indexes.put(m.instructions.get(i), i);
// computes exception handlers for each instruction
for (int i = 0; i < m.tryCatchBlocks.size(); ++i) {
TryCatchBlockNode tcb = (TryCatchBlockNode)m.tryCatchBlocks.get(i);
int begin = indexes.get(tcb.start);
int end = indexes.get(tcb.end);
for (int j = begin; j < end; ++j) {
List insnHandlers = handlers[j];
if (insnHandlers == null) {
insnHandlers = new ArrayList();
handlers[j] = insnHandlers;
// initializes the data structures for the control flow analysis algorithm
Frame current = newFrame(m.maxLocals, m.maxStack);
Frame handler = newFrame(m.maxLocals, m.maxStack);
Type[] args = Type.getArgumentTypes(m.desc);
int local = 0;
if ((m.access & ACC_STATIC) == 0) {
Type ctype = Type.getType("L" + + ";");
current.setLocal(local++, interpreter.newValue(ctype));
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) {
current.setLocal(local++, interpreter.newValue(args[i]));
if (args[i].getSize() == 2) {
current.setLocal(local++, interpreter.newValue(null));
while (local < m.maxLocals) {
current.setLocal(local++, interpreter.newValue(null));
merge(0, current, null);
// control flow analysis
while (top > 0) {
int insn = queue[--top];
Frame f = frames[insn];
Subroutine subroutine = subroutines[insn];
queued[insn] = false;
try {
Object o = m.instructions.get(insn);
jsr = false;
if (o instanceof Label) {
merge(insn + 1, f, subroutine);
} else {
AbstractInsnNode insnNode = (AbstractInsnNode)o;
int insnOpcode = insnNode.getOpcode();
current.init(f).execute(insnNode, interpreter);
subroutine = subroutine == null ? null : subroutine.copy();
if (insnNode instanceof JumpInsnNode) {
JumpInsnNode j = (JumpInsnNode)insnNode;
if (insnOpcode != GOTO && insnOpcode != JSR) {
merge(insn + 1, current, subroutine);
if (insnOpcode == JSR) {
jsr = true;
merge(indexes.get(j.label), current, new Subroutine(j.label, m.maxLocals, j));
} else {
merge(indexes.get(j.label), current, subroutine);
} else if (insnNode instanceof LookupSwitchInsnNode) {
LookupSwitchInsnNode lsi = (LookupSwitchInsnNode)insnNode;
merge(indexes.get(lsi.dflt), current, subroutine);
for (int j = 0; j < lsi.labels.size(); ++j) {
Label label = (Label)lsi.labels.get(j);
merge(indexes.get(label), current, subroutine);
} else if (insnNode instanceof TableSwitchInsnNode) {
TableSwitchInsnNode tsi = (TableSwitchInsnNode)insnNode;
merge(indexes.get(tsi.dflt), current, subroutine);
for (int j = 0; j < tsi.labels.size(); ++j) {
Label label = (Label)tsi.labels.get(j);
merge(indexes.get(label), current, subroutine);
} else if (insnOpcode == RET) {
if (subroutine == null) {
throw new AnalyzerException(
"RET instruction outside of a sub routine");
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < subroutine.callers.size(); ++i) {
int caller = indexes.get(subroutine.callers.get(i));
merge(caller + 1, frames[caller], current, subroutines[caller], subroutine.access);
} else if (insnOpcode != ATHROW && (insnOpcode < IRETURN || insnOpcode > RETURN)) {
if (subroutine != null) {
if (insnNode instanceof VarInsnNode) {
int var = ((VarInsnNode)insnNode).var;
subroutine.access[var] = true;
if (insnOpcode == LLOAD ||
insnOpcode == DLOAD ||
insnOpcode == LSTORE ||
insnOpcode == DSTORE)
subroutine.access[var + 1] = true;
} else if (insnNode instanceof IincInsnNode) {
int var = ((IincInsnNode)insnNode).var;
subroutine.access[var] = true;
merge(insn + 1, current, subroutine);
List insnHandlers = handlers[insn];
if (insnHandlers != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < insnHandlers.size(); ++i) {
TryCatchBlockNode tcb = (TryCatchBlockNode)insnHandlers.get(i);
Type type;
if (tcb.type == null) {
type = Type.getType("Ljava/lang/Throwable;");
} else {
type = Type.getType("L" + tcb.type + ";");