Package org.apache.ambari.server

Examples of org.apache.ambari.server.RoleCommand

                  + ", hostState=" + scHost.getHostState()
                  + ", targetNewState=" + newState);

            RoleCommand roleCommand;
            State oldSchState = scHost.getState();
            ServiceComponentHostEvent event;
            switch (newState) {
              case INSTALLED:
                if (oldSchState == State.INIT
                    || oldSchState == State.UNINSTALLED
                    || oldSchState == State.INSTALLED
                    || oldSchState == State.INSTALLING
                    || oldSchState == State.UNKNOWN
                    || oldSchState == State.INSTALL_FAILED) {
                  roleCommand = RoleCommand.INSTALL;
                  event = new ServiceComponentHostInstallEvent(
                      scHost.getServiceComponentName(), scHost.getHostName(),
                } else if (oldSchState == State.STARTED
                    || oldSchState == State.INSTALLED
                    || oldSchState == State.STOPPING) {
                  roleCommand = RoleCommand.STOP;
                  event = new ServiceComponentHostStopEvent(
                      scHost.getServiceComponentName(), scHost.getHostName(),
                } else if (oldSchState == State.UPGRADING) {
                  roleCommand = RoleCommand.UPGRADE;
                  event = new ServiceComponentHostUpgradeEvent(
                      scHost.getServiceComponentName(), scHost.getHostName(),
                      nowTimestamp, scHost.getDesiredStackVersion().getStackId());
                } else {
                  throw new AmbariException("Invalid transition for"
                      + " servicecomponenthost"
                      + ", clusterName=" + cluster.getClusterName()
                      + ", clusterId=" + cluster.getClusterId()
                      + ", serviceName=" + scHost.getServiceName()
                      + ", componentName=" + scHost.getServiceComponentName()
                      + ", hostname=" + scHost.getHostName()
                      + ", currentState=" + oldSchState
                      + ", newDesiredState=" + newState);
              case STARTED:
                StackId stackId = scHost.getDesiredStackVersion();
                ComponentInfo compInfo = ambariMetaInfo.getComponentCategory(
                    stackId.getStackName(), stackId.getStackVersion(), scHost.getServiceName(),

                if (oldSchState == State.INSTALLED ||
                    oldSchState == State.STARTING ||
                        scHost.getServiceComponentName()) == State.INSTALLED) {
                  roleCommand = RoleCommand.START;
                  event = new ServiceComponentHostStartEvent(
                      scHost.getServiceComponentName(), scHost.getHostName(),
                } else {
                  String error = "Invalid transition for"
                      + " servicecomponenthost"
                      + ", clusterName=" + cluster.getClusterName()
                      + ", clusterId=" + cluster.getClusterId()
                      + ", serviceName=" + scHost.getServiceName()
                      + ", componentName=" + scHost.getServiceComponentName()
                      + ", hostname=" + scHost.getHostName()
                      + ", currentState=" + oldSchState
                      + ", newDesiredState=" + newState;
                  if (compInfo.isMaster()) {
                    throw new AmbariException(error);
                  } else {
          "Ignoring: " + error);
              case UNINSTALLED:
                if (oldSchState == State.INSTALLED
                    || oldSchState == State.UNINSTALLING) {
                  roleCommand = RoleCommand.UNINSTALL;
                  event = new ServiceComponentHostStartEvent(
                      scHost.getServiceComponentName(), scHost.getHostName(),
                } else {
                  throw new AmbariException("Invalid transition for"
                      + " servicecomponenthost"
                      + ", clusterName=" + cluster.getClusterName()
                      + ", clusterId=" + cluster.getClusterId()
                      + ", serviceName=" + scHost.getServiceName()
                      + ", componentName=" + scHost.getServiceComponentName()
                      + ", hostname=" + scHost.getHostName()
                      + ", currentState=" + oldSchState
                      + ", newDesiredState=" + newState);
              case INIT:
                throw new AmbariException("Unsupported transition to INIT for"
                    + " servicecomponenthost"
                    + ", clusterName=" + cluster.getClusterName()
                    + ", clusterId=" + cluster.getClusterId()
                    + ", serviceName=" + scHost.getServiceName()
                    + ", componentName=" + scHost.getServiceComponentName()
                    + ", hostname=" + scHost.getHostName()
                    + ", currentState=" + oldSchState
                    + ", newDesiredState=" + newState);
                throw new AmbariException("Unsupported state change operation"
                    + ", newState=" + newState.toString());

            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
              LOG.debug("Create a new host action"
                  + ", requestId=" + requestStages.getId()
                  + ", componentName=" + scHost.getServiceComponentName()
                  + ", hostname=" + scHost.getHostName()
                  + ", roleCommand=" +;

            // [ type -> [ key, value ] ]
            Map<String, Map<String, String>> configurations = new TreeMap<String, Map<String, String>>();
            Host host = clusters.getHost(scHost.getHostName());
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  private int compareCommands(RoleGraphNode rgn1, RoleGraphNode rgn2) {
    RoleCommand rc1 = rgn1.getCommand();
    RoleCommand rc2 = rgn2.getCommand();
    if (rc1.equals(rc2)) {
      //If its coming here means roles have no dependencies.
      return 0;
    if ((rc1.equals(RoleCommand.START) && rc2.equals(RoleCommand.EXECUTE)) ||
        (rc2.equals(RoleCommand.START) && rc1.equals(RoleCommand.EXECUTE))) {
      //START and execute are independent, role order matters
      return 0;
    if (rc1.equals(RoleCommand.INSTALL)) {
      return -1;
    } else if (rc2.equals(RoleCommand.INSTALL)) {
      return 1;
    } else if (rc1.equals(RoleCommand.START) || rc1.equals(RoleCommand.EXECUTE)) {
      return -1;
    } else if (rc2.equals(RoleCommand.START) || rc2.equals(RoleCommand.EXECUTE)) {
      return 1;
    } else if (rc1.equals(RoleCommand.STOP)) {
      return -1;
    } else if (rc2.equals(RoleCommand.STOP)) {
      return 1;
    return 0;
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      String jobtrackerHost = this.getJobTrackerHost(cluster);
      for (String compName : changedScHosts.keySet()) {
        for (State newState : changedScHosts.get(compName).keySet()) {
          for (ServiceComponentHost scHost :
              changedScHosts.get(compName).get(newState)) {
            RoleCommand roleCommand;
            State oldSchState = scHost.getState();
            ServiceComponentHostEvent event;
            switch(newState) {
              case INSTALLED:
                if (oldSchState == State.INIT
                    || oldSchState == State.UNINSTALLED
                    || oldSchState == State.INSTALLED
                    || oldSchState == State.INSTALLING
                    || oldSchState == State.UNKNOWN
                    || oldSchState == State.INSTALL_FAILED) {
                  roleCommand = RoleCommand.INSTALL;
                  event = new ServiceComponentHostInstallEvent(
                      scHost.getServiceComponentName(), scHost.getHostName(),
                } else if (oldSchState == State.STARTED
                    || oldSchState == State.INSTALLED
                    || oldSchState == State.STOPPING) {
                  roleCommand = RoleCommand.STOP;
                  event = new ServiceComponentHostStopEvent(
                      scHost.getServiceComponentName(), scHost.getHostName(),
                } else if (oldSchState == State.UPGRADING) {
                  roleCommand = RoleCommand.UPGRADE;
                  event = new ServiceComponentHostUpgradeEvent(
                      scHost.getServiceComponentName(), scHost.getHostName(),
                      nowTimestamp, scHost.getDesiredStackVersion().getStackId());
                } else {
                  throw new AmbariException("Invalid transition for"
                      + " servicecomponenthost"
                      + ", clusterName=" + cluster.getClusterName()
                      + ", clusterId=" + cluster.getClusterId()
                      + ", serviceName=" + scHost.getServiceName()
                      + ", componentName=" + scHost.getServiceComponentName()
                      + ", hostname=" + scHost.getHostName()
                      + ", currentState=" + oldSchState
                      + ", newDesiredState=" + newState);
              case STARTED:
                StackId stackId = scHost.getDesiredStackVersion();
                ComponentInfo compInfo = ambariMetaInfo.getComponentCategory(
                    stackId.getStackName(), stackId.getStackVersion(), scHost.getServiceName(),
                if (oldSchState == State.INSTALLED
                    || oldSchState == State.STARTING) {
                  roleCommand = RoleCommand.START;
                  event = new ServiceComponentHostStartEvent(
                      scHost.getServiceComponentName(), scHost.getHostName(),
                      nowTimestamp, scHost.getDesiredConfigVersionsRecursive());
                } else {
                  String error = "Invalid transition for"
                      + " servicecomponenthost"
                      + ", clusterName=" + cluster.getClusterName()
                      + ", clusterId=" + cluster.getClusterId()
                      + ", serviceName=" + scHost.getServiceName()
                      + ", componentName=" + scHost.getServiceComponentName()
                      + ", hostname=" + scHost.getHostName()
                      + ", currentState=" + oldSchState
                      + ", newDesiredState=" + newState;
                  if (compInfo.isMaster()) {
                    throw new AmbariException(error);
                  } else {
          "Ignoring: " + error);
              case UNINSTALLED:
                if (oldSchState == State.INSTALLED
                    || oldSchState == State.UNINSTALLING) {
                  roleCommand = RoleCommand.UNINSTALL;
                  event = new ServiceComponentHostStartEvent(
                      scHost.getServiceComponentName(), scHost.getHostName(),
                      nowTimestamp, scHost.getDesiredConfigVersionsRecursive());
                } else {
                  throw new AmbariException("Invalid transition for"
                      + " servicecomponenthost"
                      + ", clusterName=" + cluster.getClusterName()
                      + ", clusterId=" + cluster.getClusterId()
                      + ", serviceName=" + scHost.getServiceName()
                      + ", componentName=" + scHost.getServiceComponentName()
                      + ", hostname=" + scHost.getHostName()
                      + ", currentState=" + oldSchState
                      + ", newDesiredState=" + newState);
              case INIT:
                throw new AmbariException("Unsupported transition to INIT for"
                    + " servicecomponenthost"
                    + ", clusterName=" + cluster.getClusterName()
                    + ", clusterId=" + cluster.getClusterId()
                    + ", serviceName=" + scHost.getServiceName()
                    + ", componentName=" + scHost.getServiceComponentName()
                    + ", hostname=" + scHost.getHostName()
                    + ", currentState=" + oldSchState
                    + ", newDesiredState=" + newState);
                throw new AmbariException("Unsupported state change operation"
                    + ", newState=" + newState.toString());

            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
              LOG.debug("Create a new host action"
                  + ", requestId=" + requestId.longValue()
                  + ", componentName=" + scHost.getServiceComponentName()
                  + ", hostname=" + scHost.getHostName()
                  + ", roleCommand=" +;

            // [ type -> [ key, value ] ]
            Map<String, Map<String, String>> configurations = new TreeMap<String, Map<String,String>>();
            Map<String, Map<String, String>> configTags = new HashMap<String, Map<String,String>>();
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    return 0;

  private int compareCommands(RoleGraphNode rgn1, RoleGraphNode rgn2) {
    RoleCommand rc1 = rgn1.getCommand();
    RoleCommand rc2 = rgn2.getCommand();
    if (rc1.equals(rc2)) {
      //If its coming here means roles have no dependencies.
      return 0;
    if ((rc1.equals(RoleCommand.START) && rc2.equals(RoleCommand.EXECUTE)) ||
        (rc2.equals(RoleCommand.START) && rc1.equals(RoleCommand.EXECUTE))) {
      //START and execute are independent, role order matters
      return 0;
    if (rc1.equals(RoleCommand.INSTALL)) {
      return -1;
    } else if (rc2.equals(RoleCommand.INSTALL)) {
      return 1;
    } else if (rc1.equals(RoleCommand.START) || rc1.equals(RoleCommand.EXECUTE)) {
      return -1;
    } else if (rc2.equals(RoleCommand.START) || rc2.equals(RoleCommand.EXECUTE)) {
      return 1;
    } else if (rc1.equals(RoleCommand.STOP)) {
      return -1;
    } else if (rc2.equals(RoleCommand.STOP)) {
      return 1;
    return 0;
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                  + ", hostState=" + scHost.getHostState()
                  + ", targetNewState=" + newState);

            RoleCommand roleCommand;
            State oldSchState = scHost.getState();
            ServiceComponentHostEvent event;
            switch (newState) {
              case INSTALLED:
                if (oldSchState == State.INIT
                    || oldSchState == State.UNINSTALLED
                    || oldSchState == State.INSTALLED
                    || oldSchState == State.INSTALLING
                    || oldSchState == State.UNKNOWN
                    || oldSchState == State.INSTALL_FAILED) {
                  roleCommand = RoleCommand.INSTALL;
                  event = new ServiceComponentHostInstallEvent(
                      scHost.getServiceComponentName(), scHost.getHostName(),
                } else if (oldSchState == State.STARTED
                    || oldSchState == State.INSTALLED
                    || oldSchState == State.STOPPING) {
                  roleCommand = RoleCommand.STOP;
                  event = new ServiceComponentHostStopEvent(
                      scHost.getServiceComponentName(), scHost.getHostName(),
                } else if (oldSchState == State.UPGRADING) {
                  roleCommand = RoleCommand.UPGRADE;
                  event = new ServiceComponentHostUpgradeEvent(
                      scHost.getServiceComponentName(), scHost.getHostName(),
                      nowTimestamp, scHost.getDesiredStackVersion().getStackId());
                } else {
                  throw new AmbariException("Invalid transition for"
                      + " servicecomponenthost"
                      + ", clusterName=" + cluster.getClusterName()
                      + ", clusterId=" + cluster.getClusterId()
                      + ", serviceName=" + scHost.getServiceName()
                      + ", componentName=" + scHost.getServiceComponentName()
                      + ", hostname=" + scHost.getHostName()
                      + ", currentState=" + oldSchState
                      + ", newDesiredState=" + newState);
              case STARTED:
                StackId stackId = scHost.getDesiredStackVersion();
                ComponentInfo compInfo = ambariMetaInfo.getComponentCategory(
                    stackId.getStackName(), stackId.getStackVersion(), scHost.getServiceName(),
                if (oldSchState == State.INSTALLED
                    || oldSchState == State.STARTING) {
                  roleCommand = RoleCommand.START;
                  event = new ServiceComponentHostStartEvent(
                      scHost.getServiceComponentName(), scHost.getHostName(),
                } else {
                  String error = "Invalid transition for"
                      + " servicecomponenthost"
                      + ", clusterName=" + cluster.getClusterName()
                      + ", clusterId=" + cluster.getClusterId()
                      + ", serviceName=" + scHost.getServiceName()
                      + ", componentName=" + scHost.getServiceComponentName()
                      + ", hostname=" + scHost.getHostName()
                      + ", currentState=" + oldSchState
                      + ", newDesiredState=" + newState;
                  if (compInfo.isMaster()) {
                    throw new AmbariException(error);
                  } else {
          "Ignoring: " + error);
              case UNINSTALLED:
                if (oldSchState == State.INSTALLED
                    || oldSchState == State.UNINSTALLING) {
                  roleCommand = RoleCommand.UNINSTALL;
                  event = new ServiceComponentHostStartEvent(
                      scHost.getServiceComponentName(), scHost.getHostName(),
                } else {
                  throw new AmbariException("Invalid transition for"
                      + " servicecomponenthost"
                      + ", clusterName=" + cluster.getClusterName()
                      + ", clusterId=" + cluster.getClusterId()
                      + ", serviceName=" + scHost.getServiceName()
                      + ", componentName=" + scHost.getServiceComponentName()
                      + ", hostname=" + scHost.getHostName()
                      + ", currentState=" + oldSchState
                      + ", newDesiredState=" + newState);
              case INIT:
                throw new AmbariException("Unsupported transition to INIT for"
                    + " servicecomponenthost"
                    + ", clusterName=" + cluster.getClusterName()
                    + ", clusterId=" + cluster.getClusterId()
                    + ", serviceName=" + scHost.getServiceName()
                    + ", componentName=" + scHost.getServiceComponentName()
                    + ", hostname=" + scHost.getHostName()
                    + ", currentState=" + oldSchState
                    + ", newDesiredState=" + newState);
                throw new AmbariException("Unsupported state change operation"
                    + ", newState=" + newState.toString());

            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
              LOG.debug("Create a new host action"
                  + ", requestId=" + requestId
                  + ", componentName=" + scHost.getServiceComponentName()
                  + ", hostname=" + scHost.getHostName()
                  + ", roleCommand=" +;

            // [ type -> [ key, value ] ]
            Map<String, Map<String, String>> configurations = new TreeMap<String, Map<String, String>>();
            Host host = clusters.getHost(scHost.getHostName());
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  private int compareCommands(RoleGraphNode rgn1, RoleGraphNode rgn2) {
    RoleCommand rc1 = rgn1.getCommand();
    RoleCommand rc2 = rgn2.getCommand();
    if (rc1.equals(rc2)) {
      //If its coming here means roles have no dependencies.
      return 0;
    if ((rc1.equals(RoleCommand.START) && rc2.equals(RoleCommand.EXECUTE)) ||
        (rc2.equals(RoleCommand.START) && rc1.equals(RoleCommand.EXECUTE))) {
      //START and execute are independent, role order matters
      return 0;
    if (rc1.equals(RoleCommand.INSTALL)) {
      return -1;
    } else if (rc2.equals(RoleCommand.INSTALL)) {
      return 1;
    } else if (rc1.equals(RoleCommand.START) || rc1.equals(RoleCommand.EXECUTE)) {
      return -1;
    } else if (rc2.equals(RoleCommand.START) || rc2.equals(RoleCommand.EXECUTE)) {
      return 1;
    } else if (rc1.equals(RoleCommand.STOP)) {
      return -1;
    } else if (rc2.equals(RoleCommand.STOP)) {
      return 1;
    return 0;
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    Stage stage1 = createNiceMock(Stage.class);
    Stage stage2 = createNiceMock(Stage.class);
    HostRoleCommand command1 = createNiceMock(HostRoleCommand.class);
    Role role = createNiceMock(Role.class);
    List<Stage> stages = new ArrayList<Stage>();
    RoleCommand roleCommand = RoleCommand.INSTALL;
    HostRoleStatus status = HostRoleStatus.IN_PROGRESS;
    List<HostRoleCommand> hostRoleCommands = new ArrayList<HostRoleCommand>();


    replay(actionManager, stage1, stage2, command1, role);

    RequestStageContainer requestStages = new RequestStageContainer(100L, stages, null, actionManager);
    RequestStatusResponse response = requestStages.getRequestStatusResponse();

    assertEquals(100, response.getRequestId());
    List<ShortTaskStatus> tasks = response.getTasks();
    assertEquals(1, tasks.size());
    ShortTaskStatus task = tasks.get(0);
    assertEquals(1, task.getTaskId());
    assertEquals(roleCommand.toString(), task.getCommand());
    assertEquals(status.toString(), task.getStatus());

    assertEquals("test", response.getRequestContext());

    verify(actionManager, stage1, stage2, command1, role);
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  private int compareCommands(RoleGraphNode rgn1, RoleGraphNode rgn2) {
    RoleCommand rc1 = rgn1.getCommand();
    RoleCommand rc2 = rgn2.getCommand();
    if (rc1.equals(rc2)) {
      //If its coming here means roles have no dependencies.
      return 0;
    if ((rc1.equals(RoleCommand.START) && rc2.equals(RoleCommand.EXECUTE)) ||
        (rc2.equals(RoleCommand.START) && rc1.equals(RoleCommand.EXECUTE))) {
      //START and execute are independent, role order matters
      return 0;
    if (rc1.equals(RoleCommand.INSTALL)) {
      return -1;
    } else if (rc2.equals(RoleCommand.INSTALL)) {
      return 1;
    } else if (rc1.equals(RoleCommand.START) || rc1.equals(RoleCommand.EXECUTE)) {
      return -1;
    } else if (rc2.equals(RoleCommand.START) || rc2.equals(RoleCommand.EXECUTE)) {
      return 1;
    } else if (rc1.equals(RoleCommand.STOP)) {
      return -1;
    } else if (rc2.equals(RoleCommand.STOP)) {
      return 1;
    return 0;
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                  + ", hostState=" + scHost.getHostState()
                  + ", targetNewState=" + newState);

            RoleCommand roleCommand;
            State oldSchState = scHost.getState();
            ServiceComponentHostEvent event;
            switch(newState) {
              case INSTALLED:
                if (oldSchState == State.INIT
                    || oldSchState == State.UNINSTALLED
                    || oldSchState == State.INSTALLED
                    || oldSchState == State.INSTALLING
                    || oldSchState == State.UNKNOWN
                    || oldSchState == State.INSTALL_FAILED) {
                  roleCommand = RoleCommand.INSTALL;
                  event = new ServiceComponentHostInstallEvent(
                      scHost.getServiceComponentName(), scHost.getHostName(),
                } else if (oldSchState == State.STARTED
                    || oldSchState == State.INSTALLED
                    || oldSchState == State.STOPPING) {
                  roleCommand = RoleCommand.STOP;
                  event = new ServiceComponentHostStopEvent(
                      scHost.getServiceComponentName(), scHost.getHostName(),
                } else if (oldSchState == State.UPGRADING) {
                  roleCommand = RoleCommand.UPGRADE;
                  event = new ServiceComponentHostUpgradeEvent(
                      scHost.getServiceComponentName(), scHost.getHostName(),
                      nowTimestamp, scHost.getDesiredStackVersion().getStackId());
                } else {
                  throw new AmbariException("Invalid transition for"
                      + " servicecomponenthost"
                      + ", clusterName=" + cluster.getClusterName()
                      + ", clusterId=" + cluster.getClusterId()
                      + ", serviceName=" + scHost.getServiceName()
                      + ", componentName=" + scHost.getServiceComponentName()
                      + ", hostname=" + scHost.getHostName()
                      + ", currentState=" + oldSchState
                      + ", newDesiredState=" + newState);
              case STARTED:
                StackId stackId = scHost.getDesiredStackVersion();
                ComponentInfo compInfo = ambariMetaInfo.getComponentCategory(
                    stackId.getStackName(), stackId.getStackVersion(), scHost.getServiceName(),
                if (oldSchState == State.INSTALLED
                    || oldSchState == State.STARTING) {
                  roleCommand = RoleCommand.START;
                  event = new ServiceComponentHostStartEvent(
                      scHost.getServiceComponentName(), scHost.getHostName(),
                      nowTimestamp, scHost.getDesiredConfigVersionsRecursive());
                } else {
                  String error = "Invalid transition for"
                      + " servicecomponenthost"
                      + ", clusterName=" + cluster.getClusterName()
                      + ", clusterId=" + cluster.getClusterId()
                      + ", serviceName=" + scHost.getServiceName()
                      + ", componentName=" + scHost.getServiceComponentName()
                      + ", hostname=" + scHost.getHostName()
                      + ", currentState=" + oldSchState
                      + ", newDesiredState=" + newState;
                  if (compInfo.isMaster()) {
                    throw new AmbariException(error);
                  } else {
          "Ignoring: " + error);
              case UNINSTALLED:
                if (oldSchState == State.INSTALLED
                    || oldSchState == State.UNINSTALLING) {
                  roleCommand = RoleCommand.UNINSTALL;
                  event = new ServiceComponentHostStartEvent(
                      scHost.getServiceComponentName(), scHost.getHostName(),
                      nowTimestamp, scHost.getDesiredConfigVersionsRecursive());
                } else {
                  throw new AmbariException("Invalid transition for"
                      + " servicecomponenthost"
                      + ", clusterName=" + cluster.getClusterName()
                      + ", clusterId=" + cluster.getClusterId()
                      + ", serviceName=" + scHost.getServiceName()
                      + ", componentName=" + scHost.getServiceComponentName()
                      + ", hostname=" + scHost.getHostName()
                      + ", currentState=" + oldSchState
                      + ", newDesiredState=" + newState);
              case INIT:
                throw new AmbariException("Unsupported transition to INIT for"
                    + " servicecomponenthost"
                    + ", clusterName=" + cluster.getClusterName()
                    + ", clusterId=" + cluster.getClusterId()
                    + ", serviceName=" + scHost.getServiceName()
                    + ", componentName=" + scHost.getServiceComponentName()
                    + ", hostname=" + scHost.getHostName()
                    + ", currentState=" + oldSchState
                    + ", newDesiredState=" + newState);
                throw new AmbariException("Unsupported state change operation"
                    + ", newState=" + newState.toString());

            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
              LOG.debug("Create a new host action"
                  + ", requestId=" + requestId.longValue()
                  + ", componentName=" + scHost.getServiceComponentName()
                  + ", hostname=" + scHost.getHostName()
                  + ", roleCommand=" +;

            // [ type -> [ key, value ] ]
            Map<String, Map<String, String>> configurations = new TreeMap<String, Map<String,String>>();
            Map<String, Map<String, String>> configTags = new HashMap<String, Map<String,String>>();
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   * @return the projected state of a host component after all stages successfully complete
   *         or null if the host component state is not modified in the current stages
  public State getProjectedState(String host, String component) {
    RoleCommand lastCommand = null;

    ListIterator<Stage> iterator = stages.listIterator(stages.size());
    while (lastCommand == null && iterator.hasPrevious()) {
      Stage stage = iterator.previous();

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Related Classes of org.apache.ambari.server.RoleCommand

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