Package org.agilewiki.jid

Examples of org.agilewiki.jid.ResolvePathname

        factories.initialize(mailbox, factory);

        RootJid root = new RootJid();
        root.initialize(mailbox, factory);
        (new SetActor("user")).send(future, root);
        Actor name = (new ResolvePathname("0/0")).send(future, root);
        (new SetString("Frank")).send(future, name);
        Actor age = (new ResolvePathname("0/1")).send(future, root);
        (new SetInteger(30)).send(future, age);
        Actor location = (new ResolvePathname("0/2")).send(future, root);
        (new SetString("Bangalore")).send(future, location);
        byte[] rootBytes = GetSerializedBytes.req.send(future, root);

        RootJid root2 = new RootJid();
        root2.initialize(mailbox, factory);
        Actor user = (new ResolvePathname("0")).send(future, root2);
        Proc.req.send(future, user);

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            assertTrue(GetBoolean.req.send(future, boolean3));

            Actor jidJid1 = ActorJidFactory.fac.newActor(factory.getMailbox(), factory);
            SetActor sjvb = new SetActor(JidFactories.BOOLEAN_JID_TYPE);
            sjvb.send(future, jidJid1);
            BooleanJid rpa = (BooleanJid) (new ResolvePathname("0")).send(future, jidJid1);
            assertFalse(GetBoolean.req.send(future, rpa));
            (new SetBoolean(true)).send(future, rpa);
            rpa = (BooleanJid) (new ResolvePathname("0")).send(future, jidJid1);
            assertTrue(GetBoolean.req.send(future, rpa));

        } catch (Exception e) {
        } finally {
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            assertEquals("abc", GetString.req.send(future, string3));

            Actor jidJid1 = ActorJidFactory.fac.newActor(factory.getMailbox(), factory);
            SetActor sjvbs = new SetActor(JidFactories.STRING_JID_TYPE);
            sjvbs.send(future, jidJid1);
            StringJid rpa = (StringJid) (new ResolvePathname("0")).send(future, jidJid1);
            assertNull(GetString.req.send(future, rpa));
            assertTrue((new MakeString("")).send(future, rpa));
            assertFalse((new MakeString("Hello?")).send(future, rpa));
            rpa = (StringJid) (new ResolvePathname("0")).send(future, jidJid1);
            assertEquals("", GetString.req.send(future, rpa));
            (new SetString("bye")).send(future, rpa);
            assertEquals("bye", GetString.req.send(future, rpa));
            sl = GetSerializedLength.req.send(future, rpa);
            assertEquals(10, sl);
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        factory.registerActorFactory(new GreeterFactory("hi greeter", "Hi"));

        RootJid root = new RootJid();
        root.initialize(mailbox, factory);
        (new SetActor("hi greeter")).send(future, root);
        Actor a = (new ResolvePathname("0")).send(future, root);
        (new SetString("Frank")).send(future, a);
        byte[] rootBytes = GetSerializedBytes.req.send(future, root);

        RootJid root2 = new RootJid();
        root2.initialize(mailbox, factory);
        Actor a2 = (new ResolvePathname("0")).send(future, root2);
        Proc.req.send(future, a2);

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        factory.defineActorType("lucky number", LuckyNumber.class);

        RootJid root = new RootJid();
        root.initialize(mailbox, factory);
        (new SetActor("lucky number")).send(future, root);
        Actor a = (new ResolvePathname("0")).send(future, root);
        (new SetInteger(7)).send(future, a);
        byte[] rootBytes = GetSerializedBytes.req.send(future, root);

        RootJid root2 = new RootJid();
        root2.initialize(mailbox, factory);
        Actor a2 = (new ResolvePathname("0")).send(future, root2);
        Proc.req.send(future, a2);

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        byte[] rootBytes = GetSerializedBytes.req.send(future, root);

        RootJid root2 = new RootJid();
        root2.initialize(mailbox, factory);
        Actor a = (new ResolvePathname("0")).send(future, root2);
        Proc.req.send(future, a);

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        factories.initialize(mailbox, factory);

        RootJid root = new RootJid();
        root.initialize(mailbox, factory);
        (new SetActor("users")).send(future, root);
        Users users = (Users) (new ResolvePathname("0")).send(future, root);
        new KMake<String, User>("John").send(future, users);
        StringJid jEmail = (StringJid) new KGet<String, User>("John").send(future, users);
        new KMake<String, User>("Sam").send(future, users);
        StringJid sEmail = (StringJid) new KGet<String, User>("Sam").send(future, users);
        new KMake<String, User>("Fred").send(future, users);
        StringJid fEmail = (StringJid) new KGet<String, User>("Fred").send(future, users);
        byte[] rootBytes = GetSerializedBytes.req.send(future, root);

        RootJid root2 = new RootJid();
        root2.initialize(mailbox, factory);
        Actor a = (new ResolvePathname("0")).send(future, root2);
        Proc.req.send(future, a);

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            (new SetString("Apples")).send(future, e0);
            assertEquals("Apples", GetString.req.send(future, e0));
            (new SetString("Oranges")).send(future, e1);
            assertEquals("Oranges", GetString.req.send(future, e1));
            Actor t1 = (new CopyJID()).send(future, t0);
            Actor f0 = (new ResolvePathname("0")).send(future, t1);
            assertEquals("Apples", GetString.req.send(future, f0));
            Actor f1 = (new ResolvePathname("1")).send(future, t1);
            assertEquals("Oranges", GetString.req.send(future, f1));

            Actor string1 = StringJidFactory.fac.newActor(factory.getMailbox(), factory);
            (new SetString("Peaches")).send(future, string1);
            byte[] sb = GetSerializedBytes.req.send(future, string1);
            (new ISetBytes(1, sb)).send(future, t1);
            Actor f1b = (new ResolvePathname("1")).send(future, t1);
            assertEquals("Peaches", GetString.req.send(future, f1b));
        } catch (Exception e) {
        } finally {
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        factories.initialize(mailbox, factory);

        RootJid root = new RootJid();
        root.initialize(mailbox, factory);
        (new SetActor("sum")).send(future, root);
        Sum sum = (Sum) (new ResolvePathname("0")).send(future, root);
        IAdd iAdd = new IAdd(-1);
        IGet iGet = new IGet(-1);
        iAdd.send(future, sum);
        IntegerJid ij0 = (IntegerJid) iGet.send(future, sum);
        (new SetInteger(1)).send(future, ij0);
        iAdd.send(future, sum);
        IntegerJid ij1 = (IntegerJid) iGet.send(future, sum);
        (new SetInteger(2)).send(future, ij1);
        iAdd.send(future, sum);
        IntegerJid ij2 = (IntegerJid) iGet.send(future, sum);
        (new SetInteger(3)).send(future, ij2);
        byte[] rootBytes = GetSerializedBytes.req.send(future, root);

        RootJid root2 = new RootJid();
        root2.initialize(mailbox, factory);
        Actor a = (new ResolvePathname("0")).send(future, root2);
        Proc.req.send(future, a);

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        factories.initialize(mailbox, factory);

        RootJid root = new RootJid();
        root.initialize(mailbox, factory);
        (new SetActor("blob")).send(future, root);
        Blob blob = (Blob) (new ResolvePathname("0")).send(future, root);
        new KMake<String, ActorJid>("fun").send(future, blob);
        ActorJid fun = (ActorJid) new KGet<String, ActorJid>("fun").send(future, blob);
        (new SetActor("hi")).send(future, fun);
        byte[] rootBytes = GetSerializedBytes.req.send(future, root);

        RootJid root2 = new RootJid();
        root2.initialize(mailbox, factory);
        Actor a = (new ResolvePathname("0")).send(future, root2);
        Proc.req.send(future, a);

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Related Classes of org.agilewiki.jid.ResolvePathname

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