private void writeClass( XMLWriter writer, ModelClass modelClass ) throws ModelloException
JPoxClassMetadata jpoxMetadata = (JPoxClassMetadata) modelClass.getMetadata( JPoxClassMetadata.ID );
if ( !jpoxMetadata.isEnabled() )
// Skip generation of those classes that are not enabled for the jpox plugin.
writer.startElement( "class" );
writer.addAttribute( "name", modelClass.getName() );
ModelClass persistenceCapableSuperclass = null;
if ( modelClass.hasSuperClass() && modelClass.isInternalSuperClass() )
persistenceCapableSuperclass = getModel().getClass( modelClass.getSuperClass(), getGeneratedVersion() );
if ( persistenceCapableSuperclass != null )
String superPackageName =
persistenceCapableSuperclass.getPackageName( isPackageWithVersion(), getGeneratedVersion() );
writer.addAttribute( "persistence-capable-superclass", superPackageName + "."
+ persistenceCapableSuperclass.getName() );
writer.addAttribute( "detachable", String.valueOf( jpoxMetadata.isDetachable() ) );
writer.addAttribute( "table", getTableName( modelClass, jpoxMetadata ) );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// If this class has a primary key field mark make jpox manage the id
// as a autoincrement variable
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
List fields = Collections.unmodifiableList( modelClass.getFields( getGeneratedVersion() ) );
// TODO: for now, assume that any primary key will be set in the super class
// While it should be possible to have abstract super classes and have the
// key defined in the sub class this is not implemented yet.
boolean needInheritance = false;
if ( persistenceCapableSuperclass == null )
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( jpoxMetadata.getIdentityType() ) )
String identityType = jpoxMetadata.getIdentityType();
if ( !IDENTITY_TYPES.contains( identityType ) )
throw new ModelloException( "The JDO mapping generator does not support the specified "
+ "class identity type '" + identityType + "'. " + "Supported types: "
writer.addAttribute( "identity-type", identityType );
else if ( isInstantionApplicationType( modelClass ) )
writer.addAttribute( "identity-type", "application" );
needInheritance = true;
if ( objectIdClassOverride != null )
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( objectIdClassOverride ) )
writer.addAttribute( "objectid-class", jpoxMetadata.getIdentityClass() );
else if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( jpoxMetadata.getIdentityClass() ) )
// Use user provided objectId class.
writer.addAttribute( "objectid-class", jpoxMetadata.getIdentityClass() );
// Calculate the objectId class.
List primaryKeys = getPrimaryKeyFields( modelClass );
// TODO: write generation support for multi-primary-key support.
// would likely need to write a java class that can supply an ObjectIdentity
// to the jpox/jdo implementation.
if ( primaryKeys.size() > 1 )
throw new ModelloException(
"The JDO mapping generator does not yet support Object Identifier generation "
+ "for the " + primaryKeys.size()
+ " fields specified as <identifier> or "
+ "with jpox.primary-key=\"true\"" );
if ( primaryKeys.size() == 1 )
ModelField modelField = (ModelField) primaryKeys.get( 0 );
String objectIdClass = (String) PRIMITIVE_IDENTITY_MAP.get( modelField.getType() );
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( objectIdClass ) )
writer.addAttribute( "objectid-class", objectIdClass );
if ( needInheritance )
writer.startElement( "inheritance" );
// TODO: The table strategy should be customizable
// - in particular
// the strategy="subclass-table" and strategy="new-table" parts
writer.addAttribute( "strategy", "new-table" );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Write all fields
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
for ( Iterator it = fields.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
ModelField modelField = (ModelField);
writeModelField( writer, modelField );
// Write ignored fields.
List ignoredFields = jpoxMetadata.getNotPersisted();
if ( ignoredFields != null )
Iterator it = ignoredFields.iterator();
while ( it.hasNext() )