private void convertCurrentResultIntoObject(Map acls, ResultSet rs)
throws SQLException {
Long id = new Long(rs.getLong("ACL_ID"));
// If we already have an ACL for this ID, just create the ACE
AclImpl acl = (AclImpl) acls.get(id);
if (acl == null) {
// Make an AclImpl and pop it into the Map
ObjectIdentity objectIdentity = new ObjectIdentityImpl(rs.getString("CLASS"),
new Long(rs.getLong("OBJECT_ID_IDENTITY")));
Acl parentAcl = null;
long parentAclId = rs.getLong("PARENT_OBJECT");
if (parentAclId != 0) {
parentAcl = new StubAclParent(new Long(parentAclId));
boolean entriesInheriting = rs.getBoolean("ENTRIES_INHERITING");
Sid owner;
if (rs.getBoolean("ACL_PRINCIPAL")) {
owner = new PrincipalSid(rs.getString("ACL_SID"));
} else {
owner = new GrantedAuthoritySid(rs.getString("ACL_SID"));
acl = new AclImpl(objectIdentity, id, aclAuthorizationStrategy, auditLogger, parentAcl, null,
entriesInheriting, owner);
acls.put(id, acl);
// Add an extra ACE to the ACL (ORDER BY maintains the ACE list order)