try {
} catch (GramException gramException) {
throw new GFacException("Error while sending commit request. Job Id - "
+ job.getIDAsString(), gramException);
} catch (GSSException gssException) {
// User credentials are invalid
log.error("Error while submitting commit request - Credentials provided are invalid. Job Id - "
+ job.getIDAsString(), e);"Attempting to renew credentials and re-submit commit signal...");
try {
} catch (GramException e1) {
throw new GFacException("Error while sending commit request. Job Id - "
+ job.getIDAsString(), e1);
} catch (GSSException e1) {
throw new GFacException("Error while sending commit request. Job Id - "
+ job.getIDAsString() + ". Credentials provided invalid", e1);
jobStatusMessage = "Submitted JobID= " + job.getIDAsString();;
jobExecutionContext.getNotifier().publish(new GramJobIDEvent(jobStatusMessage));
} catch (GSSException e) {
// Renew credentials and re-submit
reSubmitJob(gateKeeper, jobExecutionContext, globusHostType, e);
} catch (GramException e) {
throw new GFacException("An error occurred while submitting a job, job id = " + job.getIDAsString(), e);
} else {
* The first boolean is to force communication through SSLv3
* The second boolean is to specify the job is a batch job - use true for interactive and false for
* batch.
* The third boolean is to specify to use the full proxy and not delegate a limited proxy.
try {
job.request(true, gateKeeper, false, false);
renewCredentialsAttempt = false;
} catch (GramException e) {
throw new GFacException("An error occurred while submitting a job, job id = " + job.getIDAsString(), e);
} catch (GSSException e) {
// Renew credentials and re-submit
reSubmitJob(gateKeeper, jobExecutionContext, globusHostType, e);