AccountLockedException e =
new AccountLockedException( "Account " + source.getUsername() + " is locked.", user );
log.warn( "{}", e.getMessage() );
resultException = e;
new AuthenticationFailureCause( AuthenticationConstants.AUTHN_LOCKED_USER_EXCEPTION,
e.getMessage() ) );
if ( user.isPasswordChangeRequired() && source.isEnforcePasswordChange() )
//throw new MustChangePasswordException( "Password expired.", user );
MustChangePasswordException e = new MustChangePasswordException( "Password expired.", user );
log.warn( "{}", e.getMessage() );
resultException = e;
new AuthenticationFailureCause( AuthenticationConstants.AUTHN_MUST_CHANGE_PASSWORD_EXCEPTION,
e.getMessage() ) );
PasswordEncoder encoder = securityPolicy.getPasswordEncoder();
log.debug( "PasswordEncoder: {}", encoder.getClass().getName() );
boolean isPasswordValid = encoder.isPasswordValid( user.getEncodedPassword(), source.getPassword() );
if ( isPasswordValid )
log.debug( "User {} provided a valid password", source.getUsername() );
securityPolicy.extensionPasswordExpiration( user );
authenticationSuccess = true;
//REDBACK-151 do not make unnessesary updates to the user object
if ( user.getCountFailedLoginAttempts() > 0 )
user.setCountFailedLoginAttempts( 0 );
if ( !userManager.isReadOnly() )
userManager.updateUser( user );
return new AuthenticationResult( true, source.getUsername(), null );
catch ( MustChangePasswordException e )
user.setPasswordChangeRequired( true );
//throw e;
resultException = e;
authnResultErrors.add( new AuthenticationFailureCause(
AuthenticationConstants.AUTHN_MUST_CHANGE_PASSWORD_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage() ).user( user ) );
log.warn( "Password is Invalid for user {} and userManager '{}'.", source.getUsername(),
userManager.getId() );
authnResultErrors.add( new AuthenticationFailureCause( AuthenticationConstants.AUTHN_NO_SUCH_USER,
"Password is Invalid for user "
+ source.getUsername() + "." ).user( user ) );
securityPolicy.extensionExcessiveLoginAttempts( user );
if ( !userManager.isReadOnly() )
userManager.updateUser( user );
//return new AuthenticationResult( false, source.getUsername(), null, authnResultExceptionsMap );
catch ( UserNotFoundException e )
log.warn( "Login for user {} and userManager {} failed. user not found.", source.getUsername(),
userManager.getId() );
resultException = e;
authnResultErrors.add( new AuthenticationFailureCause( AuthenticationConstants.AUTHN_NO_SUCH_USER,
"Login for user " + source.getUsername()
+ " failed. user not found." ) );
catch ( Exception e )
log.warn( "Login for user {} and userManager {} failed, message: {}", source.getUsername(),
userManager.getId(), e.getMessage() );
resultException = e;
authnResultErrors.add( new AuthenticationFailureCause( AuthenticationConstants.AUTHN_RUNTIME_EXCEPTION,
"Login for user " + source.getUsername()
+ " failed, message: " + e.getMessage() ) );
return new AuthenticationResult( authenticationSuccess, username, resultException, authnResultErrors );