A TransactionContext provides the means to control a JMS transaction. It provides a local transaction interface and also an XAResource interface.
An application server controls the transactional assignment of an XASession by obtaining its XAResource. It uses the XAResource to assign the session to a transaction, prepare and commit work on the transaction, and so on.
An XAResource provides some fairly sophisticated facilities for interleaving work on multiple transactions, recovering a list of transactions in progress, and so on. A JTA aware JMS provider must fully implement this functionality. This could be done by using the services of a database that supports XA, or a JMS provider may choose to implement this functionality from scratch.
@version $Revision: $
@see javax.jms.Session
@see javax.jms.QueueSession
@see javax.jms.TopicSession
@see javax.jms.XASession