String certPath = ServerSettings.getSetting("trusted.cert.location");
String myProxyServer = ServerSettings.getSetting("myproxy.server");
setAuthenticationInfo(new MyProxyAuthenticationInfo(myProxyUser, myProxyPass, myProxyServer,
7512, 17280000, certPath));
if(GFacImpl.getMonitorPublisher() != null){
hpcPullMonitor = new HPCPullMonitor(GFacImpl.getMonitorPublisher(),getAuthenticationInfo()); // we use our own credentials for monitoring, not from the store
}else {
hpcPullMonitor = new HPCPullMonitor(BetterGfacImpl.getMonitorPublisher(),getAuthenticationInfo()); // we use our own credentials for monitoring, not from the store
} catch (ApplicationSettingsException e) {
e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates.