public void test3() throws IOException {
// change the load order, so it squares and then adds
ConfigurationCopy conf = new ConfigurationCopy();
TreeMap<Key,Value> tm = new TreeMap<Key,Value>();
MultiIteratorTest.nkv(tm, 1, 0, false, "1");
MultiIteratorTest.nkv(tm, 2, 0, false, "2");
SortedMapIterator source = new SortedMapIterator(tm);
conf.set(Property.TABLE_ITERATOR_PREFIX + IteratorScope.minc.name() + ".addIter", "2," + AddingIter.class.getName());
conf.set(Property.TABLE_ITERATOR_PREFIX + IteratorScope.minc.name() + ".sqIter", "1," + SquaringIter.class.getName());
SortedKeyValueIterator<Key,Value> iter = IteratorUtil.loadIterators(IteratorScope.minc, source, new KeyExtent(new Text("tab"), null, null), conf,
new DefaultIteratorEnvironment(conf));
iter.seek(new Range(), EMPTY_COL_FAMS, false);