return super.drawUnselectedText(g, x, y, p0, p1);
// Note: the tokens are not contiguous (e.g. white spaces are ignored)
final Document doc = getDocument();
final ATESyntaxEngine engine = textEditor.getParserEngine();
tokens = engine.getTokens();
int p = p0;
final int start = findStartingTokenIndex(p0, 0, tokens.size(), 0);
for (int i = start; i < tokens.size(); i++) {
ATEToken t = tokens.get(i);
AttributeSet attribute = engine.getAttributeForToken(t);
if(t.start >= p0 && t.start <= p1) {
// Fill any non-contiguous token with default color
if(t.start > p) {
x = action.renderTextPortion(g, x, y, p, t.start, p1, doc, null);