Table scanTable = new Table("scanStatus", "Scan Status");
scanTable.addSortableColumn("Server", new TServerLinkType(), null);
scanTable.addSortableColumn("#", new PreciseNumberType(0, 20, 0, 100), "Number of scans presently running");
scanTable.addSortableColumn("Oldest Age", new DurationType(0l, 5 * 60 * 1000l), "The age of the oldest scan on this server.");
for (TabletServerStatus tserverInfo : Monitor.getMmi().getTServerInfo()) {
ScanStats stats = scans.get(;
long count = 0;
long oldest = 0;
if (stats != null) {
count = stats.scans.size();
for (ActiveScan scan : stats.scans) {