HashSet<String> suffixes = new HashSet<String>();
for (String path : tabletFiles)
// Scan for tableId for this extent (should always be in the log)
LogFileKey key = new LogFileKey();
LogFileValue value = new LogFileValue();
int tid = -1;
if (!reader.next(key, value))
throw new EmptyMapFileException();
if (key.event != OPEN)
throw new RuntimeException("First log entry value is not OPEN");
if (key.tserverSession.compareTo(lastStartToFinish.tserverSession) != 0) {
if (lastStartToFinish.compactionStatus == Status.LOOKING_FOR_FINISH)
throw new RuntimeException("COMPACTION_FINISH (without preceding COMPACTION_START) is not followed by a successful minor compaction.");
KeyExtent alternative = extent;
if (extent.isRootTablet()) {
alternative = RootTable.OLD_EXTENT;
LogFileKey defineKey = null;
// find the maximum tablet id... because a tablet may leave a tserver and then come back, in which case it would have a different tablet id
// for the maximum tablet id, find the minimum sequence #... may be ok to find the max seq, but just want to make the code behave like it used to
while (reader.next(key, value)) {
// LogReader.printEntry(entry);
if (key.event != DEFINE_TABLET)
if (key.tablet.equals(extent) || key.tablet.equals(alternative)) {
if (tid != key.tid) {
tid = key.tid;
defineKey = key;
key = new LogFileKey();
if (tid < 0) {
throw new UnusedException();