public ConnectionSubjectResolver(ConnectionContext connCtx) {
if (connCtx == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("ConnectionContext argument cannot be null.");
SecurityContext secCtx = connCtx.getSecurityContext();
if (secCtx == null) {
String msg = "There is no SecurityContext available on the ConnectionContext. It " +
"is expected that a previous broker in the chain will create the SecurityContext prior to this " +
"resolver being invoked. Ensure you have configured the SubjectPlugin and that it is " +
"configured before all other Shiro-dependent broker filters.";
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
if (!(secCtx instanceof SubjectSecurityContext)) {
String msg = "The specified SecurityContext is expected to be a " + SubjectSecurityContext.class.getName() +
" instance. The current instance's class: " + secCtx.getClass().getName();
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
this.securityContext = (SubjectSecurityContext) secCtx;