public static void main(String[] args) throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException, TableExistsException, TableNotFoundException,
MutationsRejectedException {
ClientOpts opts = new ClientOpts();
ScannerOpts scanOpts = new ScannerOpts();
BatchWriterOpts bwOpts = new BatchWriterOpts();
opts.parseArgs(RowOperations.class.getName(), args, scanOpts, bwOpts);
// First the setup work
connector = opts.getConnector();
// lets create an example table
// lets create 3 rows of information
Text row1 = new Text("row1");
Text row2 = new Text("row2");
Text row3 = new Text("row3");
// Which means 3 different mutations
Mutation mut1 = new Mutation(row1);
Mutation mut2 = new Mutation(row2);
Mutation mut3 = new Mutation(row3);
// And we'll put 4 columns in each row
Text col1 = new Text("1");
Text col2 = new Text("2");
Text col3 = new Text("3");
Text col4 = new Text("4");
// Now we'll add them to the mutations
mut1.put(new Text("column"), col1, System.currentTimeMillis(), new Value("This is the value for this key".getBytes()));
mut1.put(new Text("column"), col2, System.currentTimeMillis(), new Value("This is the value for this key".getBytes()));
mut1.put(new Text("column"), col3, System.currentTimeMillis(), new Value("This is the value for this key".getBytes()));
mut1.put(new Text("column"), col4, System.currentTimeMillis(), new Value("This is the value for this key".getBytes()));
mut2.put(new Text("column"), col1, System.currentTimeMillis(), new Value("This is the value for this key".getBytes()));
mut2.put(new Text("column"), col2, System.currentTimeMillis(), new Value("This is the value for this key".getBytes()));
mut2.put(new Text("column"), col3, System.currentTimeMillis(), new Value("This is the value for this key".getBytes()));
mut2.put(new Text("column"), col4, System.currentTimeMillis(), new Value("This is the value for this key".getBytes()));
mut3.put(new Text("column"), col1, System.currentTimeMillis(), new Value("This is the value for this key".getBytes()));
mut3.put(new Text("column"), col2, System.currentTimeMillis(), new Value("This is the value for this key".getBytes()));
mut3.put(new Text("column"), col3, System.currentTimeMillis(), new Value("This is the value for this key".getBytes()));
mut3.put(new Text("column"), col4, System.currentTimeMillis(), new Value("This is the value for this key".getBytes()));
// Now we'll make a Batch Writer
bw = connector.createBatchWriter(table, bwOpts.getBatchWriterConfig());
// And add the mutations