Iterator it = Plugin.clientBlock_set.getIterator();
ClientBlock cb = (ClientBlock);
//check if the clientName is RegEx or not
//is Regular String
//match.. so block according to the rules
//check for superseeding block
//positive for superseeding only.. now check if torrent is superseeding
Utils.changeHits(cb.getIndex(), 1);
return cb.getColor();
return "null";
//check for rule for download/upload
//first see if both are postive, and if so, block the peer out right
if(cb.get_isDownloading() && cb.get_isUploading()){
//both positive, so block away
Utils.changeHits(cb.getIndex(), 1);
return cb.getColor();
//both are not positve.. so need to step through and see which one is
try {
if(downloadState == Download.ST_DOWNLOADING){
//torrent of peer is downloading
//now see if the rule is there to block it
//positive for the rule, so block
Utils.changeHits(cb.getIndex(), 1);
return cb.getColor();
return "null";
}else if(downloadState == Download.ST_SEEDING){
//torrent of peer is seeding
//now see if the rule is there to block it
//positve for the rule,so block
Utils.changeHits(cb.getIndex(), 1);
return cb.getColor();
return "null";
return "null";
} catch (Exception e) {
return "null";
}//end of single upload or download check
}//end of upload/download check
}//end of major superseed vs up/down check
}//end of regular string match
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(cb.getClientName());
Matcher m = p.matcher(peerClient);
//System.out.println("INPUT: " + peer.getClient() + " : " + "Regex: " + p.pattern() + " : " + m.matches());
//check for superseeding block
//positive for superseeding only.. now check if torrent is superseeding
Utils.changeHits(cb.getIndex(), 1);
return cb.getColor();
return "null";
//check for rule for download/upload
//first see if both are postive, and if so, block the peer out right
if(cb.get_isDownloading() && cb.get_isUploading()){
//both positive, so block away
Utils.changeHits(cb.getIndex(), 1);
return cb.getColor();
//both are not positve.. so need to step through and see which one is
try {
if(downloadState == Download.ST_DOWNLOADING){
//torrent of peer is downloading
//now see if the rule is there to block it
//positive for the rule, so block
Utils.changeHits(cb.getIndex(), 1);
return cb.getColor();
return "null";
}else if(downloadState == Download.ST_SEEDING){
//torrent of peer is seeding
//now see if the rule is there to block it
//positve for the rule,so block
Utils.changeHits(cb.getIndex(), 1);
return cb.getColor();
return "null";