// Make sure the destination is created.
lookup(context, destination);
String clientId = context.getClientId();
String subscriptionName = info.getSubscriptionName();
SubscriptionKey key = new SubscriptionKey(clientId, subscriptionName);
DurableTopicSubscription sub = durableSubscriptions.get(key);
if (sub != null) {
if (sub.isActive()) {
throw new JMSException("Durable consumer is in use for client: " + clientId + " and subscriptionName: " + subscriptionName);
// Has the selector changed??
if (hasDurableSubChanged(info, sub.getConsumerInfo())) {
// Remove the consumer first then add it.
for (Iterator<Destination> iter = destinations.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
Topic topic = (Topic)iter.next();
topic.deleteSubscription(context, key);
super.removeConsumer(context, sub.getConsumerInfo());
super.addConsumer(context, info);
sub = durableSubscriptions.get(key);
} else {
// Change the consumer id key of the durable sub.
if (sub.getConsumerInfo().getConsumerId() != null) {
subscriptions.put(info.getConsumerId(), sub);
} else {
super.addConsumer(context, info);
sub = durableSubscriptions.get(key);
if (sub == null) {
throw new JMSException("Cannot use the same consumerId: " + info.getConsumerId() + " for two different durable subscriptions clientID: " + key.getClientId()
+ " subscriberName: " + key.getSubscriptionName());
sub.activate(usageManager, context, info);
return sub;
} else {