Package oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.ejb.cmp3.metadata.queries

Examples of oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.ejb.cmp3.metadata.queries.MetadataNamedNativeQuery

     * INTERNAL:
    public void setPKClass(String pkClassName) {
        CMP3Policy policy = new CMP3Policy();
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    protected void processTableAndInheritance() {
        // If we are an inheritance subclass, ensure our parent is processed
        // first since it has information its subclasses depend on.
    if (isInheritanceSubclass()) {
            MetadataDescriptor parentDescriptor = getInheritanceParentDescriptor();
            // Process the parent class accesor if it hasn't already been done.
            ClassAccessor parentAccessor = parentDescriptor.getClassAccessor();
            if (parentAccessor == null) {
                parentAccessor = processAccessor(parentDescriptor);
            // A parent, who didn't know they were a parent (a root class of an
            // inheritance hierarchy that does not have an  @Inheritance
            // annotation or XML tag) must process and default the inheritance
            // parent metadata.
            if (! parentDescriptor.hasInheritance()) {
            // If this entity has inheritance metadata as well, then the
            // inheritance stragety is mixed and we need to process the
            // inheritance parent metadata for this entity's subclasses to
            // process correctly.
            // WIP - check that that strategies are indeed changing ....
            if (hasInheritance()) {
                // Process the table metadata if there is one, otherwise default.
                // Process the parent inheritance specifics.
                // Process the inheritance subclass metadata.
            } else {
                // Process the table information for this descriptor (for a
                // joined strategy), if there is one specified. Must be called
                // before processing the inheritance metadata.
                if (parentDescriptor.usesJoinedInheritanceStrategy()) {
                // Process the inheritance subclass metadata.
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     * Method to return an owner mapping. It will tell the owner class to
     * process itself if it hasn't already done so.
    protected DatabaseMapping getOwningMapping() {
        String ownerAttributeName = getMappedBy();
        MetadataDescriptor ownerDescriptor = getReferenceDescriptor();
        DatabaseMapping mapping = ownerDescriptor.getMappingForAttributeName(ownerAttributeName, this);
        // If no mapping was found, there is an error in the mappedBy field,
        // therefore, throw an exception.
        if (mapping == null) {
            m_validator.throwNoMappedByAttributeFound(ownerDescriptor.getJavaClass(), ownerAttributeName, getJavaClass(), getAttributeName());
        return mapping;
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      * Return the reference metadata descriptor for this accessor.
      * This method does additional checks to make sure that the target
      * entity is indeed an entity class.
    public MetadataDescriptor getReferenceDescriptor() {
        MetadataDescriptor descriptor;
        try {
            descriptor = super.getReferenceDescriptor();
        } catch (Exception exception) {
            descriptor = null;
        if (descriptor == null || descriptor.isEmbeddable() || descriptor.isEmbeddableCollection()) {
            m_validator.throwNonEntityTargetInRelationship(getJavaClass(), getReferenceClass(), getAnnotatedElement());
        return descriptor;
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     * Process the embeddable class and gather up our 'original' collection of
     * primary key fields. They are original because they may change with the
     * specification of an attribute override.
    protected MetadataDescriptor processEmbeddableClass() {
        MetadataDescriptor embeddableDescriptor = super.processEmbeddableClass();
        // After processing the embeddable class, we need to gather our
        // primary keys fields that we will eventually set on the owning
        // descriptor metadata.
        if (isEmbeddedId() && ! m_descriptor.ignoreIDs()) {
            if (embeddableDescriptor.getMappings().isEmpty()) {
                String accessType = embeddableDescriptor.usesPropertyAccess() ? :;
                m_validator.throwEmbeddedIdHasNoAttributes(m_descriptor.getJavaClass(), embeddableDescriptor.getJavaClass(), accessType);

            for (DatabaseMapping mapping : embeddableDescriptor.getMappings()) {
                DatabaseField field = (DatabaseField) mapping.getField().clone();
                m_idFields.put(mapping.getAttributeName(), field);
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     * that includes XML and annotations.
    public MetadataProcessor(PersistenceUnitInfo puInfo, AbstractSession session, ClassLoader loader, boolean enableLazyForOneToOne) {
        m_loader = loader;
        m_session = session;
        m_logger = new MetadataLogger(session);
        m_project = new MetadataProject(puInfo, session, enableLazyForOneToOne);
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        for (Class entity : entities) {
            m_project.addDescriptor(new MetadataDescriptor(entity));
        m_logger = new MetadataLogger(session);
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     * INTERNAL:
     * Process the information contained in the entity-mappings node.
    public void processEntityMappings() {
        MetadataPersistenceUnit persistenceUnit = m_project.getPersistenceUnit();
        if (persistenceUnit != null) {
            // Use the persistent unit defaults ..
            XMLClassAccessor.m_entityMappingsAccess = m_helper.getNodeTextValue(XMLConstants.ENTITY_MAPPINGS, XMLConstants.ACCESS, persistenceUnit.getAccess());
            XMLClassAccessor.m_entityMappingsSchema = m_helper.getNodeTextValue(XMLConstants.ENTITY_MAPPINGS, XMLConstants.SCHEMA, persistenceUnit.getSchema());
            XMLClassAccessor.m_entityMappingsCatalog = m_helper.getNodeTextValue(XMLConstants.ENTITY_MAPPINGS, XMLConstants.CATALOG, persistenceUnit.getCatalog());
        } else {
            XMLClassAccessor.m_entityMappingsAccess = m_helper.getNodeTextValue(XMLConstants.ENTITY_MAPPINGS, XMLConstants.ACCESS);
            XMLClassAccessor.m_entityMappingsSchema = m_helper.getNodeTextValue(XMLConstants.ENTITY_MAPPINGS, XMLConstants.SCHEMA);
            XMLClassAccessor.m_entityMappingsCatalog = m_helper.getNodeTextValue(XMLConstants.ENTITY_MAPPINGS, XMLConstants.CATALOG);
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        session.getPlatform().setConversionManager(new EJB30ConversionManager());

        // Create an instance of MetadataProcessor for specified persistence unit info
        MetadataProcessor processor = new MetadataProcessor(unitInfo, session, privateClassLoader, true);
        // Process the Object/relational metadata from XML and annotations.
        PersistenceUnitProcessor.processORMetadata(processor,privateClassLoader, session, false);

        //Collection entities = buildEntityList(persistenceUnitInfo, privateClassLoader);
        Collection entities = PersistenceUnitProcessor.buildEntityList(processor,privateClassLoader);
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     * INTERNAL: (Overidden in XMLClassAccessor and XMLEmbeddedAccessor)
     * Fast track processing a ClassAccessor for the given descriptor.
     * Inheritance root classes and embeddables may be fast tracked.
    protected ClassAccessor processAccessor(MetadataDescriptor descriptor) {
        ClassAccessor accessor = new ClassAccessor(new MetadataClass(descriptor.getJavaClass()), getProcessor(), descriptor);
        return accessor;
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Related Classes of oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.ejb.cmp3.metadata.queries.MetadataNamedNativeQuery

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