An Activiti BusinessCalendar for cycle based schedules that takes into account a different daylight savings time zone than the one that the server is configured for.
For CRON strings DSTZONE is used as the time zone that the CRON schedule refers to. Leave it out to use the server time zone.
For ISO strings the time zone offset for the date/time specified is part of the string itself. DSTZONE is used to determine what the offset should be NOW, which may be different than when the workflow was scheduled if it is scheduled to run across a DST event.
For example: R/2013-10-01T20:30:00/P1D DSTZONE:US/Eastern R/2013-10-01T20:30:00/P1D DSTZONE:UTC R/2013-10-01T20:30:00/P1D DSTZONE:US/Arizona 0 30 20 ? * MON,TUE,WED,THU,FRI * DSTZONE:US/Eastern 0 30 20 ? * MON,TUE,WED,THU,FRI * DSTZONE:UTC 0 30 20 ? * MON,TUE,WED,THU,FRI * DSTZONE:US/Arizona
Removing the DSTZONE key will cause Activiti to use the server's time zone. This is the original behavior.
Schedule strings are versioned. Version 1 strings will use the original Activiti CycleBusinessCalendar. All new properties are ignored. Version 2 strings will use the new daylight saving time logic.
For example: R/2013-10-01T20:30:00/P1D VER:2 DSTZONE:US/Eastern 0 30 20 ? * MON,TUE,WED,THU,FRI * VER:1 DSTZONE:US/Arizona
By default (if no VER key is included in the string), it assumes version 2. This can be changed by modifying the defaultScheduleVersion property.
@author mseiden