private void handleForEach(Node node) throws WorkflowException {
final ForEachNode forEachNode = (ForEachNode) node;
EndForEachNode endForEachNode = null;
Collection<Node> repeatNodes = node.getOutputPort(0).getToNodes();
// we will support only one for now
if (repeatNodes.size() != 1) {
throw new WorkFlowInterpreterException("Only one node allowed inside foreach");
Iterator<Node> iterator = repeatNodes.iterator();
if (iterator.hasNext()) {
Node middleNode = iterator.next();
// forEachNode should point to a WSNode and should have only one
// output
if ((!(middleNode instanceof WSNode)) && (!(middleNode instanceof SubWorkflowNode))) {
throw new WorkFlowInterpreterException("Encountered Node inside foreach that is not a WSNode" + middleNode);
} else if (middleNode instanceof SubWorkflowNode) {
/* Get the EndforEach Node of the Subworkflow */
Iterator<Node> subWorkflowOut = middleNode.getOutputPort(0).getToNodes().iterator();
while (subWorkflowOut.hasNext()) {
Node node2 = subWorkflowOut.next();
if (node2 instanceof EndForEachNode) {
endForEachNode = (EndForEachNode) node2;
final LinkedList<String> listOfValues = new LinkedList<String>();
InterpreterUtil.getInputsForForEachNode(forEachNode, listOfValues, this.invokerMap);
final Integer[] inputNumbers = InterpreterUtil.getNumberOfInputsForForEachNode(forEachNode, this.invokerMap);
Workflow workflow1 = ((SubWorkflowNode) middleNode).getWorkflow();
List<NodeImpl> nodes = workflow1.getGraph().getNodes();
List<Node> wsNodes = new ArrayList<Node>();
/* Take the List of WSNodes in the subworkflow */
for (NodeImpl subWorkflowNode : nodes) {
if (subWorkflowNode instanceof WSNode) {
for (int i = 0; i < wsNodes.size(); i++) {
final WSNode node1 = (WSNode) wsNodes.get(i);
SystemComponentInvoker systemInvoker = null;
List<DataPort> outputPorts1 = node1.getOutputPorts();
List<Node> endForEachNodes = new ArrayList<Node>();
for (DataPort port : outputPorts1) {
Iterator<Node> endForEachNodeItr1 = port.getToNodes().iterator();
while (endForEachNodeItr1.hasNext()) {
Node node2 = endForEachNodeItr1.next();
if (node2 instanceof EndForEachNode) {
} else if (node2 instanceof OutputNode) {
// intentionally left noop
} else {
throw new WorkFlowInterpreterException("Found More than one node inside foreach");
final List<Node> finalEndForEachNodes = endForEachNodes;
Iterator<Node> endForEachNodeItr1 = node1.getOutputPort(0).getToNodes().iterator();
while (endForEachNodeItr1.hasNext()) {
Node node2 = endForEachNodeItr1.next();
// Start reading input came for foreach node
int parallelRuns = listOfValues.size() * node1.getOutputPorts().size();
if (listOfValues.size() > 0) {
List<DataPort> outputPorts = node1.getOutputPorts();
final AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger();
for (Node endFor : endForEachNodes) {
systemInvoker = new SystemComponentInvoker();
this.invokerMap.put(endFor, systemInvoker);
final Map<Node, Invoker> finalMap = this.invokerMap;
new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
runInThread(listOfValues, forEachNode, node1, finalEndForEachNodes, finalMap, counter, inputNumbers);
} catch (WorkflowException e) {
while (counter.intValue() < parallelRuns) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
if (!(node2 instanceof OutputNode)) {
String output = (String) systemInvoker.getOutput(node1.getOutputPort(0).getName());
XmlElement xmlElement = XMLUtil.stringToXmlElement("<result>" + output + "</result>");
Iterator iterator1 = xmlElement.children().iterator();
while (iterator1.hasNext()) {
Object next1 = iterator1.next();
if (next1 instanceof XmlElement) {
listOfValues.add((String) ((XmlElement) next1).children().iterator().next());
// we have finished execution so end foreach is finished
// todo this has to be done in a separate thread
} else {
// First node after foreach should end with EndForEachNode
List<DataPort> outputPorts1 = middleNode.getOutputPorts();
List<Node> endForEachNodes = new ArrayList<Node>();
for (DataPort port : outputPorts1) {
Iterator<Node> endForEachNodeItr1 = port.getToNodes().iterator();
while (endForEachNodeItr1.hasNext()) {
Node node2 = endForEachNodeItr1.next();
if (node2 instanceof EndForEachNode) {
} else if (node2 instanceof OutputNode) {
// intentionally left noop
} else {
throw new WorkFlowInterpreterException("Found More than one node inside foreach");
final List<Node> finalEndForEachNodes = endForEachNodes;
final Node foreachWSNode = middleNode;
final LinkedList<String> listOfValues = new LinkedList<String>();
// Start reading input came for foreach node
InterpreterUtil.getInputsForForEachNode(forEachNode, listOfValues, this.invokerMap);
final Integer[] inputNumbers = InterpreterUtil.getNumberOfInputsForForEachNode(forEachNode, this.invokerMap);
int parallelRuns = createInputValues(listOfValues, inputNumbers).size() * outputPorts1.size();
if (listOfValues.size() > 0) {
List<DataPort> outputPorts = middleNode.getOutputPorts();
final AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger();
for (Node endFor : endForEachNodes) {
final SystemComponentInvoker systemInvoker = new SystemComponentInvoker();