORT_DISABLED && service.getInterfaces().isEmpty()) {
throw new ComponentDefinitionException(INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTE + " attribute or " + INTERFACES_ELEMENT + " element must be set when " + AUTO_EXPORT_ATTRIBUTE + " is set to " + AUTO_EXPORT_DISABLED);
// Check for non-disabled auto-exports and interfaces
if (service.getAutoExport() != ServiceMetadata.AUTO_EXPORT_DISABLED && !service.getInterfaces().isEmpty()) {
throw new ComponentDefinitionException(INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTE + " attribute or " + INTERFACES_ELEMENT + " element must not be set when " + AUTO_EXPORT_ATTRIBUTE + " is set to anything else than " + AUTO_EXPORT_DISABLED);
ComponentMetadata s = service;
// Parse custom attributes