* objects and a list of MdmMeasure objects from the root MdmSchema. From
* the lists, the method creates a hash map to store the names of the
* dimensions and measures.
private Map loadHashMap() {
MdmSchema schema = mp.getRootSchema();
// Create an empty HashMap.
Map map = new HashMap();
boolean isGlobal = false;
MdmSchema schemaToUse = null;
if (getUser().toUpperCase().equals("GLOBAL_AW")) {
isGlobal = true;
List subSchemas = schema.getSubSchemas();
Iterator subSchemasItr = subSchemas.iterator();
while (subSchemasItr.hasNext()) {
schemaToUse = (MdmSchema) subSchemasItr.next();
if (schemaToUse.getName().equals("GLOBALAW_SCHEMA")) {
schema = schemaToUse;